Red Green Trafalgar Law Deck Guide – One Piece Card Game

Red Green Trafalgar Law is one of the oldest Leaders in the One Piece card game, using Red and Green Characters to their full potential. This deck plays aggressively but has to fill up the field to unleash its full potential. It can set up explosive turns with your Leader effect and its synergy with your Character where you pressure your opponent and either close out the game or put them low enough so that you can win on the next turn.

This isn’t an easy deck to pilot correctly, as sequencing correctly will play a major role in your Don management and even Character aggression.



Red-Green Trafalgar Law is a 4-Life Leader with an ability that lets you swap Characters on your field. By using 2 Don, you can return a Character to your hand and play a 5-cost or less Character of a different color. For example, returning a 1-cost Red Character allows you to replace it with a 5-cost or less Green Character from your hand. This effect helps cycle weaker Characters into stronger ones that can apply offensive pressure while also adding low-cost cards to your hand for defensive use as Counters or to replay them for their effects.

To activate RG Law‘s effect, you must have 5 Characters in play. This makes low-cost Characters essential, as they help fill the board quickly and enable the Leader’s effect as early as possible. You often will activate Law’s effect on turn 4 to return a low-cost Character for a higher-cost one.

Red Green Law Decklist

Cards: 51

How to Play

1-cost Characters

Low-cost Characters play a key role in this deck, as they help us fill up the field with Characters, enabling us to activate our Leader effect.


1-cost Jewelry Bonney is your early-game searcher. She can look at the top 5 cards of your deck to find the right cards for upcoming turns. Jewelry Bonney can draw a {Supernovas} card, like Cavendish5-cost Trafalgar Law, Monkey D.Luffy, or Eustas “Captain” Kid. While rested, your opponent has to attack Jewelry Bonney and KO her to prevent you from reactivating her effect.

As for Nami, she looks at the top 5 cards in your deck and lets you add a {Straw Hat Crew} type card to your hand, such as Monkey D.Luffy, Roronoa Zoro, and Brook.


1-cost Tony Tony Chopper is a great play to go wide on the field, while also developing a Blocker that can protect us from one of the opponent’s attacks later in the game.

As for the 1-cost Nami, she attaches a rested Don to your Leader or one of your Characters, enabling you to go for stronger attacks that will be more difficult for the opposing player to Counter. The longer Nami sticks on the field, the more value you’ll gain from her.

Otama is more for the +2,000 Counter, but we can play her on the field for the -2,000 Power effect, making it easier for us to attack a rested Character and KO. She’ll also add an extra body on the field to activate our Leader effect, and we could return her to our hand to use her +2,000 Counter.

2-cost Characters


Curly.Dadan is in this list to help us go wide on the field, he’s a 2-cost searcher that looks at the top 5 cards of your deck and lets you add a 1-cost Red Character to your hand, which you can play on the field to get to 5 Characters faster.

2-cost Brook is a +2,000 Counter, but you often will play him on the field for his effect. When played, Brook lets you attach 2 rested Don to your Character or Leader, a great way to fill up your field and keep your aggression by attaching the 2 Don. You’ll often make use of that effect in the late-game, when you’re aiming to activate your Leader effect by filling up the field, but still want to go for heavy attacks. You can return Brook to your hand through Leader effect to use him as a Counter card.

3-cost Characters


3-cost Sanji is a 3,000 Power Character that becomes a 6,000 Power attacker during your turn. So he’s great for offense but vulnerable during your defensive turn. However, if KO’d, Sanji will draw you a card, so you’re not losing on resources when your opponent KO’s Sanji.

3-cost Tashigi is a +2,000 Counter which we’ll only have in play to protect our Characters from KO effect.

Rush Supernovas


3-cost Roronoa Zoro is our strongest low-cost Rush attacker, going for 5,000 Power attacks to keep the pressure on the opposing player. Roronoa Zoro works best in this deck because he can be played through your Leader effect or OP01 Trafalgar Law.

