Green Blue Donquixote Rosinante is making an appearance in the EB02 meta, thanks to the introduction of the new 2-cost Donquixote Rosinante card. This addition provides a way to cheat Characters into play without using Don.
By combining the strengths of Blue and Green, this deck’s strategy revolved around a defensive approach to stall out the game until its late-game carry cards take over.
Although Green Blue Donquixote Rosinante has traditionally been considered an off-meta Leader, players are optimistic about its potential to rise as a serious contender among the top-tier decks. With a solid early performance in local tournaments, it remains to be seen if the deck can maintain its momentum and establish a stronger foothold as the meta continues to evolve.

Leader Donquixote Rosinante has the Blocker keyword, which isn’t something we often see in a Leader. Usually, you want to use a blocker to protect your Leader, however, in this deck, you want to use Leader Donquixote Rosinante to protect key rested Characters in play using your Blocker keyword.
Since the Blocker keyword can only be activated when your card is Active, attacking with Leader Donquixote Rosinante means you won’t be able to use him as a Blocker on the upcoming turn. However, Donquixote Rosinante‘s “End of your Turn” effect sets him as Active if you have 6 cards or less in your hand.
This is a massive effect, enabling you to attack with your Leader to KO a rested Character or put pressure on the opponent’s Leader while also keeping him as a blocker to protect your rested Characters.
This list has multiple valuable low-cost Characters who you want to protect with your Leader and are willing to lose a Life card for them. Also, It can be exceptionally useful to keep your Eustass”Captain”Kid in play, preventing opponents from breaking through your Fortress strategy.
Green Blue Rosinante Decklist

How to Play
Early Searcher

To activate Baby 5 search effect, you need to use 1 Don and rest her, allowing you to look at the top 5 cards in your deck and add a {Donquixote Pirates} type Character to your hand. You can search for cards like Sugar, Rosinante, and Doflamingos.
Since you’ll have to rest Baby 5 to activate her effect, your opponent can later attack and KO her. Using your Leader, you can block one of the opponent’s attacks to prevent them from KOing her easily.
This list is heavy on blockers since we’re running the Fortress strategy with 8-cost Eustass”Captain”Kid, so having low-cost blockers is a must to protect your defensive wall.

Donquixote Rosinante and Duval are 2-cost Blockers to protect you from an attacker. Rosinante is a better defensive option since his effect prevents your opponent from KOing one of your Characters through an effect by sacrificing himself. He’s a perfect defensive blocker if you want to keep a valuable Character in play, best accompanied by Eustass”Captain”Kid.
As for Duval, his On Play effects lets you look at the top 3 cards in your deck and decide whether to keep them at the top or place them at the bottom. This is important for when you want to play your 2-cost Donquixote Doflamingo to cheat out a 2-cost or less Character. If you don’t find anything valuable at the top of your deck, you’ll send them to the bottom of your deck for an opportunity to find something better. Duval also lets you reorder cards, so you can draw into a specific card on an earlier turn.
3-cost Donquixote Doflamingo works similarly to Duval but looks at the top 5 cards of your deck.
High-Value 2-costs

2-cost Sugar is a valuable Character to have on the field. Her On Play effect lets you rest one of the opponent’s 4-cost or less Characters, allowing you to attack that Character and potentially KOing it. You can also combo her with a 5-cost Carrot to keep that Character from becoming Active on the upcoming turn.
Sugar can also rest one of the opponent’s Characters that was just played. This leaves it rested for your upcoming turn to attack it or use 5-cost Carrot or 10-cost Doflamingo to keep it rested.
As for 2-cost Donquixote Doflamingo, you may rest 1 of your DON!! cards and this Character to look at the top 5 cards in your deck, and then you can choose 1 Character with a cost of 2 or less to play on the field rested. Finding cards like Sugar, Donquixote Rosinante, and Baby 5 can find use for you later in the game.
Both Characters need to be rested to activate their effects, putting them in a vulnerable spot to your opponent’s attacks. You can use your Leader’s Blocker keyword to try and protect them and reactivate their effects for future turns.
Mid-game Stall

