War Machine Deck Guide – Marvel Snap

The War Machine is a new Marvel Snap deck that is crushing the competitive scene. This deck shuts opponents from playing the game freely, forcing them to move away from a specific location, making it easier for you to win it and put your other resources into another Location.


How to Play

With the War Machine deck, you’re trying to prevent opponents from freely playing cards in certain locations. So Goose and Storm are great for disrupting opponent’s game plans and forcing them into taking a different approach.

Although you’re shutting off certain locations, War Machine nullifies that for you, allowing us to play more cards on locations you’re not supposed to be able to.

You also have other cards that can ignore locked locations, and still develop something so you continue contesting it and forcing opponents to find answers.

You can’t play this after turn 3. Ongoing: You can’t play cards here.
Ongoing: Nobody can play cards that cost 4, 5, or 6 here.
On Reveal: Flood this location. Next turn is the last turn cards can be played here.

Ebony Maw is s 1-cost 7 Power card, so it’s offering a lot of Power early into the game. However, Ebony Maw prevents you from playing any cards in the location you’ve played it, whereas opponents can continue to develop on that location until they ensure they can win it. Luckily, you have a couple of cards that can bypass that, which we’ll talk more about. Also, Ebony Maw cannot be played after turn 3, however, if you have a War Machine in play, you can ignore that condition and play him on turn 4+.

Goose and Storm are locking a location for both players. Goose stops players from playing 4, 5, or 6 cost cards on the location it’s on, shutting down any late-game cards the opponent was planning to set up. As for Storm, she gives both players one turn to play their cards before that location is locked.

Luckily for you, you have cards still capable of developing on those locked locations, so you can boost the Location Power while your opponent sits there frustrated, unable to play the game.

Each turn your opponent doesn’t play a card here, +2 Power. (except the turn you play this)
On Reveal: Add a Widow’s Kiss to your opponent’s side of this location.
Ongoing: This has -3 Power. Disable this ability if your side of this location is full.

Nebula and White Widow synergize with your deck’s strategy, benefiting from the fact that your opponent is restricted in certain locked locations. Nevula gains +2 Power when the opponent doesn’t play a card on the location she’s on. This means we want to have her in the same location that Goose or Storm are in.

Similarly, White Widow will add a Widow’s Kiss on the opponent’s side of this location, which has the Ongoing ability of -3 Power, lowering their overall Power on that location. However, the opponent can shut the Ongoing ability by filling up their location with cards, and this is exactly why we should play White Widow on the location where we have Goose or Storm to ensure that the opposing player can’t fill up their side of the location.

War Machine Wincon

You can move this once. Nothing can stop you from moving or playing this to any location.
Ongoing: Nothing can stop you from playing cards anywhere.

Jeff works in this deck since we can play and move him to any location even if it’s locked, so his 3 Power can be a backup to win a certain location.

As for War Machine, he changes the flow of the game entirely, allowing you to play cards on locked locations where cards like Goose or Ebony Maw are at. This gives you an edge over the opponent, ensuring you win those locked locations as they struggle to find answers.

Additionally, War Machine lets you play Ebony Maw and The Infinaut even if their skills say you can’t, making it easier for you to play out your strategy without having them remain dead cards in your hand.

On Reveal: Add the top card of your deck to this location.
You can only play this at locations where you are winning.
On Reveal: Replace each other location with this one.

Jubilee is strongest depending on the cards you have left in the deck. She can cheat out the top card of your deck on the location she’s in. So cards like Crossbones, Doctor Doom, and The Infinaut are great pickups.

Crossbones has insanely high Power for his cost. However, you can only play him in a location you’re already winning. It can be beneficial to have him on that location, but in many games, you’ll want that 10 Power on another location to ensure you win the game. So War Machine is useful here, allowing you to ignore Crossbones’ ability and play him wherever you see fit.

Legion is extremely strong in this deck for his On Reveal ability, allowing you to replace other locations with the one he’s played on. So if we’ve played Storm on turn 3 and flooded a location, Legion will flood the other two locations, locking the opponent out of playing cards on their upcoming turn.

We could still find use for him in different locations, but this will come down to the randomness of the location you get and the state of the game.

Late Game

On Reveal: Add a 5-Power DoomBot to each other location.
If you played a card last turn, you can’t play this.

Doctor Doom’s On Reveal ability plays a 5-Power DoomBot to each other location, even the locked ones. So you’re now gaining +5 Power on each location, threatening to win multiple locations with just one card in the late game.

As for The Infinaut, forces you to not play a card on turn if you wish to have him in play on turn 6. However, War Machine changes the rules, allowing you to have that 20 Power card in play even if you’ve played a card on the previous turn, making sure you win the location The Infinaut is played on.

Other Cards to Include

Ongoing: You can move one of your other cards away from here each turn.
After the turn, runs from your hand to a random location. (if possible)
At the end of the game, move to a location that wins you the game. (If possible)
  • Madame Web’s Ongoing ability lets you move around your cards. So you’re able to move a card to a locked location, tipping the scale in your favor.
  • Makkari can join the playing field without having to spend Energy. The location she joins will be random.
  • Captain Marvel isn’t a bad addition since she can move to a locked location and win it for you. At the end of the game, Captain Marvel will move to a location that wins you the game, so it can be a game changer if your opponent is winning two locations.