With the release of Patch 5.7 and the new Standard Rotation, PvP game mode can be confusing for players who have no idea what’s going on. A lot of cards have been rotated out, so most of your decks are likely unplayable and it’s time to start building new ones! Don’t fret, I’m here to share a couple of standard legal decks for you to try out in the new early meta.
Lillia Ziggs

Lillia Ziggs is a landmark deck that uses cards like Lillia’s Dream-Laden Bough and landmarks to speed up Ziggs’ level-up. The main objective is to outvalue the opposing player, buff up our units with The Heart of the Tree, and turn The Arsenal into a win condition.
By giving all units Spirit, we’re creating more threatening attacks, which even the Dragonlings will benefit from. If that’s still not enough to win you the game, then The Arsenal can join the board with a bunch of keywords he generates to win you the game.
Viktor Lee Sin

Lee Sin Viktor is a combo deck that uses both champions as win conditions. Viktor can gain a keyword every turn, becoming a threat if opponents don’t have an answer to him. With Ionia’s protection spells, we can keep Viktor alive for as long as possible, and at the same time, we’re working on leveling up Lee Sin.
Once Lee Sin levels, he can start kicking things at the opponent’s Nexus. With every kick, we’re damaging their Nexus and slowly putting them at the threat of losing the game. We could turn Lee Sin into an “Overwhelm” attacker through Piltovan Castaway creating an Overwhelm weapon. The Lee Sin kick combined with the Overwhelm keyword, can be an OTK kick to win the game on the spot.
Soraka Tahm Kench

Soraka Tahm Kench is back to standard! This deck heavily relies on the Star Spring as a win condition, trying to meet its condition as fast as possible. The more you heal your units while Star Spring is on the board, the faster you’ll get to fulfilling its condition and winning the game.
Soraka accelerates that healing process, while also drawing you cards and making sure you don’t run out of resources. Tahm Kench on the other hand can control the board, capturing units, and eventually obliterating them.
Teemo Caitlyn

Teemo Caitlyn survived the rotation! This is a Poison Puffcaps deck that wants to plant as many of them in the opponent’s deck as possible. Teemo, Puffcap Peddler, and Chump Whump are reliable tools to plant those Puffcaps. We’re then going to force the activation of those Poison Puffcaps with the help of Charltan Fishmonger, Ava Achiever, Insider Knowledge, and Croina, Mastermind. The Frejlord version is still around and being played as well.
Viktor Udyr

Viktor Udyr is seeing play on the ranked ladder, mostly because Snnuy shared it on social media. This deck uses Viktor and Ballistic Bot as spell generators for Starlit Seer to activate his ability and start buffing up the top unit in the deck. A buffed unit might not seem as much of a threat, but it can become a win condition if it’s a Nynadroid or gains the Overwhelm keyword through Udyr’s Stance Swap.
Udyr and Bladebound Breserker work well together, turning two of your units into a threat that is difficult for the opposing player to ignore.
Teemo Tristana

Teemo Tristana is an aggressive deck that uses multi-region units to level up Tristana. It can create a wide board of attackers and start chipping away at the opponent’s Nexus. Tristana and Enraged Firespitter can turn to Overwhelm attackers with Might, which could destroy the opponent’s Nexus.
Throughout the game, Bandle Gunners’ cost will drop, making it an easy development and putting more pressure on one specific turn.