Love winning games quickly? You’re in luck! I’ve gathered the top-performing aggressive decks in Patch 5.4 just for you. I’ll break down their general strategies so you can pick the one that suits your play style best.
Lulu Jinx

Lulu Jinx is a classic archetype that once ruled the meta. This deck can flood the board fast and start hitting the Nexus right away. Lulu combined with Flame Chomper is a nightmare for most decks, pushing that aggro game plan hard.
With lots of low-cost and discard cards, Jinx levels up quickly. A leveled Jinx can carry you through the late game, drawing extra cards and creating Super Mega Death Rocket for some serious Nexus burn.
Annie Jhin

Annie Jhin focuses on swarming the board with cheap units and using Jhin’s ability for extra ping damage.
This deck packs stun cards like Solari Sunhawk, Pirouette, and The Stagehand to neutralize blockers and set up more powerful attacks. When a leveled Jhin attacks, he guarantees 4 damage to the opponent’s Nexus, which can often be game-ending.
Noxian Fervor is held for the late game, offering a source of damage to finish off the game.
Teemo Tristana Noxus

Teemo Tristana relies on multi-region units to turbo-level Tristana. A leveled Tristana is doing lots of work in this deck, threatening high-power attacks and boosting other multi-region units by +1|0 and Impact.
Adding Might to this deck is smart to give Overwhelm to units like Tristana, Enraged Firespitter, or Bandle Gunners.
With lots of wide attacks and the Impact keyword, Noxian Fervor is perfect for dealing that extra Nexus damage to finish games.
Samira Gnar

Samira Gnar is a rising Overwhelm deck! With an early Ancient Yeti, it puts on a lot of pressure, forcing opponents to play defensively. Daring Demolisher’s Nexus ping ability sets up powerful cards like Dame the Despoiler and Pirouette.
Red-Barbed Razormace and Glacial Saurian, combined with Blighted Battleaxe, make for some powerful Overwhelm threats that will leave opponents shaking in their boots.
Hecarim Ionia

The Hecarim Ionia deck is one of the most played decks on the ranked ladder. This deck uses Ephemeral units as part of its game plan. Shark Chariot makes it easier for this deck to go wide and start chipping away at the opponent’s Nexus.
A leveled Hecarim becomes a win condition, buffing your Ephemeral units, widening your board, and threatening serious Overwhelm damage.