Blue Donquixote Doflamingo is crushing OP09 meta! If you’re playing in tournaments, you’re likely going up against multiple Doffy players, swarming the field and taking an aggressive approach.
The main challenge when going up against Doflamingo is Leader value, playing the {The Seven Warlords of the Sea} Character from the top of the deck. It also can run control events such as Gum-gum Red Roc and Gravity Blade Raging Tiger.
I’ll list decks that have a fighting chance against the popular Blue Doffy, ranking them from best to worst.
Black Yellow Luffy

Black Yellow Luffy is one of the most popular choices to combat Blue Doflamingo, especially since most lists are not heavily running control cards Gum-gum Red Roc and Gravity Blade Raging Tiger. This makes it harder for them to go through your Sabo blockers, especially since their attackers will have to have 9,000+ Power to even threaten your Leader.
Instead of focusing on developing the field, they’ll be forced to attach Don to their attacks to damage your Leader, making it easier for you to start shifting the field presence in your favor as the game stretches out.
Yellow Enel

If you’re aiming to counter Blue Doffy, Yellow Enel is one of your best options. As a competitive deck in the OP08.5 and OP09 metas, Yellow Enel is designed to outlast opponents until they’re out of gas.
Key cards like 5-cost Gedatsu and 5-cost Nami give you control over Doffy’s Characters, keeping their mid-game aggression in check so they can’t take over the board. The plan is simple: starve the Doflamingo player of resources and use your high-power Characters like Yamato and Ace to carry the late game.
Enel’s Leader ability gives him an extra Life card when he drops to zero, which forces the Doffy player to go wide on the board and hit you with multiple attacks to get through. Keeping the opponent’s board in check and reducing their attackers makes it much harder for them to break past Enel’s ability and set up the winning attack.
Yamato and Ace play a big role here—they give your Leader an extra Life and KO an opponent’s Character, swinging the game in your favor and making it nearly impossible for the Doffy player to come back.
Black Rob Lucci

Black Rob Lucci is a great choice to bring to tournaments, not only because it can beat the popular Blue Dolamingo, but also because it has an overall great matchup table. The strategy when playing Rob Lucci is to KO the opponent’s Characters before they get the chance to attack. So using Brook, 4-cost Rob Lucci, and Kaku to KO the Doflamingo player’s Characters and lower down their aggression.
Rebecca and Sabo can block attacks, demanding fewer counter plays from you. Gecko Moria is your strongest play here, getting Rebecca from the Trash and playing a Spandine to play Rob Lucci from the Trash. You’re developing multiple Characters while KOing at least one Character on the opponent’s side, helping you slowly combat Doffy‘s aggression.
Red Shanks

If you’re playing OP09 meta, then Red Shanks is a consideration to beat Blue Doffy. Leader Shanks‘ effect can lower the Power of one of the opponent’s Characters by -1,000 when they attack, saving you from playing as many Counter cards. This will help you during your defensive turns and combined with control cards like Silvers Rayleigh and Benn.Beckman.
10-cost Shanks will drop the Power of all of the opponent’s Characters by -1,000, and since most of their Characters are at 5,000/6000 it will be difficult for them to strike down your Leader.
Green Bonney

The Stall Bonney deck can slow Doffy’s aggression using Leader effect to rest attackers, allowing you to attack them on the upcoming turn. 5-cost Carrot is great for shutting down one attacker, weakening the opposing player’s aggression.
You’ll try to preserve Life cards and use 7-cost Hody Jones to rest two Characters and go for the Rush attack, helping you KO one Character and shift the field presence in your favor. 9-cost Shanks can also help control the field, KOing one rested Character and acting as a high-power attack, almost impossible to shut down its attack.
This list is running the Birdcage strategy with 8-cost Eustass”Captain”Kid and 2-cost Rosinante. The Birdcage can be an indestructible wall to the Doffy player if they don’t have 6-cost Gum-gum Red Roc as an answer. However, if you’re playing OP09, most lists opt to cut out the birdcage strategy for 5-cost Jewelry Bonney and 9-cost Roronoa Zoro.
Yellow Vegapunk

Want to move away from the popular meta choices we say day and night? Then Yellow Vegapunk is your deck to play, capable of matching the Doffy player’s value and board development. Using Vegapunk‘s effect, you can play an {Egghead} type card at the top of your deck, this forces more attacks from the opponent to win the game.
Lilith, Shaka, Franky, and Edison can be played through their Trigger effects, so you won’t have to use up your Don to develop them. They can then attack the opponent’s rested Characters, weakening their side of the field. Nami and Monkey.D.Luffy can also KO one of the opponent’s Characters, helping you drop down their aggression. Charlotte Linlin, Katakuri, and Yamato are the carries in this deck, difficult for the opponent to remove them through mere attacks.
Games will be long as you’re betting on the Doffy playing running out of resources and then using your high Power Characters to start putting pressure on their Leader.