Howdy! At the time of writing this guide, Darkrai ex Magnezone is crushing the tournament scene, quickly becoming one of the strongest Pokemon Pocket decks in Spacetime Smackdown meta.
This deck relies on Darkrai ex as passive damage while leaving the heavy lifting for Magnezone. It’s currently performing better than Weavile ex Darkrai ex, so if you’re looking to build a Darkrai ex list with an affordable alternative, this is the deck to start playing!
Although we have Lightning, Darkness, and Dragon type-pokemon, we will be using only Darkness Energy in this list, to ensure we can keep dealing passive damage with Darkrai ex. Magnezone can attach Lightning Energy to itself through Magneton, so we won’t have to worry about it!
Darkrai ex Magnezone Decklist

Pokémon: 10
2 Magnemite A2 51
2 Magneton A1 98
2 Magnezone A2 53
2 Darkrai ex A2 110
2 Druddigon A1a 56
Trainer: 10
2 Professor's Research P-A 7
1 Sabrina A1 225
1 Cyrus A2 150
1 Leaf A1a 68
2 Poké Ball P-A 5
1 Pokémon Communication A2 146
2 Giant Cape A2 147
How to Play
Early Tank

Druddigon is on the list to act as an early tank, taking hits and dealing 20 damage back to the opponent’s Active Pokemon with its Rough Skin ability. The 20 damage weakens opponent’s Pokemon, making it easier for us to knock it out later in the game.
Since we’re on Darkness Energy only, we’re not trying to attack with Druddigon‘s Dragon Claw, instead, we only have it for the Rough Skin ability and 100 HP.
Druddigon buys us time to deal damage with Darkai ex‘s Nightmare Aura and work on evolving Magnemite and Magneton to get Magnezone in play.
Passive Damage

We want to have Darkrai ex in play as early as possible to start attaching Energy to it, activating its Nightmare Aura. Whenever you attach Darkness Energy to Darkrai ex, its ability will deal 20 damage to the opponent’s Active Pokemon, making it easier to knock out.
You could go for a Dark Prism attack to deal 80 damage, but we want to make sure we retreat Darkrai ex before opponent can knock it out, preventing them from getting an easy 2 Match Points.
Ideally, we’ll leave Darkrai ex as a last attacker, after your opponent has knocked two of your non ex Pokemon.
Magnezone Carry
We’re looking for Magnemite as early as possible to evolve it into Magneton. Magneton‘s Volt Charge is how we ramp Energy and get access to Lightning-type Energy. We want to have at least 2 Lightning-type Energy on Magneton before evolving it into Magenzone.
The Ramp ability reduces our need to attach as much Energy to Magenzone, which lets us activate Darkrai ex‘s Nightmare Aura more often for an additional 20 damage.
Before evolving Magneton into Magenzone, make sure to activate Volt Charge for the Energy ramp, then evolve it and start attacking.

Magenzone is a 140 HP Pokemon, needing 1 Lighting and 2 Colorless Energy to attack with Thunder Blast and deal 110. So if you have at least 1 Lightning-type Energy, you can use your Darkness Energy Energy to attack with Magenzone. However, Magenzone‘s Thunder Blast forces you to discard a Lightning Energy from Magenzone, so we want to have at least 2 Lightning Energy from Magneton‘s Volt Charge to make sure we can attack twice with Magenzone.
Draw Cards
Poke Ball will draw you a basic Pokemon, helping you find Magnemite or Darkrai ex when they’re needed.
Pokemon Communication increases the odds of finding the Pokemon we need to evolve into Magenzone. We can choose a Pokemon in our hand and switch it with a random Pokemon from the deck, often we’ll use it to find Magneton or Magenzone.
Professor’s Research is a Supporter card to draw 2 cards. You want to play it early in the game since you’ll prefer playing other Supporter cards.
Battle Cards
Giant Cape tool gives 20 HP to your attached Pokemon, making it harder for your opponent to knock it out. It’s great to avoid allowing your opponent to one-shot your Pokemon, giving you an extra turn to attack with it.
Leaf reduces the retreat cost of one of your Pokemon by 2, making it easier for you to retreat without having to discard Energy from it.
Sabrina forces opponents to switch out their Active Pokemon with one of their Benched Pokemon. This can allow you to knock out a more valuable Pokemon or slow opponent’s strategy and force them to retreat and discard Energy to get their plan back on track.
Since we’re dealing a lot of damage to the opponent’s Pokemon, Cyrus is great in this list, giving us the ability to pull a damaged Pokemon on the Bench to the Active spot and attack it directly.