Welcome to our Legends of Runeterra Meta Tier list for the Standard format. This page will be updated whenever the meta changes with the best LoR decks in the current meta.
Current Patch 5.12
Tier S
Heimerdinger Viktor Ionia
The Heimerdinger Viktor Ionia quickly rose in popularity in Legends Runeterra, becoming a top meta deck. This deck relies on both Viktor and Heimerdinger as win conditions, each having unique abilities to help you win.
We want Viktor in play as early as possible to start getting more keywords on him. The extra Power he gains combined with the keywords he generates will eventually turn him into a win condition too difficult for most decks to deal with. Keywords like Overwhelm or Elusive can make you threaten heavy attacks, potentially winning you the game.
As for Heimerdinger, the job is to have him in play and start casting your spells and generating Turrets for you to play. These Turrets can be used as blockers or attackers, forcing opponents to deal with them, which will burn their resources.
Having Ionia as a second region means we have access to defensive spells to protect our Champions. Cards like Twin Disciplines, Deny, Syncopation, and Blooming Bud will make it difficult for your opponent to kill your carries.
Pyke Rek’Sai
Pyke Rek’Sai is a lurk deck that focuses on activating Lurk whenever one of your units attacks, buffing the Power of all our Lurkers by +1 every time we activate it. Predict cards like Forsaken Baccai, Aspiring Chronomancer, and Xer’Sai Caller help make sure you have a Lurk card at the top of your deck to activate the Lurk keyword. We also want to find our champions and have them at the top of the deck when we attack, gaining an extra +1 Power if Rek’Sai is at the top of the deck and getting access to Death from Below if Pyke is at the top of the deck.
Eventually, we’ll have high-power lurkers that become problematic if they strike the opponent’s Nexus. Overwhelm units are the late-game carries, a leveled Rek’Sai, Xerxa’Reth, The Undertitan, and Xer’sai Dunebreaker can blow the opponent’s win condition with their Overwhelm keyword + High Power.
Blood in the Water activates Rally, allowing you to go for a second attack to potentially win the game. This can be game-ending if you have an Overwhelm unit or a leveled Pyke.
Tier A
Ezreal Nilah
The Nilah Ezreal deck has control cards like Mystic Shot, After Shock, Gotcha, and Rocket Barrage to keep the opponent’s side of the board in check. It also doesn’t run out of steam easily, using cards like Nilah’s Slipstream, Time Trick, Augmented Clockling, and Sunken Temple to continue generating resources so you’ll always have plays to make.
The draw power of this deck means we can level up Nilah quickly, becoming a problem for the opponent with her AOE damage and Brash keyword. The card draw also synergizes with Ruined Rex, enabling a Cannon Barrage to destroy the opponent’s board and burn their Nexus.
Ezreal is the win condition, with the many target spells and Cannon Barrage, we can consistently level him up, setting up the burn game plan once he’s in play.
Jinx Lulu
Jinx Lulu is an aggressive deck that goes wide on the board and starts striking the opponent’s Nexus. Using Lulu, you can buff the stats of one of your attackers, especially Flame Chompers, which lets you either push more damage to the Nexus or kill one of the opponent’s Characters.
Leveling Jinx lets you create a burn plan with Super Mega Death Rocket and draws you an additional card at the start of your turn. The list has more burn cards Electro Harpoon, Mystic Shot, and Blowback to burn down the opponent’s Nexus.
Zed Lulu Demacia
Zed Lulu is an aggressive Ionia Demacia deck, going wide on the field and setting up favorable attacks using your Support units and combat tricks. You want to try your best to keep key units like Zed and Lulu alive for as long as possible, putting tons of pressure on opponents through their effects. The list has Rally cards Relentless Pursuit and Golden Aegis to help you crank up the pressure by going for multiple attacks in one turn. If opponents are unable to control your side of the board, they’ll get demolished by your attacks and eventually, their Nexus will get destroyed.
