Heya nakamas! Red Purple Trafalgar Law is crushing the OPTCG scene in the OP07 meta after the Sakazuki ban. This deck revolves around developing multiple Characters on the board while removing one of the opponents’ Characters.
With OP08’s release in the East, the Law deck is on another level with the addition of Black Maria, turbo ramping, and removing the downside of activating Law’s effect.
Decklist OP07

Decklist OP08

The R/P Law deck is perfect for aggressive players who want to have some form of control on the board, and leader Law’s effect enables that! The objective is to develop two Characters a turn while also removing one of the opponent attackers. This puts you ahead on the board, forcing the opposing player to take a defensive stance, doing their best to remove your attackers.
With the many attacks this deck throws the opponent, it’ll run them out of counters, leaving them helpless to your finisher move!
1 Don Reduction

Leader Law can only remove 3k Power characters, which is limiting. This is why we need power reduction cards that aren’t too expensive so it doesn’t hinder our aggressive development.
Otama is a +2k counter and can put 5k characters in a range of Leader Law’s effect. Raise Max and Gordon are even better, -3k power means no 6k Characte is safe from Law’s removal.

4 Don Trafalgar Law has a similar play effect to Otama’s with the -2k Power. However, 4 Don Law is a 5k attacker capable of presenting a threat when played.
Extra Don

Activating Leader Law’s ability loses us 3 Don, which puts us at a disadvantage on the upcoming turns. This is where ramp cards save us in the mid game, with the Don they give us back, lowering the effect of that disadvantage. When playing Bepo or Shachi & Penguin, we need to be mindful of our Don, they have a condition that needs to be met to get that Don out of them,
Those ramp characters can also create an offensive threat since they’re all 5k power, forcing opponents to play counter-cards.

We’re an aggressive deck and Red Rush attackers are perfect to keep opponents on their toes. Playing a character and attacking with them on the same turn puts more aggression that can win games.
Usually, you want to hold onto the rushers until the late game, using up all your Don aggressively and activating Leader Law’s ability to develop the rusher for an additional attack.

Protect your Leader or valuable Characters with Blockers! Each Blocker in this deck has unique effects that play into our game plan.
4c Trafalgar Law is great for running opponents out of resources. You’ll have to return one of your Don, but it’s worth it if you’re trashing two cards in their hand, potentially removing a win condition. It has a condition that your opponent has to have 7 cards in hand for the effect to activate, so in some matchups, you might not find an opportunity to play it.
As for Queen, he’s a value card, drawing two cards and trashing one card. Similar to Trafalgar Law, you have to return a Don for the effect to activate. Queen being a 6,000 Power blocker can be bothersome for the attacker.
Eustass”Captain”Kid is the best card we want to see in the opening hand. Having it on the board means we’ll Ramp 1 Don when we return Don through the Leader effect. This helps keep our pace with opponent, ensuring we don’t fall behind on upcoming turns.
OP08 Maria

The Law deck in OP08 uses Black Maria for an easy Ramp-up! It removes the downside of activating the Leader effect every single turn and ensures you can keep developing on the board on upcoming turns.
Black Maria has given a boost to R/P Law in the OP08 meta, making it a Tier 0 deck that players are struggling to beat.