Toxic Surfer Deck Guide – Marvel Snap

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Toxic Surfer is a popular deck in the Marvel Snap game, using 3-cost cards to synergize them with Silver Surfer’s Power buff. The deck doesn’t solely use Silver Surfer as its only win condition, but has cards like Ironheart and Hazmat that can become a win condition when combined with Wong + Mystique.


How to Play

This deck runs multiple 3-cost cards to flood each location with them. Brood, Magik, and Luken Cage are some of those 3-cost cards that we want to make use from them later on in the game. These 3-cost cards synergize with Silver Surfer, who’ll give them all a +2 Power boost. This is a strong combo, but we need more out of Silver Surfer to win games, and here’s where Wong and Mystique come into play.

The plan is to play Wong first and follow him up with Mystique to copy his Ongoing ability. Wong’s Ongoing triggers On Reveal abilities twice, so Mystique will copy Wong’s Ongoing twice! We then want to play Silver Surfer in the same location of Wong and Mystique, trigging his On Reveal ability three additional times with the help of Wong and Mystique (1 time through Silver Surfer, 1 time from Wong, and 2 times from Mystique). We’re getting a massive Power boost from this that should win us the game.

On Reveal: Add 2 Broodlings here with the same Power.
On Reveal: Replace this location with ‘Limbo’. Doesn’t work after turn 5.
Ongoing: Your cards can’t have their Power reduced.

These are the go-to plays when we have 3 Energy. They all cost 3 Energy, which synergizes with our Silver Surfer game plan.

Brood is usually the best play since he’s adding 2 3-cost Broodlings on the same location he’s played. So we’re easily filling up one location with multiple 3-cost cards.

We’ll usually slam Magik on turn 3 since it can be a bit awkward playing her on other turns. She’ll change one location to Limbo, stretching the game to a turn 7. This makes it easier for us to get the most our of our cards and some opponent’s might run out of steam by turn 7.

We prefer playing any of the other two cards over Luke Cage, but he can still find use with his Ongoing effect, stopping your cards from having their Power reduced. This is useful because it shuts down Hazmat from lowering the Power of your cards and only affects opponent’s cards.

On Reveal: If the last card you played has an Ongoing, copy its text. (if it’s in play)
Ongoing: Your On Reveal abilities here happen twice.

The Wong + Mystique combo is how this deck creates its main win condition. The strategy is to play Wong first and follow it up with Mystique, copying his Ongoing effect. Wong’s Ongoing effect lets your On Reveal abilities happen twice, so Mystique’s On Reveal will happen twice, copying Wong’s Ongoing twice. This is when we start winning the game, playing one of our Power boosters afterward, activating their abilities four times! Wong activates the On Reveal ability an additional time and then Mystique activates the On Reveal ability two extra times.

On Reveal: Give your other 3-Cost cards +2 Power.

Silver Surfer is the best play to have on Wong + Mystique location, allowing you to give +2 Power to all your 3-cost cards multiple times. Since the deck has a majority of 3-cost cards, this will shift the game state in your favor, allowing you to win more than one location.

On Reveal: Give 3 of your other cards +2 Power.
On Reveal: Afflict all other cards with -1 Power.

Ironheart and Hazmat are two other cards that can be strong with Wong + Mystique. Ironheart gives 3 of your cards +2 Power, so activating it multiple times can be a game changer.

As for Hazmat, she’s opposite to Silver Surfer and Ironheart, afflicting all other cards with -1 Power, which can be activated multiple times thanks to Wong and Mystique. We usually only want to play Hazmat if we have Luke Cage in play so our cards don’t end up losing Power.

On Reveal: If the last card you played has an On Reveal, copy its text. (if it’s in play)
Ongoing: Cards in your hand cost 1 less. (minimum 1)

Absoring Man can copy the On Reveal ability of another card. So it can be a follow up play to cards like Silver Surfer, Ironheart, or Hazmat.

Sera on the other hand will reduce the cost of all cards in our hand by 1, making our upcoming turn exceptionally stronger since we can set up more plays.

On Reveal: Repeat the On Reveal abilities of your other cards here.

Odin is a late game winnder, letting you repeat the On Reveal abillities of your other cards on a certain location. This straight up wins you the game with how many Power buffs you’ll be gaining. Make sure to play him where your On Reveal cards are at.