Seratonin Negative Deck Guide – Marvel Snap

Marvel Snaps’ Negative deck is on the rise with one of the highest win rates in the meta! If you’re looking for a quick climb before players start building counter decks, this is the deck for you!

This is a newer version than what we’re used to, which got players to name it “Seratonin”. Usually, decks that include Mister Negative, highly rely on him as a win condition, but this isn’t the case for this deck. Players cracked the code with this version of Mister Negative, only having him in the list as another win-con, but the Ongoing cards and Onslaught can carry games on their own.


We’re running a bunch of combo cards that all want to be played in a game! To do that, we have Psylocke, Ravonna Renslayer, Magik, Jubilee, and Sera who work together to let us drop all our cards.

The plan? Well, we’re aiming to get tons of Power in one specific Location! With Iron Man, Mystique, Blue Marvel, and Onslaught synergizing with each other to do just that! Your opponent will most definitely lose that location and focus on winning the other two. Now you may ask, “But Liebe, don’t we need two Locations to win the game?” You’re right! This is why The Living Tribunal is in the deck! On your last turn, you’ll drop The Living Tribunal splitting that tons of Power in one location to the other two Locations, sealing the deal and winning the game!

Now let’s do a card breakdown so we get the hang of the deck!

Early Cards

On Reveal: Next turn, you get +1 Energy.
Ongoing: Your cards with 1 or less Power cost 1 less. (minimum 1)

Ravonna Renslayer is your best early card, whenever you see her in the early game, you’re in for an easy ride! She’ll make it easier for you to play out the next turn since 5 cards in the deck Psylocke, Jubilee, Mister Negative, Mystique, and Iron Man will benefit from the cost reduction!

Psylocke is an alternative in case we don’t find Ravonna Renslayer, letting us drop a 4-cost card on turn 3.

What we’re trying to achieve with those two cards is a double 4-drops back to back! So on turn 2, we play either Ravonna Renslayer or Psylocke, turn 3, we play Mister Negative to activate his ability and swap the Power and cost of all our cards, then turn 4, we play Jubilee to pull a card from the top of our deck and onto the Location she’s played in.

Let’s Play More Cards

On Reveal: Replace this location with ‘Limbo’. Doesn’t work after turn 5.
On Reveal: Add the top card of your deck to this location.
Ongoing: Cards in your hand cost 1 less. (minimum 1)

You’ll want to play Magik on either turn 3 or 5 on a Location that might ruin your game plan or put you at a disadvantage. Limbo Location will let you push the game to turn 7, getting to play both Onslaught and The Living Tribunal.

Another way to cheat out more cards into play is Jubilee, which will place the top card of your deck in the Location she’s played in.

Having Sera to play out everything on our last turn. You’d be able to drop a Mystique + (Onslaught or The Living Tribunal) to maximize the power synergy of your Ongoing deck.

Swapping the Tides

On Reveal: Swap the Power and Cost of all cards in your deck.

We want Mister Negative played as early as turn 3 to benefit from his Power and Cost swap ability. This deck doesn’t run many high-cost cards that can benefit too much from Mister Negative, but Ongoing cards like Mystique, Blue Marvel, and Iron Man will have their cost dropped significantly, letting you play them easily. Jubilee is another card that’ll benefit from Mister Negative’s effect.

Ongoing Cards

On Reveal: If the last card you played has an Ongoing, copy its text. (if it’s in play)
Ongoing: Your other cards have +1 Power.
Ongoing: Your total Power is doubled here.

Iron Man is the key to winning games, you’ll get to double the Power in one Location, making it almost impossible for opponents to keep up. Blue Marvel’s +1 Power buff will also give Iron Man’s Ongoing effect a boost.

As for Mystique, you’ll want to set her up to copy either Iron Man or Onsalught’s effect. With cards like Mister Negative, Ravonna Renslayer, and Sera you can play these cards for less-cost and won’t struggle to have them all played out.

The Carries

Ongoing: Double your other Ongoing effects here.
Ongoing: Split your total Power evenly among all locations.

Move away! The Onslaught value is here! Doubling all your Ongoing effects is crazy good for this deck! You want to play Onslaught on a Location where it has both Blue Marvel and Iron Man since their Ongoing effects are most important to double. A Mystique follow-up to copy Onslaught‘s Ongoing effect is your strongest play, doubling everything again, and doubling Onslaught‘s effect.

The Living Tribunal will be a must in most of your games to win more than one Location. Sharing is caring! Since we’re gaining tons of Power in one Location through Iron Man + Blue Marvel + OnSlaught, we want to use that Power in other Locations, and The Living Tribunal does just that! Splitting the Power evenly among all three Locations means we’re threatening to win all of them!

The Tech

Ongoing: Has the Ongoing effects of all enemy cards.

Super Skrull is a tech card depending on the meta. It’s useful if you’re against a mirror matchup, copying all their Ongoing cards and there’s little your opponents can do to keep up.

If you’re managing to dodge the Ongoing decks, you can switch Super Skrull for Iron Lad.