Top 8 OP07.5 Decks for Worlds Championship – One Piece Card Game

OPTCG’s World Championship is drawing near! Players will compete in their respective regions for a shot to qualify for the next stage in Japan. With Red Purple Trafalgar Law and Enies Lobby banned, the OP07 and OP08 metas will change drastically, so players are busy practicing to get ready.

Back Rob Lucci

Despite losing Enies Lobby, a Stage that offered a -2 cost-reduction every turn, Black Rob Lucci remains a reliable competitive deck in OP07 meta. Players have replaced Enies Lobby with Ice Age, which seems to be working out for them so far.

Black Rob Lucci is a control deck that relies on 4-cost Rob Lucci as its main removal option. Gecko Moria and Spandine can play Rob Lucci from the trash, ensuring you have a removal tool at your disposal.

Green Bonney

Green Bonney struggled against R/P Law, so the ban should give the archetype a better experience in the upcoming OP07 meta.

This is a stall deck that slows down the opponent’s aggression with the Leader effect as it develops its win condition. Eustass”Captain”Kid and blockers create the birdcage strategy, making it exceptionally difficult for the opponent’s attackers to go through. Hody Jones and Roronoa Zoro are strongest for aggression.

Blue Doflamingo

Players have their eyes on Blue Doffy, a competitive deck that has been performing decently in tournaments. With Enies Lobby banned, Rob Lucci players might struggle to put Characters in range for their removal cards consistently This gives Doffy players a chance to keep some of their field intact, allowing for more attacks that eventually win the game.

Yellow Enel

Yellow Enel is one of the top choices in tournaments and it should remain a great choice with the ban of Red Purple Law. However, with Blue Nami potentially seeing more play, the Yellow Enel players might be in a bit of a pinch if they match against the Nami players.

Yellow Enel is a late-game control deck that tries to slow down the opponent’s pace. The list has multiple high-cost Characters that can give Enel an extra Life card, adding to his defensive prowess while creating a high-power win condition.

Black Yellow Luffy

Black Yellow Luffy has been one of the best performers in tournaments, mostly for its ability to bully Black Rob Lucci players.

With new decks having a better experience in OP07 meta, we’ll see how BY Luffy holds off.

This deck wants to drop to 0 Life cards, gaining access to Leader Luffy’s effect. You can add 2 Adult brothers to your Life Area and play them on the field through the kid brothers, giving Leader Luffy a Power boost that sticks during your defensive turns.

Black Gecko Moria is the strongest play for BY Luffy, playing two of the kid brothers from trash and setting up one powerful turn.

Blue Nami

With Red Purple Law out of the picture, Blue Nami might see a rise if players don’t pick up counter decks. Blue Nami is weak against aggressive decks that can create multiple attackers early into the game. Right now, the popular decks don’t offer much aggression, so Nami has a better playground.

The Blue Nami deck automatically wins the game once there are no cards left in the deck. The goal is to mill itself by trashing and drawing cards eventually falling to 0 cards in the deck.

This deck plays defensively, using Events to protect the Leader and survive until you hit your win condition.

Blue Purple Reiju

This is the most anticipated deck to gain a lot of popularity in OP07 meta after RP Law was banned. The main problem for Vinsmoke Reiju was the RP Law matchup, and since this is long gone, we’ll be seeing more players pick up the deck.

The Vinsmoke Reiju deck relies on cheating out higher-cost Vinsmoke Characters and activating their effects. This forces you to return Don, which synergizes with your Leader’s effect, drawing you more cards and keeping the resources engine going. Vismoke Judge is this deck’s strongest play, creating one powerful turn to develop multiple Characters that can be difficult for most opponents to keep up with.

Black Gecko Moria

Black Gecko Moria is an awkward spot, even though it didn’t receive any hits, it was beating the R/P Law matchup, so the ban didn’t benefit this deck’s matchup experience.

Using {Thriller Bark Pirates} Characters, Leader Gecko Moria can play them from the trash for less Don, letting you choose to either control the field or go for resource value. This deck heavily relies on 8-cost Gecko Moria for the late-game value and for creating multiple attackers on the field.

Yellow Katakuri

Leader Yellow Katakuri creates high-power attacks with his +1,000 Power effect, making it difficult for opponents to Counter. He can also rearrange the top card in his Life Area, increasing the odds of activating a Trigger card.

Trigger cards are important since they don’t require you to spend Don to play. You can develop Characters like Charlotte Perespero, Kikunojo, or Sanji to put more field pressure on the opponent.

With 7-cost and 10-cost Charlotte Linlin, you can take Life cards from the opponent, cutting down on their resources and putting them low enough for your attackers to win the game. The Big Mom’s have high Power, so removing them off the field is not an easy task and if they do manage to attack, it’s almost impossible to Counter.