Best Standard Vex Decks – Legends of Runeterra

Legends of Runeterra’s newest expansion, Dreamlit Path, has introduced a variety of new cards, among which Vex stands out as one of the three new champions to join the game. She’s a Shadow Isles card that uses Gloom as part of her game plan, lowering the stats of units, which makes it challenging for opponents to block her Fearsome attacks.

It’s been a week since the new expansion went live, let’s look at the best Vex decks so far.

Jayce Vex

Out there on the ranked ladder, you’ve got a couple of Shadow Isles/Piltover & Zaun Vex mashups: Caitlyn Vex and Jayce Vex. The Jayce version seems to be edging ahead with a higher win rate, thanks to Jayce’s knack for generating value and Prototype Porobot’s love for spells that cost 6 or more.

This deck is all about shutting down opponent threats ASAP and biding time until Jayce can start bringing in the big plays.

Vex isn’t necessarily the star here; she’s more of a support champ than a win condition herself. By throwing Gloom over enemy units, she can sneak past defenses with her Fearsome ability, all while forcing opponents to waste resources dealing with her instead of Jayce.

Pair that with Prototype Porobot’s sneaky damage and Jayce’s Acceleration Gate, and you’ve got a recipe for a devastating Nexus takedown.

Jack Vex

Jack Vex fully takes advantage of ping damage and the Gloom mechanic, combining them with Prize Fight and The Pit Champion to remove threats and set up powerful attacks.

Jack’s your go-to guy for using your strike cards on, knocking threats down to 1 health, and finishing them off with cards like Glare, Make it Rain, or Pie Toss. And with those Coins, you can heal up Jack, ensuring he can keep swinging without fear of being blocked.

The King’s Court is your late-game win condition, generating Prize Fights that’ll be used to lower the health of opposing units and shut them down from blocking your Brash attackers. A Vex with both Brash and Fearsome along with a leveled Jack that’s stacked up a lot of power will win you games.

Ashe Vex

The Freljord Shadow Isles Ashe Vex deck takes a more controlling approach, using cards like Quietus, Soul Harvest, Eradication, and Vengeance to keep the board in check. Gloom synergizes with removal cards like Soul Harvest and Eradication, putting higher stat units in range for removal.

But it’s not just Gloom that opponents need to worry about; freeze effects from cards like Ashe and Icevale Archer can reduce big threats’ power to zero, setting them up for easy removal.

In this deck, Ashe and your Fearsome units are the ticket to victory. As the game goes on, opponents will struggle more and more to block your attacks, especially once your champions level up.

Lux: Illuminated Vex

Early into the new expansion, the Vex Lux Demacia deck was crushing the ranked ladder, with many players hailing it as the new best deck. That didn’t last long, the meta quickly adapted to the aggressive midrange deck and since then its win rate has been dropping.

This deck uses Spirit and Gloom to take over the board and create powerful attacks that are difficult for opponents to block. With Spirit and Lux: Illuminated buffing the stats of attackers, we’ll eventually get a couple of high-stat threats difficult for opponents to block and kill. Golden Aegis accelerates your plans, adding to that aggression with a second swing to close out games potentially.