Amethyst Sapphire (Blue Purple) is making waves in the Lorcana meta, snagging first place in a major tournament. This deck combines Sapphire’s Ramp powers with Amethyst’s bounce mechanics as part of its game plan. The deck gained new cards in the Shimmering Skies expansion, already seeing a lot of success in community tournaments.
Blue Purple Decklist

The Amethyst Sapphire deck aims to ramp up fast in the early game, allowing for faster development of high-cost Characters. Early-game Characters help control the opponent’s board while setting up for a dominating late-game play.
This deck plays aggressively thanks to its early Characters that Quest for Lore and the ramp abilities to get you faster to 5 cards in your inkwell. This lets you slam down 5-cost Characters Donald Duck – Focused Flatfoot, Elsa – The Fifth Spirit, and Belle – Accomplished Mystic on earlier turns that can overwhelm opponents.
We have the tools to return Characters to the opponent’s hand or go for trades we can win, slowing the opponent’s ability to control our board as we slowly shift our focus to Questing and getting to 20 Lore before them.
Early 1-cost Characters
Chernabog’s Followers is a 2|1 Character, so it could possibly Challenge to Banish one of the opponent’s Characters. However, it can act as an early Lore generation, giving you 1 Lore when you Quest. After you Quest, you can choose whether to keep it in play or banish it to draw a card. If the opponent has a Character ready to Challenge and remove it from play without losing resources, you’ll opt to banish it for the card draw.
Diablo – Obedient Raven is another early Lore generation that forces opponents to target it and when banished you’ll draw a card, ensuring you don’t lose on resources.
Magic Broom – Illuminary Keeper is another 1-cost Character for the early game who you can banish to draw a card if you don’t find use for him.
Ramp Cards
Ramp cards are key to speeding up gameplay and getting those high-cost Characters out early.
Tipo – Growing Son is perfect to play on turn 2, letting you put a card from your hand in the Ink Well. He can later Challenge a 1 Willpower Character and banish it or be recalled by Madam Mim – Snake or Madam Mim – Fox, either to be replayed later on or Inked.
Sail the Azurite Sea is another ramp card that costs only 2 ink. When played, you can put a card from your hand into your inkwell face down and draw a card. So although you’re losing a card from your hand to the inkwell, you’re still drawing a card, think of it as a way to filter your hand for a better card while still gaining a card in your inkwell.
Donald Duck – Focused Flatfoot is for the later stages of the game, letting you put the top card of your deck into your inkwell facedown and exerted. Donald Duck – Focused Flatfoot can also Quest for 2 Lore, so opponents can’t ignore him for too long.
Bounce Cards
Madam Mim – Snake, Madam Mim – Fox are our bounce cards. They have good stats that help you keep control in the early game.
We can play early cards like Tipo – Growing Son, quest with them, and bounce them back through Madam Mim. We can use those low costs later to Ink with them. Madam Mim – Fox‘s Rush makes sure that exerted Characters on the opponent’s side will always have to be in danger of her attack.
The bounce cards can synergize with multiple cards like Merlin – Rabbit and Merlin – Goat.
Bounce Value
Merlin – Rabbit is crucial for card draw to gain resources, ensuring you have more options to play on future turns. Bouncing back Merlin – Rabbit after you’ve quested with him gives you more card draw and it’s great for slow games, where the resource game plays a huge role in who gets to win.
On the other hand, Merlin – Goat provides 1 Lore on play and another 1 Lore when banished. If you bounce Merlin – Goat back to hand and replay him on the board, he’s giving you 2 Lore. You’re basically accelerating your Lore generation and either winning the game on the spot or getting closer to that 20 Lore.
Merlin – Crab boosts the Strength of one of your Characters by +3 when Challenging. This is useful when trying to Banish a high-power character and synergize with 1-cost Characters who have low Power and don’t pose a threat on their own.
More Value Cards
Other than Merlin – Rabbit, we have Friends on the Other Side and Genie – Wish Fulfilled for the extra draws.
Friends on the Other Side gives you two card draw to keep the engine rolling. You’ll prefer exerting one of your Characters to sing Friends on the Other Side rather than spending Ink to play it.
Genie – Wish Fulfilled is one of your strongest plays, drawing you a card when he’s played. Genie – Wish Fulfilled Quests for 2 Lore so he’s a target for the opponent to remove immediately. However, the Evasive keyword can make it tough for them to remove unless they have a specific answer.
Slowing them Down
Elsa – The Fifth Spirit can exert one of the opponent’s Characters and with her Rush, she can Challenge it. Since she is Evasive, the opponent can’t just Challenge her back and remove her, leaving her on the board so you get more value from her.
Belle – Accomplished Mystic acts as a control card, moving 3 damage counters from your Character to chosen opposing Character. This also can keep your Character out of range from getting Banished on the upcoming turn. Belle – Accomplished Mystic Quests for 2 Lore, so she can’t be ignored by opponents.
Hades – Infernal Schemer can remove an opponent’s win condition off the board. He does give them an additional Ink, but it’s worth it if you’re removing a high-cost threat that enables your opponent’s game plan.
As for Elsa – Spirit of Winter, she exerts two of the opponent’s characters and keeps them exerted on the opponent’s turn. This shuts opponents from questing or challenging them for a full turn, putting you ahead in terms of Lore generation.
In some cases, you might choose to exert and challenge characters if it means you can win the board and ensure you can win the game.
Other Cards to Include
Cogsworth – Grandfather Clock gives your other characters Resist +1, which makes it difficult for attackers to banish your characters. Cogsworth – Grandfather Clock having Ward means we don’t have to worry about removal tools that could banish him. You get 2 Lore by questing with Cogsworth – Grandfather Clock. You can hold on questing with Cogsworth – Grandfather Clock if you have other Characters you want to protect with Resist.
Kuzco – Selfish Emperor is a meta call, most in the list for his ability to remove a chosen item or Location from the opponent’s board. Removing an Item or Location can mess up the opponent’s plans but you’re also developing a 3|5 Character that can quest for 2 Lore.
Let It Go lets you remove a threat on the board. You will be giving the opponent an extra Ink, but it’s usually worth it to slow down their win condition. You usually want to Sing Let It Go, instead of spending 5 Ink to play it.
Let It Go lets you remove a threat on the board. You will be giving the opponent an extra Ink, but it’s usually worth it to slow down their win condition. You usually want to Sing Let It Go, instead of spending 5 Ink to play it.
Mickey Mouse – Detective can’t be Inked, so we almost always want to play him on the board. He ramps us up but puts the top card of our deck into our Inkwell, so we won’t lose value in our hand.
Madam Mim – Elephant is a 3|7 Character that can remove 2 damage counters from her to a chosen opposing Character. This sets you up to banish low Willpower Characters or put them in range for your attackers to challenge and banish.
The Queen’s Castle serves as a Lore generator, forcing players to remove it. If you spend 1 Ink to put a Character at The Queen’s Castle, you’ll draw an additional card. This puts more pressure on the opposing player to find an answer to it quickly.