Welcome to our Legends of Runeterra Meta Tier list for the Standard format. This page will be updated whenever the meta changes with the best LoR decks in the current meta.
Current Patch 6.1.0
Tier S
Mordekaiser Norra

Norra Mordekaiser is a control deck with tons of removal spells like Pie Toss, Hate Spike, Death’s Grasp, and Vengeance to control the opponent’s side of the board.
Norra, Junk Construct, and Portal Scholar plant Mysterious Portals in your deck, developing more units on your board that your opponent will have to commit their resources to remove.
As you control the board and put pressure with your Mysterious Portals, Mordekaiser will join in as a late-game win condition, killing and re-summoning your units to activate their abilities again. If you manage to level up Mordekaiser and attack with him, you’ll create a drain win condition, that slowly damages your opponent’s Nexus and gets you closer to winning the game.
Janna Nilah

Nilah Janna is a value deck, having insane draw power and it can be tough for you to run out of resources. Drawing cards is part of your strategy, helping you level up your Nilah and Janna. With the Updraft keyword, you can reduce the cost of your cards, allowing you to make more plays, and get you closer to having a leveled Janna.
The list has removal options like Divine Whirlwind, Howling Gale, and Ruined Rex to help you control the board. Eventually, your opponent will struggle to keep up with us, especially if you wipe out their side of the board.
A leveled Nilah deals AOE damage, making it challenging for them to block her thanks to her Brash keyword. Managing to strike their Nexus can put them at the risk of losing to burn cards like Mystic Shot.
Tier A
Elise Nocturne Noxus

Elise Noturne is a Fearsome aggressive deck, trying to develop multiple units in one turn. Risen Mist is a strong Burst spell to summon a Mistwraith without giving your opponent a chance to develop on the board, allowing you to immediately go for an attack and strike the opponent’s Nexus.
Since we’re playing Fearsome Characters, we can easily level up Nocturne, creating a win condition that lowers the Power of all of the opponent’s units, making it even harder for them to block your attackers.
The Harrowing is a late-game win condition if you’re out of steam, summoning the strongest units that died this game, to go for a full-on attack to try and win the game.
Heimerdinger Viktor Ionia

The Heimerdinger Viktor Ionia quickly rose in popularity in Legends Runeterra, becoming a top meta deck. This deck relies on both Viktor and Heimerdinger as win conditions, each having unique abilities to help you win.
We want Viktor in play as early as possible to start getting more keywords on him. The extra Power he gains combined with the keywords he generates will eventually turn him into a win condition too difficult for most decks to deal with. Keywords like Overwhelm or Elusive can make you threaten heavy attacks, potentially winning you the game.
As for Heimerdinger, the job is to have him in play and start casting your spells and generating Turrets for you to play. These Turrets can be used as blockers or attackers, forcing opponents to deal with them, which will burn their resources.
Having Ionia as a second region means we have access to defensive spells to protect our Champions. Cards like Twin Disciplines, Deny, Syncopation, and Blooming Bud will make it difficult for your opponent to kill your carries.
Pyke Rek’Sai

Pyke Rek’Sai is a lurk deck that focuses on activating Lurk whenever one of your units attacks, buffing the Power of all our Lurkers by +1 every time we activate it. Predict cards like Forsaken Baccai, Aspiring Chronomancer, and Xer’Sai Caller help make sure you have a Lurk card at the top of your deck to activate the Lurk keyword. We also want to find our champions and have them at the top of the deck when we attack, gaining an extra +1 Power if Rek’Sai is at the top of the deck and getting access to Death from Below if Pyke is at the top of the deck.
Eventually, we’ll have high-power lurkers that become problematic if they strike the opponent’s Nexus. Overwhelm units are the late-game carries, a leveled Rek’Sai, Xerxa’Reth, The Undertitan, and Xer’sai Dunebreaker can blow the opponent’s win condition with their Overwhelm keyword + High Power.
Blood in the Water activates Rally, allowing you to go for a second attack to potentially win the game. This can be game-ending if you have an Overwhelm unit or a leveled Pyke.
Jayce Lux

Jayce Lux uses both champions as win conditions, and you need to play spells with a cost of 6+ to level them up. A leveled Lux becomes a massive threat for your opponent, creating a Final Spark when you spend 6 mana on spells. Since the list is packed with 6 cost spells like Assembly Line, Formula, and Shock Blast, you’ll get to easily create Final Spark to deal 4 damage to one of the opponent’s units. If the opponent’s unit has less than 4 health, the extra damage from Final Spark will hit the Nexus, acting as a burn tool to help you win the game.
A leveled Jayce empowers your 6-cost spells, letting you cast them twice for added value. Shock Blast becomes a 6-damage card, perfect for burning down your opponent’s Nexus. If you have multiple units in play, you can go for Acceleration Gate, setting the stage for a powerful attack turn.
Albus Ferros draws you a card on play, but when he attacks, he deals direct damage to the opponent’s Nexus through his ability, dependent on the number of 6-cost spells you’ve played in the game.
Tier B
Akshan Lee Sin

