Yellow Enel is a great choice to pick up in OP09 meta. It uses Yellow’s Trigger cards to gain an edge over opponents, weakening their field and giving opponents a challenge to win the game. Leader Enel‘s effect giving you an extra Life card plays perfectly into your game plan, adding potential Trigger effects to your Life area and forcing more attacks out of the opponent.
This deck will force the opposing player to change their playstyle to adapt to your Leader’s effect. So against inexperienced players, you can punish misplays and put them behind on the field so that they don’t pose a threat to your Leader at all.
I’ll share the generic list that is played by most players. However, Yellow Enel has a lot of other cards that can be included to change it up a bit depending on the meta. I’ll include all those cards at the end of the guide.
Yellow Enel Decklist

How to Play

Yellow Enel wants to play a slow game, taking things to the late stages and running opponents out of resources. Once per turn, during your opponent’s turn, if you fall to 0 Life cards, Leader Enel‘s effect will activate, letting you trash 1 card from your hand to add the top card in your deck to your Life area.
This gives your Leader more protection and you can trash a card you don’t need to probably get a better card from the top of your deck in your Life area. A lot of times you want to fall to 0 Life cards to activate the Leader effect, getting better cards and more Trigger effects will play into your gameplan.
But it’s important to watch out for how many attacks the opponent still has. Most of the time, you don’t want to start your turn with 0 Life cards, and you don’t want to feel forced to commit too many Counters to save your last Life card after your Leader Enel has attacked.
Early Control

5-cost Gedatsu is usually the first play you’ll make to KO one of the opponent’s Characters, slowing down their mid-game immensely. His KO effect is tied to the number of the opponent’s Life cards. Gedatsu can KO a Character with a cost equal to or less than the number of the opponent’s Life cards. So if you have a Gedatsu in your hand, you’ll often avoid attacking the opponent’s Leader to preserve their Life cards and KO the Character they play.
Avoiding attacking the opponent’s Leader also plays into the starving gameplan, ensuring they don’t draw more resources and will have to rely on top decks.
Control Trigger
5-cost Monkey.D.Luffy is tied to the number of Life cards you have left. So falling to two Life cards is usually fine to make sure you can activate his effect. You can play Luffy and trash him to KO a 4-cost Character and draw a card. So you’re not losing on resources, while your opponent is losing a Character in play. Lowering the number of Characters on the opponent’s side is extremely beneficial for your game plan, as it makes it harder for them to create a winning turn thanks to Leader Enel‘s effect.
As for 5-cost Nami, she trashes a Trigger card from your hand to KO one of the opponent’s Characters with a 5-cost or less. If you have 3 cards or less in your hand, you can draw a card. So if you have 5 cards, play Nami and trash a card, you’ll go down to 3 cards, allowing you to draw a card.
Nami is usually the better play over Monkey.D.Luffy since she can KO a higher-cost Character and she’ll remain on the field.
Both have powerful Trigger effects, letting you KO one of the opponent’s Characters. They can ruin an opponent’s strategy if they’re trying to pressure your Leader with an aggressive turn by KOing one of their attackers.

