Legends of Runeterra has tons of decks with different playstyles, control, combo, mid-range, and aggro. Aggro, another name for aggressive decks, are fast-paced archetypes that want to win games as fast as possible. They can have different playstyles, either swarming the board with multiple attackers, having an aggressive combo play, or tons of burn damage these decks are trying to win games quickly before opponents can get their strategy online or stabilize the game.
Today, I will present the top aggressive decks in Patch 5.11 Standard meta.
Jinx Lulu

Jinx Lulu can go wide on the board with the use of the Discard mechanic and Flame Chompers. Flame Chompers are great to challenge opponent’s Characters away, allowing more of your units to strike the opponent’s Nexus. Lulu adds a lot of pressure with her support ability to change the stats of a unit to 4|4. This works best when supporting a 0|2 Chomper, turning it into an attacker that can strike the Nexus or kill an opponent unit.
Jinx is a late-game win condition when she levels up. She creates a Super Mega Death Rocket to burn down the opponent’s Nexus and as long as she’s in the board, she’ll draw you an extra card at the start of your turn. The list has multiple burn cards like Mystic Shot and Blowback to help you close out the game.
Lulu Zed

Zed Lulu is an aggressive Ionia Demacia deck, going wide on the field and setting up favorable attacks using your Support units and combat tricks. You want to try your best to keep key units like Zed and Lulu alive for as long as possible, putting tons of pressure on opponents through their effects. The list has Rally cards Relentless Pursuit and Golden Aegis to help you crank up the pressure by going for multiple attacks in one turn. If opponents are unable to control your side of the board, they’ll get demolished by your attacks and eventually, their Nexus will get destroyed.
Draven Jinx

Draven Jinx puts tons of pressure on the board with low-cost units. It uses the discard mechanic to further aggro down opponents, cheating out Flame Chompers to pull blockers away and get more attacks to connect with the opponents’ Nexus. Draven is great for the early game, making it easier to discard cards like Flame Chompers, Vision, and Survival Skills with the Spinning Axes he creates.
This deck can turbo-level up Jinx, turning her into an immediate win condition with her Super Mega Death Rocket to burn the opponent’s Nexus down. The extra draws from Jinx ensures you don’t run out of resources. However, this list also has 3 copies of Augmented Experimenter to replenish your hand and find the cards you need in the late game.
Draven Rumble

Draven Rumble is a combo-aggressive deck. Rumble is the main win condition, gaining Quick Attack, Impact, and Spell Shield after you’ve discard 3 cards from your hand. You have options in the list you can discard and gain value from, but in some situations, you’ll be forced to discard valuable cards.
Rumble’s keywords make him too difficult to kill and if allowed to level, he’ll create value for you with the units he generates. The list has Great Hammer and Might to give Rumble the Overwhelm keyword, turning him into a win condition capable of connecting with the opponent’s Nexus and putting it low enough for your burn cards to destroy it.
Zed LeBlanc Darius

This deck uses Zed and LeBlanc to put early Quick Attack pressure on the opponent, forcing them to chomp block or get their Nexus damaged. The plan is to get some damage through and then use Overwhelm win conditions to start threatening heavier attacks. Red-Barbed Razormace and Darius are the only two Overwhelm attackers in this list, and you can increase their Powewr with The Darkin Ballista. However, the list has Great Hammer and Might to turn other Characters like Zed or LeBlanc into Overwhelm attackers and become immediate win conditions.
Momentus Choice and Twin Disciplines can be used offensively or defensively, depending on the state of the game. Ruined Reckoner is one of the strongest plays in this deck, letting you go for an extra attack with an Overwhelm unit, threatening another heavy attack to get you closer to winning the game.