Red Yellow Belo Betty is an aggressive budget deck, using {Revolutionary Army} type Characters as part of its game plan. This deck plays fast and wants to go wide on the field to threaten multiple attacks.
Belo Betty is considered an off-meta deck, but aggressive decks can sneak in wins against top meta decks. The list I’ll share in this article made the top 16 in the Hyogo Championship Series, OP09 meta.
Belo Betty Decklist

How to Play Red Yellow Belo Betty

Belo Betty is a Red Yellow Leader, combining two colors that work with her strategy. Her effect lets you trash 1 {Revolutionary Army} type card from your hand to give 3 of your {Revolutionary Army} type Characters or Characters with a Trigger +3,000 Power.
So when playing the Belo Betty deck, the main focus is to develop multiple Characters on the field and go for aggressive attacks. You want to ensure that your +3,000 Power boost from Leader Belo Betty is given to 3 of your Characters so you can be as aggressive as possible. Low Power Characters like 1-cost Belo Betty can become attackers, forcing the opposing player to play a Counter card to block the attack. You also have Characters in the list like 4-cost Karasu who need to be at a certain Power to activate their effects, so Leader Belo Betty makes that possible without using up your Don.
Since we can increase the Power of Characters with a Trigger effect through Leader Belo Betty‘s effect, Yellow’s Characters with a Trigger effect that lets you play them without spending Don are perfect for this deck’s aggressive strategy.
Early Turns
1-cost Belo Betty is a searcher card, looking at the top 5 cards of your deck you can choose 1 {Revolutionary Army} type Character to put in your hand. You are usually looking for Emporio Ivankov to go wide on the field through their effects, If you already have Emporio Ivankov or don’t find one, 4-cost Karasu is another great card to add to your hand.
As for 2-cost Bartholomew Kuma, he can be used for his effect to KO a 2,000 Power or less Character. The list has a couple of cards that can reduce the Power of the opponent’s Character, so they synergize with Bartholomew Kuma. However, there are scenarios where you’ll be forced to play him on the field even if you don’t gain much value, mostly to have another attacker when activating Leader Belo Betty‘s effect.
Power Reduction
Raise Max and Koala can give one of the opponent’s Characters a -3,000 Power reduction, making it easier to attack a rest Character or KO it with one of your Characters effects.
You don’t want to waste any early turn Dons, so you might have to play Raise Max early into the game and leave him on the field to activate his effect later on. In some cases, you can give Raise Max +3,000 Power, attack with him, and then activate his -3,000 Power effect.
Koala‘s effect is useless if played early game without a backup KO effect, but if there’s no other play in hand, you might have to play her to have an extra attacker that benefits from Leader Belo Betty‘s +3,000 effect.
Rush Aggressor

3-cost Inazuma is an aggressor that gains Rush if there’s another Character in play with 7,000 power or more. This is an easy condition to meet with your Leader effect, so if you’re missing a Character to gain the +3,000 Power boost from Leader Belo Betty, then Inazuma is perfect for the role, posing an immediate threat that can drop the opponent low on life cards.
Yellow Triggers

Yellow Trigger Characters play into this deck’s game plan, acting as targets to give them +3,000 Power through your Leader effect. All three of these Characters can be played on the field through their Trigger effects, so if opponents attack your Leader, they risk developing an extra attacker for you. To activate the Trigger effects of these Characters, the total of your and your opponent’s Life cards is 5 or less. Since you’re an aggressive deck, you’ll likely sneak in early hits, making it easier for you to activate these effects in the mid-game.
You want 3-cost Belo Betty in the later stages of the game when you’re down to 2 Life cards or less, this activates her effect to draw you a card. As for 3-cost Karasu, he’s a blocker that can protect your Leader, but in a lot of cases, you’ll opt to attack with him. Both Characters have 4,000 Power, which isn’t too threatening, but combined with Leader Belo Betty‘s +3,000 Power effect, they become 7,000 Power Characters, forcing at least 2 Counter cards to stop their attacks.
As for 4-cost Bartholomew Kuma, he’s a +2,000 Counter, which can be used for offense purposes if you manage to activate his Trigger effect. However, you rarely want to play him from hand as you have better options to play and would rather use his Counter effect.
Multiple Characters
The list has multiple cards that enable multiple Character development on the field. This adds to your offensive pressure, making it easier to have 3 attackers for Leader Belo Betty to boost their attacks.
4-cost Emporio Ivankov is the go-to play on turn 2 if you’re going second. Ivankov needs to gain +2,000 to activate its effect and cheat out a 5,000 Power or less {Revolutionary Army} type Character from your hand. So you most likely will wait until the upcoming turn to use it along with Leader Belo Betty‘s effect. However, in some cases, you’ll target Ivankov with the extra Power even if they can’t attack, just for the extra Character development.
As for 5-cost Emporio Ivankov, it’s the perfect play on turn 3 if you’re going first, letting you look at the top 3 cards of your deck and play a 5,000 Power or less {Revolutionary Army} type Character.
The 5-cost Ivankov is a better value play since they have 6,000 Power and the Character you play is from your deck, so you’re gaining a card. However, 4-cost Ivankov can activate their effect once per turn, which means you can continue to cheat out Characters if Ivankov sticks on the field. This will force the opposing player to commit their resources to remove it from play or risk getting outnumbered and aggroed down.