Trundle Volibear Ionia
Trundle Volibear Ionia uses ramp cards Faces of the Old Ones, Winter’s Touch, Catalyst of Aeons, and Wild Mysticism to accelerate its game plan, allowing you to play high-cost units on earlier turns. The plan is to drop Trundle as early as possible to help block attacks and preserve Nexus health and then level him up with Ice Pillar, turning him into an Overwhelm win condition. Boadir of Blackened Ice creates two Overwhelm attackers, forcing your opponent to find answers or risk having their Nexus destroyed.
The Heart of the Tree can generate a late-game win condition, one that the opponent doesn’t expect. Volibear’s ability helps maintain board control through his damage on three units and will become a win condition when leveled.
Mordekaiser Kindred
Mordekaiser Kindred is a control value deck relying on removal tools like Hate Spike, Soul Harvest, Death’s Grasp, Vengeance, and The Ruination.
Kindred can control the opponent’s side of the board by marking their weakest unit after one of your units is slayed. This could mark valuable units and weaken opponent’s pressure. If Kindred remains in play and levels up, they become a win condition on their own, threatening high power attacks and forcing opponents to block them.
The win condition is using Mordekaiser’s revive ability to reactivate Aloof Travelers effect, ultimately, cutting down on the opponent’s resources. Your opponent will find themselves relying on top decks, especially with this deck’s capabilities to stretch out the game. The Darkin Halberd synergizes with Mordekaiser, allowing you to kill one of your units and revive it on the spot.
Once Mordekaiser levels up, you now have a drain win condition, slowly damaging your opponent’s Nexus as your Slay units.
Draven Jinx
Draven Jinx is an aggressive deck that aims to go wide on the board and play Crowd Favorite, boosting his stats to become an Overhwlm condition. Playing Draven on turn 3 enables a more aggressive early game with his Spinning Axes, allowing you to burst discard cards like Flamer Chompers or Vision for added early pressure.
We can level up Jinx easily in this deck thanks to the discard mechanic, creating Super Mega Death Rocket for the burn damage and drawing us an extra card at the start of the turn.
Trundle Volibear Demacia
The Trundle Volibear Demacia version ramps up quickly with Faces of the Old Ones, Wyrding Stones, Winter’s Touch, and Wild Mysticism. The plan here is to keep as many units alive on the board for when you go for the Cithria, Lady of Clouds play, doubling the stats of all your units and giving them the Challenger keyword.
This lets you go for a powerful attack, using your Faces of the Old Ones and Wyrding Stones to pull away blockers and get more attacks through to strike down the opponent’s Nexus.
Tier B
Trundle Volibear SI
Trundle Volibear is a ramp deck that uses Winter’s Touch and Wild Mysticism to speed up its game plan and play high-cost cards on earlier turns.
It has multiple defensive spells like Eradication, Vengeance, and The Ruination to keep the opponent’s side of the board under check as you build up for your win conditions. Trundle is a powerful mid-game champion, that can be bothersome for most opponents that don’t have an immediate answer. If leveled on turn 8, he becomes a win condition through the Overwhelm keyword + the Power he gains.
You want Boadir of Blackened Ice in play as early as possible to get the Frostguard Thralls online and start going for high-power Overwhelm attacks. As for Volibear, he finds immediate value through the triple 4 damage he deals, weakening the opponent’s board, and when leveled, he sets up the winning turn through his damage ability + Overwhelm keyword.
Apherlios Viktor
This deck relies on Sunken Temple as a resource generator, but some lists opt to cut it out. Aphelios’ Moon Weapons offer insane value, eventually your opponent won’t keep up if they don’t kill him. Infernum can turn Viktor or Ballistic Bot into an immediate win condition with the Overwhelm keyword.
Since champions are important for this deck, Black Shield offers that extra protection to keep them on the board longer. Celestial Trifecta is an alternate win condition, Invoking three cards, the third being the strongest that could present the winning play.
