The Lorcana Meta page is your place to find the best competitive Lorcana decks in Set 6 Azurite Sea. The decklists are gathered from top performers in Lorcana tournaments. This page will be regularly updated to reflect changes in the meta.
Meta Decks
Ruby Sapphire

Ruby Sapphire is a ramp deck that primarily uses Fishbone Quill to accelerate its game plan. Ruby offers control cards like Madame Medusa – The Boss and Be Prepared to keep opponents from taking over the game, buying you enough time to get your win condition online.
Since we’re ramping, we’ll fall on hand resources and we’ll heavily need draw cards like Hiram Flaversham – Toymaker or Gramma Tala – Keeper of Ancient Stories to continue having options to play on upcoming turns. The late game is in our favor, so slowing down the opponent’s Lore generation and stretching the game until our high-cost characters dominate the board.
Lucky Dime is how you generate an insane number of Lore, using it on Tamatoa – So Shiny! or Mufasa – Ruler of Pride Rock.
The Ruby Sapphire players are dropping the number of copies of Be Prepared to one or two copies and relying on Sisu – Empowered Sibling for board control because of Pete – Games Referee shutting it down.
Ruby Amethyst

The bounce control deck is one of the safest choices to bring to a tournament. It has a chance to win against almost anything thrown at it thanks to its ability to adapt to different game plans, switching between aggressive or defensive playstyles. This deck has already been performing in community tournaments and will likely see a lot of play in the Lorcana Challenge.
Madam Mim – Fox and Madam Mim – Snake let you return your Characters to your hand, which is useful because multiple Characters benefit from being returned. You can target cards like Merlin – Goat and Merlin – Rabbit for this effect. The list includes control cards like Be Prepared and Madame Medusa – The Boss, which remove the opponent’s win conditions.
Amethyst Emerald

Emerald Amethyst combined the bounce and discard mechanics in one deck. Madam Mim – Fox and Madam Mim – Snake can return Characters like Merlin – Goat and Merlin – Rabbit for additional value. You’re not tied to those two Characters, but can also return Ursula – Deceiver for another discard activation. Kit Cloudkicker – Tough Guy can return one of the opponent’s Characters, slowing down their Lore generation.
Merlin – Goat and The White Rose – Jewel of the Garden can give you Lore just by playing them, so they could squeeze the little bit of Lore you need to win the game. Using your bounce Madam Mim cards, you can bring them back to your hand and replay them for extra Lore. Additionally, Go Go Tomago – Darting Dynamo is another method to gain extra Lore, which can help you win the game in the later stages of the game.
Elsa – The Fifth Spirit can help control the board in the mid-game, exerting one of the opponent’s Characters and with the Rush keyword, you can banish it, removing one of the opponent’s key Characters.
This deck can shift Ursula – Sea Witch Queen to play on earlier turns, helping you slow down your opponent’s Lore generation by exerting two of their Characters.
Amber Steel Steelsong

The Amber Steel deck saw a lot of success in the Fort Worth Challenge, with one player managing to get second place! This deck is all about building up a powerful board and taking value traded to put you ahead of the opponent. Using damage Songs, Amber Steel can control the board, making it exceptionally difficult for the opponent to catch up. With Ursula – Vanessa and Ariel – Spectacular Singer in the list, you can Sing higher-cost songs on earlier turns, putting you ahead of your opponent.
The list can run out of resources quickly, so we rely on A Whole New World for resource generation and gain an edge over the opponent. A Whole New World is also great against discard decks that try to bleed you out of resources quickly.
Many Amber Steel lists are on Daisy Duck – Donald’s Date and Piglet – Pooh Pirate Captain for a more aggressive approach, which can be a better approach to beating Ruby Sapphire.
Dwarf’s Mine

This deck plays way more aggressively than Amber Steel Steelsong, focusing on playing low-cost Characters, generating Lore, and forcing the opposing players to slow down your pace.
You can go wide with this deck, developing multiple Characters in one turn and threatening a lot of Lore generation. Unlike other aggro decks, this one can slow down opponents on the board through damage cards. You have Let the Storm Rage On and Strength of a Raging Fire to Banish the opponent’s low Willpower Characters that could attack your rested Characters.
Seven Dwarf’s Mine is where things get messy for the opponent. You can develop Characters and start moving them to the Seven Dwarf’s Mine, which activates its effect, letting you deal 1 damage to one of the opponent’s Characters. However, if the Character moved is a Knight, you get to deal 2 damage, perfect for Banishing low-cost Characters. Doc – Bold Knight and Happy – Lively Knight are low-cost Characters to give that 2 damage.
Rapunzel – Gifted with Healing is great for extra draw value and synergizes with cards like Mr. Smee – Bumbling Mate, Lawrence – Jealous Manservant, and Pluto – Guard Dog.
Amethyst Steel

