Terapagos Klawf is a popular deck in the Surging Sparks Pokemon TCG meta and is finding success in regional tournaments. This deck can be aggressive with Terapagos, dealing damage early into the game to knock out opponent’s Pokemon.
There are different versions of Terapagos decks out there, but the Klawf variant is currently the community’s favorite. Another popular version uses Dusknoir to deal extra damage with Dusknoir‘s Cursed Blast.
Terapagos Klawf Decklist

Pokémon: 16
2 Brute Bonnet PAR 123
2 Budew PRE 4
2 Terapagos ex SCR 128
2 Lumineon V BRS 40
1 Pecharunt PR-SV 149
1 Radiant Hisuian Sneasler LOR 123
1 Latias ex SSP 76
1 Squawkabilly ex PAL 169
1 Fezandipiti ex SFA 38
1 Oranguru V ASR 133
1 Klawf PAR 105
1 Munkidori TWM 95
Trainer: 39
3 Boss's Orders PAL 172
2 Arven OBF 186
2 Iono PAL 185
2 Professor's Research SVI 189
1 Colress's Tenacity SFA 57
1 Carmine TWM 145
1 Kieran TWM 154
4 Nest Ball SVI 181
4 Switch Cart ASR 154
3 Ultra Ball SVI 196
2 Hisuian Heavy Ball ASR 146
2 Night Stretcher SFA 61
1 Precious Trolley SSP 185
3 Ancient Booster Energy Capsule TEF 140
3 Binding Mochi PRE 95
2 Forest Seal Stone SIT 156
3 Area Zero Underdepths SCR 131
Energy: 5
4 Double Turbo Energy BRS 151
1 Darkness Energy SVE 15
How to Play
The Terapagos Klawf deck wants to go first to start an aggressive game plan with Terapagos ex, attacking immediately and threatening to knock out opponent’s Pokemon. Packing the Bench with Pokemon is essential to boost Terapagos ex’s damage.
The list is packed with multiple draw options to find the key cards you need to get your strategy online. This deck doesn’t solely rely on Terapagos ex to win games, it has Klawf as alternate damage dealers to win games.
Klawf heavily relies on having a Special Condition applied to them to deal more damage, so we’ll use Poison from Brute Bonnet to enable our strategy while at the same time, poisoning opponents’ Pokemon to deal additional damage. The list has other cards that synergize with Poison, which I’ll talk about more throughout this guide.
The list also has supporting Pokemon like Munkidori, Radiant Hisuian Sneasler, and Pecharunt to help increase your damage, getting more out of your abilities and attacks to knock out an opponent’s Pokemon a turn earlier and shut down their strategy.
Main Damage Dealer
This list ignores Terapagos‘ Crown Opal attack and focuses only on activating Unified Beatdown as early as possible. Unified Beatdown needs two Colorless Basic Energy to activate, so Double Turbo Energy works perfectly here to attack with Terapagos as early as possible. The downside, you’ll lose 20 damage on your attack, so you might fall short of Knocking Out specific Pokemon.

Unified Beatdown’s damage is tied to the number of Pokemon on your Bench. Terapagos gains 30 damage for each Benched Pokemon, so with a full Bench, you’ll deal 150 damage. However, Double Turbo Energy lowers Terapagos‘s damage by 20, so you’ll be dealing 130 damage instead.
130 damage isn’t too frightening for the opponent when they have a high-health Pokemon, so it’ll require two or even three attacks to knock out specific Pokemon. This is where Area Zero Underdepths comes into play, increasing the size of each player’s Bench to have up to 8 Pokemon. For Area Zero Underdepths ability to activate, you need to have Terapagos in play.
The extra three Pokemon on your bench will boost Unified Beatdown’s damage by 90, now dealing 220 damage, which puts higher-health Pokemon at risk of getting knocked out on the spot.
The list has cards that enable to add more damage alongside Terapagos‘ attack with the Poison and Binding Mochi synergy. You can expect to one shot VSTAR Pokemon and get those 2 Prize Cards.
Other Damage Dealers
Klawf is a second damage dealer, pushing 30 damage with Unhinged Scissors. Unhinged Scissors deals 190 damage if you have a Special Condition on Klawf, allowing you to knock out higher healer Pokemon. Remember that we’re attaching Double Turbo Energy to Klawf, so Unhinged Scissors’ damage goes down to 170.
Poison is a special condition, so we’ll use Brute Bonnet’s Toxic Powder to Poison both Active Pokemon. Poisoning both Pokemon adds more damage to help us knock out opponent’s Pokemon, but it’s putting our own Pokemon at a higher risk of getting knocked out. At the end of the day, the benefits of Poison are far better for us than for the opponent.
You can activate Brute Bonnet‘s Toxic Powder ability while it’s on the Bench. However, you need to attach an Ancient Booster Energy Capsule on Brute Bonnet to activate its ability.