6-cost Koala adds to your aggressive game plan, damaging your Leader for 1 Life card to play a 4-cost or less {Revolutionary Army} type Character. Additionally, Koala draws you a card, adding more value when you play her.
Koala is perfect for a more consistent aggressive strategy, but keep in mind the self-damage can put you in a vulnerable spot if you’re too low on Life cards.
Koala and 5-cost Emporio Ivankov can cheat out 4-cost Emporio Ivankov, which in turn cheats out another Character, allowing you to develop 3 Characters in one turn.
Best to Cheat
4-cost Karasu is one of the best choices to cheat out through Emporio Ivankov or Koala. He’s a 5,000 Power Character that gives the opponent’s Leader or one of their Characters a -1,000 Power reduction on the turn he’s played. He then reactivates the -1,000 Power reduction effect when he attacks, making him a constant pressure when he attacks.
The Power reduction makes it easier for you to KO a Character in play, but targeting the opponent’s Leader can create an extremely aggressive turn. Attacking with 4-cost Karasu first and reducing the Power of the opponent’s Leader makes all your other Characters a greater threat when they attack and it will force more Counter cards from opponents.
As for 4-cost Lindbergh, he can KO one of the opponent’s Characters with 3,000 Power or less. This is useful to remove a low-power blocker, preventing one of your attacks from hitting the opponent’s Leader. Combined with your Power reduction cards like Raise Max, you can KO higher-cost Characters with Lindbergh.
To activate Karasu and Lindbergh‘s effects, you need to increase their Power to 7,000, so using Leader Belo Betty‘s Leader effect enables you to activate those effects without having to attach Don to them.

Sabo is a +2,000 Counter {Revolutionary Army} type Character, so he can be searched or cheated out on the field. You almost never want to activate his effect unless you’re confident you can win the game in that specific turn.
Turn-Based Gameplay
Going First
- Turn 1 (1 Don): 1-cost Belo Betty or Raise Max.
- Turn 2 (3 Don): 3-cost Karasu or 3-cost Inazuma. If you don’t have anything, you can play Belo Betty, 2-cost Koala, or 2-cost Bartholomew Kuma.
- Turn 3 (5 Don): 5-cost Emporio Ivankov and look for 4-cost Karasu. If you don’t have it, play the 4-cost Ivankov.
- Turn 4 (7 Don): 5-cost Emporio Ivankov or 6-cost Koala.
- Turn 5 (9 Don): Continue developing multiple Characters and play 3-cost Inazuma if you need an extra Rush attacker.
- Turn 6 (10 Don): Continue developing multiple Characters and play 3-cost Inazuma if you need an extra Rush attacker.
Going Second
- Turn 1 (2 Don): 1-cost Belo Betty or Raise Max.
- Turn 2 (4 Don): 4-cost Emporio Ivankov. If you don’t have it, play Karaksu or Lindbergh.
- Turn 3 (6 Don): 5-cost Emporio Ivankov or 6-cost Koala.
- Turn 4 (8 Don): 5-cost Emporio Ivankov or 6-cost Koala.
- Turn 5 (10 Don): Continue developing multiple Characters and play 3-cost Inazuma if you need an extra Rush attacker.