Top 8 Lorcana Decks from The Pack $2000 Tournament

Check out the top 8 decklists from The Pack $2000 tournament

Thea Beasty once again hosted a thrilling Lorcana tournament, boasting a generous $2000 prize pool! With each event, the prize pool has steadily grown, drawing more attention than ever before. This time, the tournament hit a new milestone with a record-breaking 300 players signing up!

Top 16 Deck Distribution

In the top 16, Ruby Amethyst dominated with an impressive 6 decks, closely followed by Emerald Steel with 3 decks. Notably, Emerald Steel has been gaining popularity, leading to diverse deck compositions as players experiment with card combinations.

Emerald Amethyst secured the third spot with 2 decks in the top 16. The remaining spots were claimed by Ruby Sapphire, Amber Steel, Seetl Amethyst, Amethyst Sapphire, and Steel Sapphire.

First Place

Amber Steel

The Amber Steel deck surprised everyone as it went head-on against top meta decks and won first place! This victory demonstrated that players can excel with decks beyond the usual Emerald Amethyst archetype. The list also ran a total of 66 cards, unlike the usual 60-card deck.

Featuring multiple damage songs like “And Then Along Came Zeus” and “Strength of a Raging Fire,” the Amber Steel deck effectively controls the board. Cards like Ariel and Cinderella provide “flexibility “Sing a Song” for higher-cost Songs.

This deck can take things to the late game with Stitch – Carefree Surfer and Cinderella – Stouthearted dominate the late game, offering significant value that’s challenging for opponents to counter.

Second Place

Emerald Amethyst

Emerald Amethyst came in a bit short in the tournament, almost winning it all. This deck is all about questing, recalling cards, and replaying them for safety. You’re more focused on your own game plan and force the opponent to find the right answers to shut down your plays.

Third Place

Emerald Steel

Emerald Steel secured the third spot against Ruby Amethyst. With a focus on discarding opponents’ cards and leveraging Prince John’s card draw ability, this deck depletes opponents’ resources, making it difficult for them to execute their strategies.

Fourth Place

Ruby Amethyst

Despite its dominance with 6 decks in the top 16, only one Ruby Amethyst deck managed to clinch a spot in the top 4, indicating players’ growing familiarity with and adaptation to the deck’s tactics.

Top 8

Ruby Sapphire

Ruby Amethyst

Emerald Steel

Emerald Steel

Ruby Saphire managed to make it into the top 8. This deck can ramp up with Fishbone Quill and start setting up bigger plays on earlier turns. Be Prepared is important to wipe out the board and slowly come back into the game with high-cost characters like Maleficent and Tamatoa.

No one is amazed to see the popular Ruby Amethyst in the top 8. This deck has the tools to keep the board in check, slowly dominate the board, and start Questing for the win.

Two Emerald Steel decks made it to the top 8, each with its unique approach, demonstrating the versatility and adaptability of the archetype.