The Red PRB01 Sanji deck is all about aggression, giving Rush to key Characters and attacking the moment they hit the field. It keeps up relentless pressure, aiming for multiple attacks each turn to wear down the opponent’s Leader.
While the deck thrives on aggression, it also includes a few removal options to KO enemy Characters. This makes it harder for opponents to keep up in the aggression race or remove your rested Character.

Red Sanji is a 5 Life card Leader with an effect that lets you give an 8-cost or less Character without an On Play effect the Rush keyword. This means we’ll favor cards with When Attacking, Activate:Main, and Vanilla cards to get the most out of our Leader effect. You don’t have to use any of your Don to activate the effect, so we can be extremely aggressive, immediately attacking with the Character we play.
The Rush attack adds more aggression to our strategy, dropping the opposing player low on Life card quickly, and lining up a strong turn to close out the game.
This deck plays fast, and your opponents will often find themselves low on Life cards, shifting to a defensive play pattern and trying to stabilize the game.
Red Sanji Decklist

How to Play
Early Searcher

Nami looks at the top 5 cards in your deck and lets you add a {Straw Hat Crew} type card to your hand, such as Sanji, Nico Robin, or Monkey D.Luffy.
Low-cost Aggressors

2-cost Sanji is a +2,000 Counter card, but we’ll often play him as an aggressor. Sanji is only a 3,000 Power Character, but activating his effect will self-damage your Leader to give +2,000 Power and attach 2 rested Don. So for 2 Don, you’re setting up a 7,000 Power Character, which will gain Rush through your Leader effect.
Since Leader Sanji is a 5 Life card Leader, we’re not too worried about losing a Life card to create an aggressive turn. The 2-cost Sanji can be played early or late game to help close out games.
As for 3-cost Sanji, he’s a 3,000 Power Character who gains 3,000 Power during your turn. So you’re able to use him aggressively for a high-power attack but will be a vulnerable target during your defensive turn.
Control Characters

The Nico Robins are here to KO low Power Characters, especially blockers, allowing you to attack the opponent’s Leader directly. Since they don’t have an On Play effect, you can give them Rush and attack with them on the turn they’re played. However, you can have the on the field and hold off their attack for the upcoming turn when you can attach Don and have a Power reduction card to combo with them.
OP01 Robin requires you to attach 1 Don to KO a 3,000 or less Power Character. As for ST21 Robin, she has a harder effect to activate, requiring you to attach 2 Don to her before attacking, but she can KO a 4,000 or less Power Character, so a better option against high Power Characters.

Pell works similarly, to the Nico Robins, attaching 1 Don and attacking with him allows you to KO a 4,000 or less Power Characters.
Power Reduction

1-cost Gordon can reduce the Power of an opponent’s Character by 3,000, allowing you to KO a 6,000 Power Character with OP01 Nico Robin, and up to 7,000 Power Characters with ST21 Nico Robin and Pell.
Wapol‘s When Attacking effect reduces the Power of one of the opponent’s Characters by 2,000, while gaining 2,000 Power on himself to become an 8,000 Power attacker. That Power increase sticks until the end of the opponent’s turn, so he’s a tough Character to KO through attacks.
Vanilla Characters

6-cost Franky is an 8,000 Power Character to give Rush to, going for an aggressive attack to pressure the opponent’s Leader. Similarly, 7-cost Monkey D.Luffy can gain Rush through Leader Sanji‘s effect, ensuring you have a heavy hitter ready to strike.
Since both Characters have high power, it can be difficult for the opponent to remove them, so we might get to attack with them multiple times in the game.
Late Game Rush

Monkey D.Dragon is our strongest Rush attacker at Don 8/9, going for a 9,000-power attack to threaten the opponent’s Life card. Monkey D.Dragon also empowers your Leader or one of your Characters, attaching 2 rested Don to one of them to go for another heavy attack. So with the 8-cost Monkey D.Dragon, you’re creating two high-power attacks to drop your opponent in the danger zone.
As for Gol.D.Roger, he keeps the Rush attacks going! His 13,000 Power Rush attack is the strongest in this deck and hard for most decks to Counter. We usually wait to play Gol.D.Roger until the opponent has 0 Life cards, making their Blockers useless. If an opponent at 0 Life cards uses a Blocker while Gol.D.Roger is in play, they automatically lose the game.
+2,000 Counters

We could use Makino to increase 1-cost Nami or Gordon’s attack, turning her into an attacker.
The ST21 Sanji can be used for his On Play effect, letting you choose a Character with 6,000 Power or more and during this turn, that selected Character can’t be blocked. So now you have a great finisher to win you the game on the spot if your opponent is at 0 Life cards.

Guard Point is a Counter Event to protect us from an opponent’s attack, giving your Leader or one of your Characters +3,000 Power.
Gum-Gum Mole Pistol reduces the Power of one of the opponent’s Characters by 5,000 and if you have a 6,000 Power or more Character in play, you can KO a 2,000 Power Character. So with Gum-Gum Mole Pistol, you can KO a Character with up to 7,000 Power.
- 1-cost Nami to search for the cards you need.
- 2-cost and 3-cost Sanji for the early aggression. A Nico Robin for KOing Characters.
Turn-Based Gameplay
Going First
- Turn 1 (1 Don): 1-cost Nami.
- Turn 2 (3 Don): 3-cost Sanji, 2-cost Sanji, or Nico Robin.
- Turn 3 (5 Don): Gordon + Nico Robin or Pell.
- Turn 4 (7 Don): Pell + Gordon, 7-cost Monkey D.Luffy, or Wapol.
- Turn 5 (9 Don): MonkeyD.Dragon.
- Turn 6 (10 Don): MonkeyD.Dragon. Gol.D.Roger for the later turns.
Going Second
- Turn 1 (2 Don): 1-cost Nami or 2-cost Sanji and wait till the next turn to attack.
- Turn 2 (4 Don): 3-cost Sanji, 2-cost Sanji, or Nico Robin.
- Turn 3 (6 Don): If you have Nico Robin in play, you can play Gordon for the Power reduction. Wapol or Franky.
- Turn 4 (8 Don): MonkeyD.Dragon.
- Turn 5 (10 Don): MonkeyD.Dragon. Gol.D.Roger for the later turns.
Other Cards to Include

- 4-cost Brook can reduce the Power of two of the opponent Characters by 2,000, making them easier targets to KO through an effect or attack.
- Roronoa Zoro can become a Rush attacker if you attach 2 Don to him. However, you can give him the Rush keyword through Leader Sanji‘s effect, bypassing the 2 Don requirement. When KO’d, Roronoa Zoro lets you develop a Red Character with 6,000 POower or less from your hand, keeping an attacker in play to continue your aggressive strategy.
- 5-cost Monkey D.Luffy is a Rush attacker that attaches a rested Don to your Leader or one of your Characters, enabling stronger attacks, especially if he sticks on the field.