Carrot is great for keeping one of the opponent’s 6-cost or less Characters rested, preventing it from attacking on the upcoming turn. You can reactivate Carrot‘s effect when she attacks, so she quickly becomes annoying and a prime target for opponents to KO. We’ll try to protect her whenever possible, especially since we can target a 7-cost Character with Carrot when we reduce its cost using Leader Issho’s effect.
6-cost Jozu is great for returning one of the opponent’s 6-cost or less Characters to their hand. However, you have to return one of your own Characters to your hand to activate this effect, so you usually want to go for low-cost Characters like Baby 5 or 2-cost Doflamingo. You easily replay them later in the game or use them as Counter cards.
Fortress Strategy

Eustass”Captain”Kid enables the fortress strategy, acting as a wall to protect you from attackers. Attaching a Don to Kid and having him rested will force opponents to remove him first before they get to attack anything else on your field, including your Leader. Eustass”Captain”Kid can also cheat out a 3-cost or less Character from your hand, so usually want to go for Rosinante or Killer as blockers to protect Kid from a high-power attack.
In the case, you don’t have Rosinante in hand, and you’re worried your opponent has the removal option to deal with Kid, you can cheat out Tashigi. 3-cost Tashigi can protect Kid from a removal effect, forcing your opponent to deal with Kid the good-fashioned way, attack him.
If your opponent has a high-power attacker threatening to KO Eustass”Captain”Kid and there’s no low-cost blocker in sight to take the hit, you’ll prefer using your Leader to block that attack. Losing a Life card and keeping Kid in play is worth it to force opponent into trying to go through the Fortress a second time.
Late-Game Stall

10-cost Donquixote Doflamingo is a late-game play that keeps three of the opponent’s rested Leader and Characters from becoming Active on the upcoming turn. This can be a huge play to slow opponents down, especially if they rely on their Leader’s attack to activate an effect. You’re developing a 10,000 Power Character and slowing your opponent’s upcoming aggression, helping you survive for longer in your game.

Because The Side of Justice Will Be Whichever Side Wins!! is a 0-cost +3000 Power Counter that forces you to trash a card from your hand. This is usually to protect your Characters or Leader. The list has a lot of Characters with no Counter effect, so Because The Side of Justice Will Be Whichever Side Wins!! can be used to trash dead cards we won’t need.
- Baby 5, 2-cost Doflamingo, and 2-cost Sugar are early cards you want.
- Eusass”Captain”Kid for the late-game Fortress strategy.
Turn-Based Gameplay
Going First
- Turn 1 (1 Don): Baby 5
- Turn 2 (3 Don): 2-cost Doflamingo or 3-cost Doflamingo.
- Turn 3 (5 Don): Carrot or Sugar.
- Turn 4 (7 Don): Jozu or Sugar + Carrot.
- Turn 5 (9 Don): Eustass”Captain”Kid + Donquixote Rosinante.
- Turn 6 (10 Don): 10-cost Donquixote Doflamingo.
Going Second
- Turn 1 (2 Don): Baby 5, 2-cost Doflamingo, or 2-cost Duval.
- Turn 2 (4 Don): 2-cost Doflamingo or 3-cost Doflamingo.
- Turn 3 (6 Don): Carrot or Sugar.
- Turn 4 (8 Don): Jozu or Sugar + Carrot.
- Turn 5 (10 Don): Eustass”Captain”Kid + Donquixote Rosinante.
Other Cards to Include

- 5-cost Smoker is a 7,000 Power attacker with the Banish keyword, which means our attack will usually be directed at their Leader to force them into playing Counter cards. Smoker sets one of your rested Don as Active through Activate: Main effect, making it easier for you to activate your Issho‘s effect to re-stand a Character.
- Gravity Blade Raging Tiger can remove two 6-cost or less Characters from play.
- 9-cost Shanks is a strong option in the late game, joining the battle and KOing a rested Character.