Standard Master Decks Patch 5.7 – Legends of Runeterra

Howdy! With the Standard ranked ladder kicking off in Patch 5.7, players quickly built new decks that followed the new Rotation and started their ladder climb. In a couple of days, we already have a bunch of players that made it to Master rank on the three different servers.

We’ll take a look at a couple of decks that made it to Master rank early into Patch 5.7

Teemo Vex

The Teemo Vex deck quickly rose in popularity on the ranked ladder, having one of the highest win rates so far. This deck mixes board control and aggression as part of its game plan. With the Sentinel in the list, you can boost their Power once you kill one of the opponent’s units with your control spells, threatening powerful attacks that can be difficult to block thanks to the Fearsome keyword.

Teemo and Augment Clockling can sneak Elusive damage before as you plan for the burn plan using Doombeast, Mystic Shot, and Blowback.

Diana Nocturne

The Nightfall deck makes a comeback to the Standard meta. This is an aggressive deck that is known for its ability to crush any other aggro deck in the meta. This is mostly due to the deck’s ability to match the aggro deck’s board development and has access to healing so it doesn’t lose to the late-game burn. Diana’s ability to join the board and challenge one of the opponent’s units will shift the board’s presence in your favor.

A leveled Nocturne brings nightmares to the opponent. His ability to give your attackers Fearsome and also lower the Power of the opponent’s units set the stage for powerful attacks that make it a challenge for the opposing player to block.

Ashe LeBlanc

The Ashe LeBlanc deck is one of the best mid-range decks in standard meta. This deck is all about winning trades using its combat tricks. The freeze cards can shut down opponents’ attacks, losing trades and forcing them to find answers to your attackers.

A leveled Ashe becomes a win condition, stopping opponents from using their units as blockers, making it easier for you to strike their Nexus and close out the game.

Viktor Lee Sin

Lee Sin Viktor is a combo deck that uses both champions as win conditions. Viktor can gain a keyword every turn, becoming a threat if opponents don’t have an answer to him. With Ionia’s protection spells, we can keep Viktor alive for as long as possible, and at the same time, we’re working on leveling up Lee Sin.

Once Lee Sin levels, he can start kicking things at the opponent’s Nexus. With every kick, we’re damaging their Nexus and slowly putting them at the threat of losing the game. We could turn Lee Sin into an “Overwhelm” attacker through Piltovan Castaway creating an Overwhelm weapon. The Lee Sin kick combined with the Overwhelm keyword, can be an OTK kick to win the game on the spot.

Udyr Noxus

RickoRex’s brew, Udyr Noxus, focuses on creating massive Overwhelm attackers to demolish the opponent’s Nexus. With Omen Hawk and Yadulski Snowdog, we can boost the stats of our units, and if we manage to buff a Red-Barbed Razormace or a Ruthless Raider, the opposing player won’t have much fun dealing with them.

Udyr’s Stance plays into our game plan, boosting the stats of our unit and if Bladebound Berserker is on the board, we’re now creating two threats at the same time. We have strike spells Bloody Business and Brutal Skirmish to kill a unit or a blocker to push more Nexus damage with an Overwhelm attacker.

Ekko Zilean

One of the oldest decks in Legends of Runeterra that remains a strong choice among players. This deck uses Ekko as its main win condition, getting access to that 0-cost Time Trick and Chronobreak. With Chronobreak, this deck can revive the whole board and activate Rally, creating one powerful turn to force as much Nexus damage as possible.

Jinx is an alternative win condition, offering an additional draw and creating a Super Mega Death Rocket to slowly burn down the opponent’s Nexus.

Swain Lee Sin

A player on the APAc server managed to hit Master rank with this Swain Lee Sin deck. This deck wants to level up Lee Sin as fast as possible and from there, it can turbo-level Swain, creating a second threat that the opponent needs to deal with.

The list has the draw power so it doesn’t run out of resources, but with Ionia’s defensive spells, you can protect your champions and make sure they remain a threat to win you the game.