Aatrox Kayn
Aatrox Kayn uses Darkin Weapons to strengthen its units, becoming a threat that forces more resources from the opponent. At the same time, you’ll be working toward an Aatrox level-up, turning him and the Darkin weapons into a win condition too difficult for opponents to keep up on the board.
Kayn can be a pully in the mid-game, picking off weaker units and advancing his level-up condition to transform into Rhaax (in most cases) and start posing a threat that can’t be ignored.
Ekko Jinx
Ekko Jinx wants to predict early in the game with Aspiring Chronomancer, Scrying Sands, and Time Trick to level up Ekko as fast as possible and create Chronobreaks in the deck. Once you draw one of them, you can start attacking aggressively, using Voice of the Risen to boost the power of your attacking and force opponents to block them.
With Chronobreak, you can revive all units that died on that turn and activate Rally, going for a second attack to demolish anything left on the opponent’s board and potentially win the game.
Jinx is an alternative win condition, creating Super Mega Death Rocket and extra card draw to keep you in the game and force the opposing play to remove her quickly.
Tier C
Tristana Mordekaiser
Tristana Mordekaiser is a control value deck running Shadow Isles removal cards like Hate Spike, Soul Harvest, Death’s Grasp, and Vengeance.
Using Tristana in this deck means we want to run multi-region units to level her up as fast as possible So units like Grandfather Fae, Portal Pioneer, and Aloor Travelers will speed up her level-up condition and can become a win condition if they gain Impact through a leveled Tristana.
Using Mordekaiser’s revive ability to reactivate Aloof Travelers effect, cuts down on the opponent’s resources. Your opponent will find themselves relying on top decks, especially with this deck’s capabilities to stretch out the game. The Darkin Halberd synergizes with Mordekaiser, allowing you to kill one of your units and revive it on the spot.
With Mordekaiser in play, you can continue to stack up Impact on Tristana, becoming a win condition on her own purely through Impact. Once Mordekaiser levels up, you now have a drain win condition, slowly damaging your opponent’s Nexus as your Slay units.
Aphelios Fizz
Fizz Aphelios is a combo-oriented deck using Rainbowfish and Papercraft Dragon to turn your units into win conditions. The ultimate goal is to attach Papercraft Dragon to Fizz, turning him into a Double Attack Elusive Champion that can be extremely difficult for opponents to kill thanks to his dodge ability.
Rainbowfish giving the Elusive keyword to one of your units creates an alternate win condition that slowly chips at the opponent’s Nexus. Aphelios’ Moon Weapons create value that finds use depending on the situation you’re in. With Papercraft Dragon + Infernum’s Overwhelm keyword, you can turn any of your units into a win condition to close out the game with the Overwhelm Double Attack combo.
Vex Nocturne
Vex Nocturne is a Fearsome deck that wants to strike the opponent’s Nexus while using Vex, Glare, and Grimm’s Gloom mechanic to make it difficult for opponents to block the Fearsome attackers. Nocturne operates on the same strategy, lowering the Power of all the opponent’s units through his Nightfall ability, which could shut down some of their units from attacking.
The list runs a couple of control tools so you can activate Buhru Sentinel and Burgeoning Sentinels stat buff. When killing a unit, focus on removing any Fearsome blockers.
The Harrowing is this deck’s last shot at winning the game if you’re out of steam, reviving all your units, and going for one final attack to win the game.
Udyr Morgana
This is a mid-range deck that wants to win the board. Udyr and the Stance Swap are the main win conditions. The goal is to have Bladebound Berserker in play when casting Stance Swap, boosting the stats of two Characters and making it difficult for the opponent to deal with them.
Eventually, we’ll have buffy stats on our units, especially Udyr, and through Stance Swap, we can give the Overwhelm keyword to start pushing Nexus damage through blockers to win the game.