Top 8 Lorcana Decks From The Pack $10k Tournament

Checkout the Top 8 decks from The Pack tournament!

The Pack have outdone themselves yet again, this time hosting an even bigger Lorcana tournament, managing a $10,000 prize pool! Thea organized a charity tournament this weekend, with around 370 players joining in!

There was a lot of diversity in the decks brought to the tournament, proving a healthy Lorcana meta as it continues to evolve every week! Even top-performing decks are continuously refined to adapt to the evolving meta.

Prize Distribution: First Place: $2000, Second Place: $1600, Third Place: $1300, Fourth Place: $1000, Top 8: $525, Top 16: $250

First Place


The finals in the $10k tournament featured a Ramp vs Ramp matchup. The Sapphire Steel and Sapphire Ruby had nail-biting games as they fought for first place! The Ruby Sapphire has an edge in this matchup thanks to its removal tools and not losing too much to Sapphire Steel’s A Whole New World. The Steel version still fought tooth and nail, but the Ruby version had the last say, winning it all with a clean 2-0 score.

The Ruby Sapphire deck, is known for its late-game board control, with cards like Madame Medusa – The Boss, Maleficent – Monstrous Dragon, and Be Prepared. Tamatoa – So Shiny! is their strongest late-game play, offering value by returning your discarded Items and questing for a lot of Lore if you have multiple Items on the board.

Aggressive decks are tough for this deck, so it relies on Queen of Hearts – Impulsive Ruler to keep opponents from freely questing with no consequences.

Christoffer‘s list cuts out the McDuck Manor – Scrooge’s Mansion for three Let It Go. According to Christoffer, McDuck Manor – Scrooge’s Mansion wasn’t worth including since it only found value on the board if you’re already winning.

Second Place


Unfortunately, Sapphire Steel fell short against the Ruby ramp version in the finals. Second place is still a great feat to accomplish and it shows how strong ramp decks are becoming in Lorcana.

Sapphire Steel, gaining popularity after impressive showings in community tournaments, focuses on ramping up and controlling the board with damage Songs and Actions like Fire the Cannons! and Grab Your Sword, which keeps opponents from taking over the board. It wants to take things to the late game and with A Whole New World, it can replenish its hand and drop the big boy Tamatoa – So Shiny! along with Lucky Dime for the Lore generation.

Against the Ruby version, it needs to drop Belle – Strange but Special and Lucky Dime for the insane Lore generation and hope the Sapphire Ruby deck doesn’t have their removal cards like Madame Medusa – The Boss and Maleficent – Monstrous Dragon. For the unfortunate luck of the Ruby player, the Ruby deck managed to top deck Maleficent – Monstrous Dragon and banish the Belle – Strange but Special to shut down the winning play.

Third Place


The Ruby Sapphire deck is known for being a “safe choice” in tournaments, capable of beating anything that’s thrown at it. Although the deck has a fighting chance against any deck, it doesn’t really crush matchups, so it can be stressful playing it at times when you’re fighting for that last Lore to win the game.

This list fought its way to the top 4 where it lost to Sapphire Steel with a 1-2 score. The ramping + A Whole New World value were just too much for the deck to keep up with in the third game.

Despite getting kicked out of the top 2, it still has another match to claim 3rd spot, and the Amethyst Ruby won against Emerald Steel, securing the $1300 prize.

Fourth Place


The Emerald Steel deck wants to discard the opponent’s hand and starve them out of resources. With Beast – Tragic Hero and Prince John – Greediest of All, it can outvalue opponents and win games. The list is running 3 copies of Da-Boom! for that 2 damage to pick off low Willpower characters or damage a Beast – Tragic Hero.

Although it has a good matchup against Ruby Sapphire, it came short against it with a 1-2 score, failing to make it into the top 2 and then losing to Ruby Amethyst ending at 4th place.

Top 8

Amethyst Emerald


Emerald Steel


Sapphire Steel


Ruby Sapphire


The top 8 saw a diverse mix of decks, including Emerald Steel, Amethyst Emerald, Sapphire Steel, and Ruby Sapphire, each earning a share of the $500 prize winnings.

Two ramp decks, Ruby Sapphire and Sapphire Steel heavily rely on getting that early extra Ink, and then switch to dropping high-cost characters and start shifting the game to favor them. The Ruby version includes more removal tools, such as Madame Medusa – The Boss, Maleficent – Monstrous Dragon, and Be Prepared. The Sapphire Steel version relies on A Whole New World to replenish their hand after they’ve ramped up.

Amethyst Emerald is more reliant on closing out games fast. It focuses on questing and gaining Lore as fast as possible with the help of Merlin – Goat and bounce cards. It runs discard cards to disrupt the opponent’s plan by getting rid of key cards for their gameplan relies on.

As for Emerald Steel, this one focuses more on discarding the opponent’s cards, depriving them of resources, and getting extra card draws with Prince John – Greediest of All.