You want to attach 1 Darkness Energy to Munkidori and start activating Adrena-Brain ability, moving 3 damage Counters from one of your Pokemon to one of the opponent’s Pokemon. This acts as backup damage to knock out an opponent’s Pokemon on the Bench or make it easier for your attacker to knock out an Active Pokemon. At the same time, by removing 3 damage counters from your Pokemon, you could be putting it out of range from an opponent’s upcoming attack.
Poison Synergy
Radiant Hisuian Sneasler and Pecharunt synergize with the Poison you inflict to the opponent’s Active Pokemon with Brute Bonnet. We are only using these Pokemon for their abilities.
Radiant Hisuian Sneasler‘s Poison Peak ability is a key part of our strategy, adding 2 more damage counters to the opponent’s Poisoned Pokemon during Pokemon Checkup. This enables us to knock out opponent’s Pokemon way faster, especially those with higher HP.
As for Pecharunt‘s Toxic Subjugation, you can put 5 more damage counters on your opponent’s Poisoned Pokemon during Pokemon Checkup. However, to activate Toxic Subjugation, Pecharunt has to be in the Active spot.
This deck has multiple ways for us to move Pokemon in and out of the Active spot without relying on discarding Energy.

Binding Mochi can be attached to your Poisoned Pokemon to boost their attacks by 40 damage. Klawf benefits from it the most, allowing you to push more damage with its Unhinged Scissors to knockout higher HP Pokemon. However, it can also be used on other Pokemon like Terapagos if they’re Poisoned.
Moving Pokemon
We’re using Latia ex for its abilities to move around our Pokemon from the Bench to the Active spot. Latia ex‘s Skyliner removes the Retreat cost of your Basic Pokemon, allowing you to retreat them whenever you want without worrying about discarding Energy. This ability plays an important role in our strategy, and we’ll be on the lookout for Latia ex to enable it.
Draw Pokemon
Squawkabilly’s Squawk and Seize is great for the early game, discarding your hand (which could discard Energy cards) and draws 6 cards.
Lastly, Fezandipti ex can sit on the bench and watch over your Active Pokémon, ready to use its Flip the Script ability when one of your Pokémon is knocked out, allowing you to draw three cards. Fezandipti ex doesn’t need to be on the bench when the knockout happens—you can play it from your hand afterward and still activate Flip the Script to draw cards.
Oranguru V is a value Pokemon that lets you search your deck for 2 Pokemon tool cards and add them to your hand through his Back Order ability. To activate Black Order, Oranguru V needs to be in the Active spot and then we can retreat him for one of our attacking Pokemon.
Lumineon V played on the Bench allows you to activate Luminous Sign to search your deck for a Supporter card and draw it. So you can draw cards like Arven.
Draw Cards
Professor’s Research discards your hand to draw 7 new cards, so it’s crucial to play the key cards before we discard our hand.
As for Iono, both players will shuffle their hand and draw cards equal to the number of Prize cards they have left. So you could ruin opponent’s plans if you shuffle important cards back into their deck. You’re also replenishing your hand, ideally, you want to play as many cards as possible before you use Iono.
Keep in mind that you can only play 1 Supporter card during your turn if you’re planning to play Professor’s Research or Iono.
Arven is one of your strongest Supporter cards, letting you search your deck for an Item card and a Pokemon Tool card. So we’re guaranteed to find what we need unless they’re in the Prize cards. It’s also a method to draw Binding Mochi or Ancient Booster Energy Capsule.
Since we’re heavily reliant on multiple Pokemon for our strategy to work, Previous Trolly is great to fill our bench with Basic Pokemon.
Energy Draws
Colress’s Tenacity is an extremely strong Supporter card since it finds us Area Zero Underdepths and Double Turbo Energy to enable our Terapagos game plan on the spot.
Battle Cards
You can also use cards like Boss’s Order to move a low-health Pokemon to the Active spot, making it easier for you to get a knockout over a high-Pokemon or a key Pokemon opponent is relying on to win the game.
Since we want to move our Pokemon in and out of the Active spot, Switch Cart can help us out here, letting us switch an Active Basic Pokemon with 1 of your Benched Pokemon.
Other Cards to Include
- Lost Vaccume lets you choose a Pokemon Tool attached to any Pokemon or any Stadium in play and put it in the Lost Zone. Perfect for removing a key card in play for the opponent’s strategy.
- Mew ex‘s Restart ability acts as a draw engine, drawing you cards until you have 3 cards in your hand. So if you have a Mew ex on your Bench, you can use up the cards in your hand, drop to below 3 cards, and then draw extra cards to find what you need.
- Since you’re reliant on Benched Pokemon, Manaphy is a consideration to protect them from any damage targeting your Bench.
- Hisuian Electrode V‘s Tantrum Blast doesn’t need any Energy to activate, but you have to apply Special Conditions to Hisuian Electrode V to get damage out of it. For each Special Condition affecting this Pokemon, Tantrum Blast will deal an extra 100 damage. This means if we Poison Hisuian Electrode V, Tantrum Blast is now at 100 damage.
If we attach Supereffective Glasses to Hisuian Electrode V, Tantrum Blast becomes a 300-damage attack, capable of knocking out high HP Pokemon, especially with the Poison damage you’re applying to them.
- As for Pecharunt ex‘s Subjugating Chains, it can switch one of your Darkness Pokemon on the bench to the Active spot. It will though give Poison to your Active Pokemon. This allows us to move the normal Pecharunt to the Active spot and activate its ability, Toxic Subjugation, to add 5 more damage counters before retreating it so one of our attackers can go in.

- Bloodmoon Ursaluna ex is a late-game attacker to set up the finishing play with Blood Moon’s 240 damage. 5 Basic Colorless Energy are tough to attach on Bloodmoon Ursaluna ex, however Seasoned Skill ability drops the cost Blood Moon by 1 Basic Colorless Energy for each Prize card your opponent has taken. so if you’re down to 1 Prize card, Blood Moon can be activated without any Basic Energy.