Amethyst Steel has been crushing it in tournaments, using Amethyst’s Bounce mechanic for extra value, and Steel’s Pete – Games Referee can be a headache for the opponent, shutting them down from making certain plays.
This deck plays aggressively early into the game, dropping low-cost Characters and using Calhoun – Marine Sergeant, The White Rose – Jewel of the Garden, and Merlin – Goat for the extra Lore. Bouncing Merlin – Goat is the usual play as you approach the late-game, giving you the little Lore you need to close out games.
Genie – Wish Fulfilled has been a massive push for Amethyst decks, giving them a card draw when played, and sticking on the board as an Evasive Characters that Quests for 2 Lore.
Emerald Steel

Emerald Steel is heavily focused on outvaluing opponents, using discard cards like Ursula – Deceiver, Sudden Chill, and Hypnotize to get valuable cards out of the opponent’s hand. Additionally, the Emerald Steel deck relies on Diablo – Devoted Herald, Prince John – Greediest of All, and Beast – Tragic Hero to draw more cards, increasing the resource gap between players.
Once you’ve run your opponent out of resources, it can be difficult for them to keep up with your developments, especially with the multiple damage cards you have in your arsenal.
Amethyst Sapphire

The Amethyst Sapphire deck aims to ramp up fast in the early game, allowing for faster development of high-cost Characters. Early-game Characters control the opponent’s board and lay the foundation for a dominating late-game strategy.
The list features bounce characters like Madam Mim – Snake and Madam Mim – Fox, who synergize with characters like Merlin – Goat, who benefit from being returned.
Most of the deck consists of Characters, skipping control Songs to deal with threats directly. The deck takes charge of the game tempo by using these Characters to banish threats and slow down opponent’s Lore generation.
Sapphire Steel

The Sapphire Steel ramps up the Ink and uses up resources quickly. To keep the engine going, the deck has Hiram Flaversham – Toymaker and A Whole New World for extra card draw. A Whole New World can mess up the opponent’s hand, discarding key resources they might have been planning to play on upcoming turns.
And Then Along Came Zeus and Grab Your Sword are powerful options to damage the opponent’s Characters and keep control of the board. In the late game, Lucky Dime becomes the centerpiece, generating incredible Lore with support from Tamatoa – So Shiny!.
Amber Emerald

The Emerald Amber deck has a little of everything, discard mechanic, draw engine, and control cards. Sudden Chill and Ursula – Deceiver discard cards from your opponent’s hand, and with Prince John – Greediest of All on the board, each discard rewards you with a card draw.
Under the Sea and The Muses – Proclaimers of Heroes lets you remove the opponent’s Characters off the board depending on their Strength. Kida – Protector of Atlantis lowers the opponent’s Character’s Strength, making them vulnerable to your removal cards.
Amber Amethyst

Amber Amethyst is an aggressive deck looking to play as many Characters on the board as possible early into the game and start Questing for Lore. You usually don’t care much about your opponent’s game plan, the main strategy is to generate Lore and force the opposing player to react to your field and slow you down.
The faster you win the game the better as you’ll slowly run out of steam and opponents will take over the late-game. We have multiple low-cost cards with high Lore generation like Daisy Duck – Donald’s Date and Lilo – Making a Wish to Quest and force opponents to banish them. Lilo – Escape Artist is great to have an extra Character played from the discard pile, forcing opponents to commit their resources to remove her.
Since the list has tons of low-cost cards, you’ll run out of resources quickly. This is where cards like The Library – A Gift for Belle and Amethyst Chromicon are great draw engines to help you out, acting as draw engines to keep you in the game.
Red Mufasa

The Red Mufasa deck has been crushing the community tournaments and more eyes are now on this deck. We almost always see players bringing Red Mufasa to tournaments, a deck heavily relying on Mufasa – Betrayed Leader to keep the Lore generation going.
This list runs Lantern for the Lore generation, which becomes problematic in the late game and forces opponents to find answers.
Amethyst Steel Jafar Wheel