Akshan Lee Sin is a combo-oriented deck, relying on Lee Sin as the late-game win condition. Early into the game, you want to have Akshan in play, get Warlod’s Palace in play, and level up Akshan as fast as possible.
The value you get from Akshan’s landmark helps you exceptionally, especially if you need extra card draw or spell shield on your Champions. Swinging Glave is a key resource generator that gives you Lucky Find to get keywords on Akshan and Lee Sin. Those keywords can turn both your champions into win condition, but most importantly, we’re looking for Overwhelm to give to Lee Sin, making him an immediate threat to set up a one-kick win.
Ionia offers tons of defensive spells to protect your win condition and Nexus. Unworthy Soul to remove an opponent’s carry from the board can slow them down and put them behind in the game.
Udyr Morgana

This is a mid-range deck that wants to win the board. Udyr and the Stance Swap are the main win conditions. The goal is to have Bladebound Berserker in play when casting Stance Swap, boosting the stats of two Characters and making it difficult for the opponent to deal with them.
Eventually, we’ll have buffy stats on our units, especially Udyr, and through Stance Swap, we can give the Overwhelm keyword to start pushing Nexus damage through blockers to win the game.
Norra Trundle

The Norra Trundle deck relies on multiple win conditions, Mysterious Portals, The Wingsgiving, and Trundle’s Overwhelm. The plan is to plan Mysterious Portals in your deck and develop units on the board, forcing your opponent to use their resources to deal with them. Aloof Travelers has a massively strong ability, drawing you a card and discarding the highest-cost card in your opponent’s hand. However, its low stat line makes it underwhelming on the board, and here is where The Wingsgiving can transform it into a higher-cost stronger unit to become a threat.
Additionally, The Wingsgiving can be used on Trundle’s Pillar, turning it into a 9+ cost unit to become a win condition to carry the game.
The list has multiple control cards like Minimorph and Buried in Ice to keep the opponent’s side of the board in check.
Overwhelm Freljord Noxus

The deck heavily relies on Overwhelm units to win the late game. Early into the game, you have units like Omeh Hawk and Yadulski Snowdog to buff up the stats of your units, making them a bigger threat when they’re played.
You’re trying to go wide on the field with this deck so you can develop Crowd Favorite and get the most out of him. We’ll hold off on playing Ancient Yeti until he’s at 2 or less cost, making him a surprise development that your opponent wasn’t expecting.
Bone Club boosts the stats of one of our Overwhelm units, turning them into a win condition. As for Whiling Death, it can be used to kill a unit, but also to remove a blocker, allowing more Overwhelm damage to go through. Lastly, Battle Fury is a great finisher play, setting up one big blow to close out the game.
Lissandra Trundle

Lissandra Trundle Shadow Isles is a control ramp deck, aiming to control the board with cards like Avalanche, Vengeamce, and The Ruination. You also have the Buried in Ice + It That Stares combo to wipe out the opponent’s board, making it difficult for them to make a comeback.
She Who Wanders obliterates all of the opponent’s units with a Power of 4 or less, even those in their hand, cutting down on their resources.
Trundle creates an Overwhelm win condition when leveled, and if you play Feel The Rush, you’re summoning your champions with 10|10 stats, too difficult for opponents to remove.
Tier C
Ezreal Nilah

The Nilah Ezreal deck has control cards like Mystic Shot, After Shock, Gotcha, and Rocket Barrage to keep the opponent’s side of the board in check. It also doesn’t run out of steam easily, using cards like Nilah’s Slipstream, Time Trick, Augmented Clockling, and Sunken Temple to continue generating resources so you’ll always have plays to make.
The draw power of this deck means we can level up Nilah quickly, becoming a problem for the opponent with her AOE damage and Brash keyword. The card draw also synergizes with Ruined Rex, enabling a Cannon Barrage to destroy the opponent’s board and burn their Nexus.
Ezreal is the win condition, with the many target spells and Cannon Barrage, we can consistently level him up, setting up the burn game plan once he’s in play.
Aatrox Kayn

Aatrox Kayn uses Darkin Weapons to strengthen its units, becoming a threat that forces more resources from the opponent. At the same time, you’ll be working toward an Aatrox level-up, turning him and the Darkin weapons into a win condition too difficult for opponents to keep up on the board.
Kayn can be a pully in the mid-game, picking off weaker units and advancing his level-up condition to transform into Rhaax (in most cases) and start posing a threat that can’t be ignored.