O-Nami‘s On Play effect gives your Leader or one of your Characters Banish to attack the opponent’s Leader and trash a Life card if that attack goes through. The opponent will feel compelled to counter the attack to avoid losing that Life card.
However, O-Nami‘s true strength is in her Trigger effect, letting you KO a 5-cost or less Character. This puts your opponent behind on the field and can buy you a lot of time until your carry cards start dropping.
Putting the Pressure
7-cost Enel is a Rush attacker that can be tough for opponents to remove. When KO’d or removed, you can trash the top card in your Life area to keep Enel in play. A lot of times, you want to activate the effect to keep Enel in play, making sure you have an attacker for the upcoming turn. However, if there’s a threat of losing the game if you trash a Life card, you’ll have to sacrifice 7-cost Enel.
As for 8-cost Charlotte Katakuri, his On Play effect lets you add 1 Character with a cost of 8 or less to the top or bottom of the owner’s Life area face-up. This can remove one of the opponent’s Characters from play, and although you’re giving them a Life card, it does weaken the field presence. However, 8-cost Katakuri can also place one of your own Characters in your Life area. This gives you an extra Life card to protect your Leader and if you pick a card with a Trigger effect like 2-cost O-Nami, you’ll have a removal option once the opponent damages your Leader.
Extra Life Cards
9-cost Yamato and 10-cost Portgas.D.Ace are vital late-game plays to start shifting things in your favor. Ideally, you want to play those Characters when you’re at 0 or 1 Life card. So try to fall to 1 Life card whenever possible to get the most out of their effects.
Yamato can give you an extra Life card only when your Leader is at 0 or 1 Life card, adding more protection that your opponent has to go through. On top of that, Yamato can KO one of the opponent’s Characters with a cost equal to or less than the total of your and your opponent’s Life cards.
Since Yamato‘s KO effect activates before adding a Life card, that added Life card won’t count toward her KO effect. You can KO a 4-cost Character if you’re at 1 Life card and your opponent is at 3. This in itself is great value, lowering the number of attackers your opponent has. In some cases, you’ll play Yamato even if you’re at 2 Life cards. You won’t gain a Life card, but you can still KO a Character and have a big body in play to attack on the upcoming turn.
As for the 10-cost Ace, he can give you a Life card when he’s played, but will only gain Rush if you’re at 2 Life cards. So you have to be at 0 or 1 Life card when playing Ace to gain Rush. If you’re at 2 Life cards, you have to decide whether the extra Life card or the Rush attack is more beneficial depending on the state of the game. You can choose not to gain a Life card with a 10-cost Ace, gaining Rush and attacking with him to either knock out a Character or put pressure on the Leader.
You’re the One Who Should Disappear is a Counter Event that lets you trash a card from your hand to give your Leader or a Character +3,000 Power. Its Trigger effect is extremely strong during your defensive turn. If it’s the last card in your Life Area, you can activate the Trigger effect to gain an extra Life card, forcing more attacks from the opposing player to win the game.
Kingdom Come is a control event, KOing one of the opponent’s Characters for 6 Don. You want to use this card to remove a high-cost Character that can be problematic if left in play. Kingdom Come has a downside though, when activated, it’ll trash your Life cards until there’s 1 Left. So you usually play it in the late game when you have 1 Life card left so you don’t lose any resources. You can activate it at 2 Life cards and trash 1 card if its worth removing the opponent’s Character.
Its Trigger effect KO’s one of the opponent’s Characters with a cost equal to or less than the total of your and your opponent’s Life cards, so similar to Yamato‘s effect. If there’s a Character worth KOing without having to spend Don, then you want to make use of that Trigger effect.
+2,000 Counters
All these Characters have a +2,000 Counter effect, so can be used to protect your Leader or Characters. However, they also have another use, depending on the game. Charlotte Flampe can be played to self-damage your Leader and draw an extra card. This is useful in slow matchups where the opponent is refusing to attack your Leader.
Capone”Gang”Bege‘s Trigger effect shuts down one of the opponent’s Leader or Character cards from attacking. This can be insanely good in the late game when the opponent is trying to win the game.
As for Franky, his trigger effect draws you a card, which isn’t worth much, but if you have 1 or less Life cards, you can also play Franky on the field. Then it becomes worth activating his Trigger effect, developing a 5,000 Power Character, and drawing a card.
Turn-Based Gameplay
Going First
- Turn 1 (1 Don): Charlotte Flame depending on the matchup.
- Turn 2 (3 Don): If you have Gedatsu you can Pass against a 4-health Leader without attacking, if they’re 5 health, attack with Leader Enel. Or O-Nami + Leader attack is a play too.
- Turn 3 (5 Don): Play Gedatsu. 5-cost Monkey.D.Luffy or 5-cost Nami if no Gedatsu.
- Turn 4 (7 Don): 7-cost Enel.
- Turn 5 (9 Don): 9-cost Yamato or 8-cost Katakuri or 7-cost Enel.
- Turn 6 (10 Don): 10-cost Ace or 9-cost Yamato.
Going Second
- Turn 1 (2 Don): Charlotte Flame depending on the matchup.
- Turn 2 (4 Don): If you have Gedatsu you can Pass without attacking. Or O-Nami + Leader attack is a play too.
- Turn 3 (6 Don): Play Gedatsu. 5-cost Monkey.D.Luffy or 5-cost Nami if no Gedatsu.
- Turn 4 (8 Don): 7-cost Enel or 8-cost Katakuri
- Turn 5 (10 Don): 10-cost Ace or 9-cost Yamato.
Other Cards to Include
- 2-cost Shirahoshi is a low-cost blocker to protect your Leader from one attacker. If she’s KO’d through an effect, you’ll gain a Life card. So in most cases, opponents will ignore her, allowing you to block one attack.
- 5-cost Shirahoshi is a value Character, best for her Trigger effect so you don’t spend any Don to play her. You can also play 8-cost Katakuri to place her in your Life Area and activate her Trigger effect.
- 3-cost Jewelry Bonney is great to play on turn 2, acting as a value card through her effect. If your opponent’s Leader is damaged, you get to draw two cards and trash one.
- Two-Hundred Million Volts Amaru is used aggressively to rest one of the opponent’s 4-cost or less Characters and gain +3,000 Power. You can use it to KO a Character or to attack the opponent’s Leader by resting one of their blockers. The trigger effect trashes two 2 cards from your hand to gain 1 Life card from the top of your deck.
- 6-cost Nico Robin trashes one of the opponent’s Life cards if they’re at 3 or more.
- 7-cost Charlotte Linlin forces opponents to make a tough call, either trashing one of their Life cards or giving you a Life card. She’s also an 8,000 Power attacker, a high-power Character, difficult to KO.