Love winning games quickly? You’re in luck! I’ve gathered the top-performing aggressive decks on the Eternal ladder in Patch 5.6 just for you. I’ll break down their general strategies so you can pick the one that suits your play style best.
Poppy Ziggs

Poppy Ziggs has one of the highest win rates on the ranked ladder, capable of developing multiple units on the board and creating powerful attacks that can be difficult to block all of them.
The plan for this deck is to squeeze in early damage and use Poppy as a stat booster to Overwhelm the opponent with buffier attackers. Bandle City Mayor enables you to go wider on the board and the card he Manifists adds to the resource value for the late game.
The deck then switches to the burn plan, using Noxian Fervor and Decimate to deal the little damage it needs to win the game.
Draven Jinx

Draven Jinx is a discard-aggressive deck that can go wide on the board with its low-cost units. Using Flame Chompers, this deck can pull away blockers and allow your attackers to strike the Nexus, dealing that crucial damage.
Draven puts insane amount of pressure in the early game with his Quick Attack and Axes, letting you easily use your discard fodder to your advantage. Eventually, you’ll switch to the burn plan, using Jinx’s Super Mega Death Rocket and Get Excited to win the game.
Azir Irelia

Azir Irelia is currently one of the top-played decks on the Eternal ranked ladder. This is an aggressive combo deck that uses Sand Soldiers and Blades to its advantage.
With its ability to attack multiple times a turn, it can be difficult for most decks to block some of the incoming damage, eventually having to sacrifice their units to protect the Nexus.
Azir and Irelia synergize with one another, letting take full advantage of the Sand Soldiers to set up stronger attacks.
Annie Jhin

Annie Jhin focuses on swarming the board with cheap units and using Jhin’s ability for extra ping damage.
This deck packs stun cards like Solari Sunhawk, Pirouette, and The Stagehand to neutralize blockers and set up more powerful attacks. When a leveled Jhin attacks, he guarantees 4 damage to the opponent’s Nexus, which can often be game-ending.
Noxian Fervor, Doombeast, and Decimate are the burn cards this deck relies on to win the game
Miss Fortune Twisted Fate

Miss Fortune Twisted Fate is an old aggressive archetype that can go wide in the early game before using Miss Fortune’s Love Tap for the added pressure. This shuts down 1-health units from trading and pings the opponent’s Nexus. Twisted Fate’s Red or Yellow cards are great for this deck, making the opponent’s defensive turn weaker.
Noxian Fervor and Decimate are the burn spells this deck relies on to deal the Nexus damage it needs to win the game.