This is not a drill! Runeterra? New Cards? Is this a dream? It’s been months and months of waiting for the Dreamlit: Paths expansion, and the delay only made it worse for the state of the game.
The long wait is finally over, the cards are here and will be playable tomorrow! Over 140+ new cards, Vex, Lillia, and Lux: Illuminated are joining the game!
We have a couple of early deck ideas to try out on day 1 of Runeterra’s expansion.
Vex Lux

Two new champions in one deck! Vex and Lux both manipulate unit state, the main difference is that Lux: Illuminated alters your side of the board’s stats with Spirit, whereas Vex is throwing out Gloom at the opponent’s units.
This deck packs tons of new cards with stat boost/reduction abilities and can go for powerful wide attacks. Leveling up your champions is a priority, so we have cards that activate Spirit or Gloom keywords to get the job done.
The Family Reunion and The Light of Demacia are neat to have as early as possible for the keywords they give every turn.
We don’t have any high-cost units in the deck, so we’re more focused on the early and mid-game. Shadow can be one hell of a problem for opponents with the Fearsome keyword and drawing you a Vex. The Gloom effect can put units’ stats out of range to block a Fearsome attacker.
Lillia Taliyah

The combo Lillia Taliyah will be a popular one early into the new Runeterra meta! This is a complicated deck where your objective will be to train and buff the stats of the tiny cute Spritelings and turn them into a win condition.
The plan is to give Spritelings and Sprite Mothers the Spirit keyword through Sleeping Spirit Mother and reactivate her ability. Taliyah can also copy that landmark Spirit Mother is stored in, creating two Spirit Mothers for more stat buffing!
Eventually, those weak, frail Spritelings will share opponents in their boots, especially since we’re running multiple cards that summon Spirtelings on the board.
Lillia’s Dream-Lader Bough is a core part of this deck’s plan, and if she levels, you get to awaken your character on the spot and grant it Spirit.
Lillia Tristana

The Lillia Tristana swarm deck uses Spiritelings Multi-region to level up Tristana and starts buffing newly played Spiritelings with the Impact keyword.
Looking to go wide on the board and play aggressively in the upcoming meta? Then this is the deck for you! Tree Sprites will boost all units on the board, getting more out of the Impact and Spirit keywords.
Although we’re relying on Tristana giving Impact to the multi-region units, Lillia’s Dream-Lader Bough combined with units that summon Spiritelings, you’ll consistently keep attackers striking the opponent’s Nexus until they’re out of resources.
Vex Norra

The control version of Vex uses Shadow Isles and Norra’s Mysterious Portals to their full potential! The Gloom stat reduction goes crazy in this deck with Vex, Grimm, Glare, and Existential Dread. The Gloom keyword will drop opponent’s units down to 0 health, automatically killing them.
Vengeance and Minimorph are additional hard removals for powerful threats that shouldn’t be allowed to stick on the board for too long. Vex + Mysterious Portals will run opponent out of resources and eventually win you the game.