Infernape ex Moltres ex Deck Guide – Pokemon TCG Pocket

The Infernape ex deck in Pokémon Pocket’s Spacetime Smackdown expansion delivers explosive early-game pressure with Moltres ex’s Inferno Dance fueling Infernape ex’s powerful Flare Blitz. Careful energy management is key, as Infernape ex discards all attached Energy upon attacking. Master this strategy to overwhelm opponents before they can react.

The new Fire-type deck in Pokémon Pocket’s Spacetime Smackdown expansion features Infernape ex as a high-speed attacker capable of dealing heavy early-game damage—but at a cost. Its powerful attacks come with the drawback of discarding all attached Energy, making back-to-back knockouts challenging.

If you love the Fire archetype, this deck is a must-try in the new Pokémon Pocket meta. It combines Moltres ex’s energy acceleration with Infernape ex’s aggression, allowing you to overwhelm opponents before they can fully execute their strategy.

Infernape ex Moltres ex

How to Play

Moltres ex Ramp

We want to have Moltres ex in the Active spot as early as possible to start ramping up with Inferno Dance. If we happen to have Chimchar in the Active spot, we can use X-Speed to retreat it and switch Moltres ex in its place.

Inferno Dance requires only 1 Fire Energy to activate, flipping 3 Coins and for each Heads you get, you can attach a Fire Energy to your Benched Pokemon.

This helps speed up our strategy as we work on evolving into our Stage 2 Infernape ex. It’s important we don’t attach more than 2 Energy on Infernape ex at a time since it will discard all Energy attached to it when it goes for the attack. Usually, we’ll activate Inferno Dance at least 2 times to get the most out of it before getting Infernape ex to the Active spot.

Moltres ex will tank early hits and once Infernape ex is ready, we can retreat it back to our Bench, denying your opponent an easy knockout and have Infernape ex start going for attacks.

Moltres ex‘s Heat Blast deals 70 damage, but we almost never will rely on Heat Blast as an attack unless we struggle to evolve into Infernape ex.

Infernape Win Condition

Since Inernape ex is a Stage 2 Pokemon, we want to have all the right pieces in our hand to get the game rolling. Chimchar is our early Basic Pokemon which we’ll want in play as early as possible to evolve it into Monferno. Chimchar and Monferno don’t create much aggression, so it’s best to have them on the Bench so your opponent doesn’t knock them out before you get Infenrape ex in play.

Infernape ex is a 170 HP Pokemon, tough for your opponent to knock out with one attack. This makes it easier for us to get at least two attacks with Infernape ex.

With Flare Blitz, Infenape ex can deal 140 damage for only 2 Fire Energy. However, activating Flare Blitz forces you to discard all Fire Energy on Infernape ex, which means you don’t want to have more than 2 Fire Energy attached when you attack with Infernape ex as the other Fire Energy will go to waste.

Since we’re discarding all Fire Energy on Infernape ex, we’ll need to attach 2 Fire Energy on the upcoming turn if we want to keep attacking with Infernape ex, and this is where we rely on Dawn to get us there. On our upcoming turn, we can attach 1 Fire Energy to Infernape ex from our Energy Zone and then use Dawn to move a Fire Energy from any of our Benched Pokemon to Infernape ex, ensuring we can activate Flare Blitz.

Battle Cards

Dawn can move an Energy from one of your Benched Pokemon, perfect to get a Fire Energy on Infernape ex after you’ve discarded all Energy on it with your attack. This ensures you can attack with Infernape ex twice in a row, not giving your opponent room to breathe.

X-Speed reduces your Pokemon’s retreat cost, making it easier to retreat it with your Bench without having to discard as much Energy. This saves you from attaching Energy to your Pokemon, and instead, you can focus on using your Energy for attacks.

We can attach Rocky Helmet on Moltres ex or Infernape ex to deal 20 damage to the opponent’s Active Pokemon when it attacks. This weakens the opponent’s Pokemon, making it easier for you to knock it out.

Draw Cards

Poke Ball will draw you a basic Pokemon, helping you find Chimchar or Moltres ex when they’re needed.

Pokemon Communication increases the odds of finding the Pokemon we need to evolve into Infernape ex. We can choose a Pokemon in our hand and switch it with a random Pokemon from the deck, often we’ll use it to find Monferno or Infernape ex.

Professor’s Research is a Supporter card to draw 2 cards. You want to play it early in the game since you’ll prefer playing other Supporter cards like Dawn in the later stages of the game.

Other Cards to Include

  • Giovanni increases the damage you deal from an attack by +10, turning Infernape ex’s Flare Blitz to 150 damage.
  • Sabrina forces opponents to switch out their Active Pokemon with one of their Benched Pokemon. This can allow you to knock out a more valuable Pokemon or slow opponent’s strategy and force them to retreat and discard Energy to get their plan back on track.
  • Cyrus lets you pull a damaged Pokemon on the Bench to the Active spot and attack it directly. Great if your opponent has a damaged Pokemon hiding on the Bench from your attackers.