LoR Standard Patch 5.9 Meta Tier List – Legends of Runeterra

Welcome to our Legends of Runeterra Meta Tier list for the Standard format. This page will be updated whenever the meta changes with the best LoR decks in the current meta.

Current Patch 5.8

Tier S

Taliyah Zilean Ionia

Taliyah Zilean is a slow-paced deck, relying on The Rootbound Path + Taliyah combo to create more value and eventually reduce the cost of your cards. This creates one powerful turn where you can overwhelm the opponent with the many cards you can play.

Zilean is a win condition in this list, using his Time Bombs, you can slowly burn down the opponent’s Nexus and potentially clear out their field. The Heart of the Tree can be random, but with the value it creates, you could create a low-cost win condition that most opponents won’t be able to deal with.

Ionia provides multiple defensive cards like Tag Out and Blooming Bud to protect your Nexus and key Characters.

Ashe LeBlanc

Ashe LeBlanc, an old mid-range archetype, wants to win trades and dominate the board. Elixir of Iron, Sky Splitter, Brittle Steel, and Harsh Winds can win you trades, ensuring your units remain a threat.

LeBlanc’s Quick Attack can be troublesome for the opponent. Once she’s leveled, her Mirror Image can create winning plays, especially when played on Trifarian Assessor for the draw or Incisive Tactician for the Rally.

Ashe freezes the strongest unit when she attacks, weakening opponents’ defensive turns. If she’s leveled, she’ll shut down any unit with 0 Power from blocking, so you’ll proactively use your freezes to stop as many units from blocking, setting up the winning turn.

Tier A

Vex Nocturne

Vex Nocturne is a Fearsome deck that wants to strike the opponent’s Nexus while using Vex, Glare, and Grimm’s Gloom mechanic to make it difficult for opponents to block the Fearsome attackers. Nocturne operates on the same strategy, lowering the Power of all the opponent’s units through his Nightfall ability, which could shut down some of their units from attacking.

The list runs a couple of control tools so you can activate Buhru Sentinel and Burgeoning Sentinels stat buff. When killing a unit, focus on removing any Fearsome blockers.

The Harrowing is this deck’s last shot at winning the game if you’re out of steam, reviving all your units, and going for one final attack to win the game.

Lee Sin Viktor

The Lee Sin Viktor deck takes a defensive playstyle, relying on both champions to slowly win you the game. Viktor can gain a keyword every turn and advance Lee Sin’s level-up condition, he’ll eventually gain enough Power and an Overwhelm or Elusive keyword to become a threat that opponents can’t ignore.

As for Lee Sin, his kick will remove units from play and push Nexus damage, slowly getting you to win the game. If you find an Overwhelm weapon with Piltovan Castaway, you can equip it to Lee Sin to start pushing double the damage.

Ashe Vex

Ashe Vex is a control deck that keeps the opposing player’s side of the board under control. The list can force a lot of resources from players to kill your threats and eventually, they won’t have the answers to deal with some of your attacks.

Ashe is a win condition, making it difficult for opponents to block your attacks, and with The Harrowing summoning a wide board of units, you can go a devastating swing with your Ephemeral units to win the game.

Tier B

Apherlios Viktor

This deck relies on Sunken Temple as a resource generator, but some lists opt to cut it out. Aphelios’ Moon Weapons offer insane value, eventually your opponent won’t keep up if they don’t kill him. Infernum can turn Viktor or Ballistic Bot into an immediate win condition with the Overwhelm keyword.

Since champions are important for this deck, Black Shield offers that extra protection to keep them on the board longer. Celestial Trifecta is an alternate win condition, Invoking three cards, the third being the strongest that could present the winning play.

The Poro King Targon

The Poro King deck plays out low-cost Poro units to level up The Poro King as fast as possible. Once leveled, The Poro King will create Special Snaps, buffing the stats of Poro units everywhere. This creates stronger attacks and can be difficult for opponents to block, especially if you have keywords like Overwhelm or Elusive.

Jinx Lulu

Jinx Lulu is an aggressive deck that goes wide on the board and starts striking the opponent’s Nexus. Using Lulu, you can buff the stats of one of your attackers, especially Flame Chompers, which lets you either push more damage to the Nexus or kill one of the opponent’s Characters.

Leveling Jinx lets you create a burn plan with Super Mega Death Rocket and draws you an additional card at the start of your turn. The list has more burn cards Electro Harpoon, Mystic Shot, and Blowback to burn down the opponent’s Nexus.