Top 8 Decks Lorcana Fort Worth Challenge – Disney Lorcana

Howdy! We had insane games in Fort Worth this weekend, with nail-biting games in the top cut. We had the expected decks in the top-cut, but Ruby Sapphire didn’t make it into the top 8. The Set 4 tournament still had Bucky in the meta, which meant that many players are still taking advantage of its discard strength in the Emerald Steel deck.

First Place: Edmond Chiu “Ed”

Ruby Amethyst won first place, beating the Amber Steel deck in the finals. This deck is all about bouncing cards to hand and getting more value out of them. It also has the control tools to keep the opponent’s side of the board in check, making it hard for them to fully commit to developing the board.

Ruby Amethyst has always been one of the best decks in the game, and although it lost popularity in Set 4, it continues to perform well in the meta and is a reliable deck to pick up.

Second Place:

Amber Steel performed amazingly in Fort Worth, beating many popular meta decks and managing to take second place. This deck can win trades thanks to The Queen – Commanding Presence, forcing the opposing player to take a defensive approach before you switch to the Sleepy’s Flute win condition.

With A Whole New World in the list, Amber Steel can replenish its hand with resources, even when going against the discard Emerald Steel deck.

Top 4: Kevin Barrington “Danxor”

It’s no surprise there’s an Emerald Steel deck in the top cut, the archetype has been one of the best-performing decks in the meta and players have been actively trying to counter it.

When taking Emerald Steel to a tournament, you have to expect you’ll play multiple mirror matchups during your run. However, the strength of the deck is worth bringing and playing the mirror. With Bucky getting banned in Set 5, players will need to adapt their Emerald Steel lists. It doesn’t necessarily mean the Emerald Steel deck will be out of the meta, but it will weaken it to the point that it won’t dominate the scene.

Top 4: Chris Oyola “Oyola”

Another Amber Steel player made it to the top 4, however, unlike the first-place list, this one doesn’t rely on Sleepy’s Flute for the Lore generation. Instead, it has Perdita – Devoted Mother and Cinderella – Stouthearted as late-game plays. Perdita – Devoted Mother offers value from the discard and board development, forcing players to Banish it as fast as possible.

The Amber Steel list uses Lawrence – Jealous Manservant, which can win a trade and remain on the board for those 2 Lore. If healed by Rapunzel – Gifted with Healing, Lawrence – Jealous Manservant gains back that 4 Willpower for another attack.

Top 8: Scott Dashy “Genre”

Top 8:  Eric De Souza “Ejdesouza360

Two Emerald Steel decks finished in the top 8, showcasing how strong and consistent the archetype is.

Top 8: Steven Brandt “BadVegas”

The Ramp Sapphire Steel also made it to the top 8. This deck ramps up with Fishbone Quill and Mickey Mouse – Detective, creating opportunities to play higher-cost cards on earlier turns. A Whole New World is important to replenish the hand and make sure you don’t lose to the Emerald Steel deck.

The Sapphire Steel deck relies on Tamatoa – So Shiny! and Lucky Dime for insane Lore generation and setting you up to win the game.

Top 8: Jourdon Serio “Jous”

Finally, Amber Emerald gets into the top 8! This deck has the discard power with cards like Ursula – Deceiver, Sudden Chill, The Bare Necessities, and You Have Forgotten Me.

Diablo – Devoted Herald and Prince John – Greediest of All are value-generation characters who draw you cards and force players to find answers to those value draws.