The Pokémon TCG Pocket A2 Space-Time Smackdown expansion has arrived, bringing a wave of exciting new cards! One deck that had significant buzz is Weavile ex / Darkrai ex, with players eager to see if these powerful Pokémon can push the Darkness archetype to glory.
This deck thrives on the synergy between Darkrai ex’s Ability and Weavile ex’s attack, boosting its overall damage output. This deck aims to take quick knockouts before opponents can fully set up their strategy.
Weavile Ex Darkrai Ex Decklist

2 Sneasel A2 98
2 Weavile ex A2 99
2 Darkrai ex A2 110
1 Spiritomb A2 104
2 Cyrus A2 150
2 Leaf A1a 68
2 Professor's Research P-A 7
1 Dawn A2 154
2 Poké Ball P-A 5
1 Pokémon Communication A2 146
1 X Speed P-A 2
2 Giant Cape A2 147
How to Play
Passive Damage

We usually want to have Darkrai ex in play and start attaching Energy to it, activating its Nightmare Aura in the process. Whenever you attach Darkness Energy to Darkrai ex, its ability will deal 20 damage to the opponent’s Active Pokemon, making it weaker for your other attackers.
You could go for a Dark Prism attack to deal 80 damage, but we want to make sure we retreat Darkrai ex before opponent can knock it out, preventing them from getting an easy 2 Match Points.
Weavile Carry
Weavile ex is a Stage 1 Pokemon, so we will need to have Sneasel in play as early as possible. Sneasel‘s Double Scratch deals 20 damage and flips 2 coins, dealing 20 more damage for each heads. So if you’re lucky, you could go for 60 damage with Sneasel.
Darkrai ex deals 30 damage only with Scratching Nails, which isn’t too threatening for most of opponents you face. However, if the opponent’s Active Pokemon is damaged, Scratching Nails does 40 more damage, dealing 70 damage for just 1 Darkness Energy.
This is where Darkrai ex can be busted, allowing you to deal 20 damage to your opponent’s Active Pokemon and follow it up with Scratching Nails attack. This makes it easier for you to knock out higher HP Pokemon.
Other Pokemon

Spiritbomb‘s Swirling Disaster deals 10 damage to all of the opponent’s Pokemon, which means we can then go for Weavile ex Scratching Nails attack and deal 70 damage. If the opponent has a 10 HP Pokemon on the Bench, Spiritbomb can get you the knockout to win the game.
Draw Cards
Poke Ball will draw you a basic Pokemon, helping you find Sneasel, Darkrai, or Spiritbomb when they’re needed.
Pokemon Communication lets you switch a Pokemon in your hand with a random Pokemon in your deck, great if you’re trying to find Weavile ex
Professor’s Research is a Supporter card to draw 2 cards. Since it’s a Supporter card, you want to play it early into the game since you’ll want to play your other Supporters in the late game.
Battle Cards
Dawn accelerates your strategy and can be a life savior in certain cases. The ability to move an Energy from a Benched Pokemon to your Active Pokemon allows you to immediately go for an attack.
Giant Cape tool gives 20 HP to your attached Pokemon, making it harder for your opponent to knock it out.
X-Speed and Leaf reduce the retreat cost of your Pokemon, allowing you to retreat it to safety without having to discard as much Energy.
Since we’re dealing a lot of damage to the opponent’s Pokemon, Cyrus is great in this list, giving us the ability to pull a damaged Pokemon on the Bench to the Active spot and attack it directly.
Other Pokemon to Include
- Honchkrow‘s Skill Dive deals 50 damage to one of the opponent’s Pokemon, capable of targeting Benched Pokemon. Perfect for getting a knockout on a Pokemon you can’t move to the Active spot.
- Farfetch’d is an early attacker to deal 40 damage with Leak Slap as you work on getting your Weavile ex win condition online.