Top 8 Decks NoHEROES August Hannover Regionals – One Piece Card Game

One Piece card game has an amazing competitive weekend in Hannover, Germany. On August 3rd-4th, the OP07 tournament organized by NoHeroes had 1007 Players. It was a10 Rounds of Swiss BO1 tournament Into a Top 32, where the format changes to best of 3.

First Place: B/Y Monkey D. Luffy

The Black Yellow Luffy is a popular deck in tournaments, capable of crushing the Black Rob Lucci matchup using Sabo’s KO immunity effect. This deck wants to take early damage and fall to 0 Life cards. From there, Leader Luffy starts activating his effect, placing Adult brothers in the Life Area and playing them on the field through Kid Brothers.

Gecko Moria is the main win condition, bringing back two of the kid Brothers from the trash and creating a turn of three Characters development to set up the wincon.

The first place list ran two Kuzan and two Perona. The Kuzan draws you a card and synergizes with the 5-cost Luffy to KO 8-cost or less Characters. As for Perona, she forces opponents to trash a card from hand, cutting down their resources.

Second Place: Blue Nami

Blue Nami went far in this regionals, ending up losing a close final to the Black Yellow Luffy player. Blue Nami has a completely different strategy than other decks in the meta. With Blue Nami, you want to mill yourself, through trashing and drawing cards until you fall to 0 cards in the deck. This automatically wins you the game through Leader Nami’s rule.

So the main strategy is to save up Don for defensive turns and use your Events to shut down the opponent’s attacks and prolong the game, buying enough time until there are 0 cards left in the deck.

Third Place: Blue/Purple Vinsmoke Reiju

It’s astounding to see Blue Purple Reiju making third place in this tournament! Generally, Reiju is a powerful deck, capable of going head-to-head with most of the meta decks. However, the deck gets stomped by Red Purple Trafalgar Law. The matchup is extremely polarized that most players have dropped the Leader completely to avoid the awful matchup.

This deck returns Don to activate their low-cost Vinsmoke and play their high-cost Vinsmoke that have powerful effects. This deck generates value through Leader and 4-cost Vinsmoke Reiju’s draw effects. Ichiji is a carry Character in this deck, with its Power reduction and Rush attack, it puts an immediate threat on the field.

Juge is this deck’s late-game play to bring back Vinsmoke’s from the trash, creating one powerful turn, setting the stage to win the game.

Black Rob Lucci

In fourth place, Black Rob Lucci had a great showing, which is to be expected from the best deck in the OP07 meta. This deck controls the field using the KO effects of 4-cost Rob Lucci and 3-cost Brook combined with cost-reduction cards to put Characters in range for the KO effects.

This list has 5-cost Monkey.D.Luffy and 6-cost Brook which can trash an opponent’s Character on the field. The effect to “Trash” instead of “KO” means those two characters can bypass the 5-cost Sabo’s KO immunity, giving you a better matchup against Black Yellow Luffy and the mirror matchup.

Top 8:

Red Purple Law

Yellow Enel

Blue Doflamingo

Black Gecko Moria

We have different decks in the top 8, proving a healthy and diverse meta. In the top 8, R/P Law, Yellow Enel. Blue Doflamingo, and Black Gecko Moria decks made it far into the tournament.

Each of the decks has different playstyles and strategies:

R/P Law: Has an aggressive playstyle, capable of playing two characters a turn, and removes one of the opponent’s Characters from the field through the Leader effect.

Yellow Enel: This is a control deck that tries to push the games to the late game, through its KO cards to weaken the opponent’s field. Eventually, they’ll run opponents out of steam, making it impossible for them to go through the Leader’s effect.

Blue Doflamingo: This deck can create a strong field development through Leader and Jinbe’s effects. This lets you attack aggressively, and forces players to take a defensive playstyle.

Black Gecko Moria: A control deck using Absalom and Brook to KO Characters and weaken the opponent’s offensive power. 8-cost Gecko Moria is a strong value card to play Characters from the trash and shift the field pressure in your favor.