As for the 5-cost Monkey D.Luffy, he’s mainly used as a finisher if your opponent has a Blocker in play. If you attach 2 Don to Monkey D.Luffy, he can attack your opponent’s Leader without having to worry about a blocker, so if they’re at 0 Life cards, they’re in real trouble to Luffy‘s game-winning attack.

Since Roronoa Zoro and Monkey D.Luffy are {Supernovas} type Characters, they’ll synergize with your ST02 Trafalgar Law, which I’ll talk more about later in the guide!

Green Supernovas


Cavendish is the strongest play on Don 5, setting 2 of our rested Don as Active, enabling us to play more Characters or go for heavier attacks. When Attacking, Cavendish can activate his effect again to set 2 of our Don as Active, so we need to develop a Character before attacking with Cavendish.

As for OP01 Trafalgar Law, he’s a Blocker with an On Play effect to return a Character to your hand and then cheat out a 3-cost or less Character from your hand. For keeping an aggressive strategy, you want to cheat out Roronoa Zoro, going for a Rush attack to pressure the opposing player. If you don’t have Zoro in hand, you can still play other low-cost Characters like Sanji, Nami, or Tony Tony Chopper.


ST02 Trafalgar Law is the strongest play in the late game, enabling an extremely aggressive turn and synergizes with Characters like Cavendish and Monkey D.Luffy. When played ST02 Law lets you set one of your 5-cost or less Supernovas Characters as Active, allowing you to attack with it a second time. If used on Cavendish, you gain an extra 2 Don from the attack, setting up a strong turn where you’re gaining 4 Don.

If you’re trying to close out the game and avoid a blocker, you can use it on Monkey D.Luffy, attacking twice with your Rush Character. You can put as many Dons as you can on one Character, attack with it once, then play ST02 Law to restand it and go for a second high Power attack.

Fortress Strategy


Only 1 copy in this list of Eustass”Captain”Kid, which enables the Fortress Strategy, forcing your opponents to remove him before they get to attack your Leader. We’ll often play him if we need to buy ourselves an extra turn or two, giving us more opportunities to win the game. With 1-cost Tony Tony Chopper and 3-cost Tashigi, we can protect Kid from easily being removed,



Radical Beam!! is a 1-cost Counter Event to shut down one of the opponent’s attacks. You need to anticipate when you want to play Radical Beam and save 1 Don for the defensive turn. Having 2 Life cards or less bumps Radical Beam‘s Power gain from +2,000 to +4,000.


  • Searcher cards like Nami, Jewelry Bonney, and Curly.Dadan.
  • Cavendish for the extra Don.

Turn-Based Gameplay

Going First

  • Turn 1 (1 Don): 1-cost Nami.
  • Turn 2 (3 Don): 1-cost + 2-cost Characters, Roronoa Zoro, or Sanji.
  • Turn 3 (5 Don): Cavendish + low-cost Character.
  • Turn 4 (7 Don): Fill the field and use Leader effect to play OP01 or ST01 Trafalgar Law.
  • Turn 5 (9 Don): Keep filling the field and activating your Leader effect to play higher-cost Characters. We want to keep pressuring their Leader and dropping them low on Life cards. ST01 Trafalgar Law to attack twice with Cavendish can create stronger turns.
  • Turn 6 (10 Don): Keep filling the field and activating your Leader effect to play higher-cost Characters. We want to keep pressuring their Leader and dropping them low on Life cards.

Going Second

  • Turn 1 (2 Don): 1-cost Nami.
  • Turn 2 (4 Don): 1-cost + 2-cost Characters, Roronoa Zoro, or Sanji.
  • Turn 3 (6 Don): Cavendish + low-cost Character.
  • Turn 4 (8 Don): Fill the field and use Leader effect to play OP01 or ST01 Trafalgar Law.
  • Turn 5 (10 Don): Keep filling the field and activating your Leader effect to play higher-cost Characters. We want to keep pressuring their Leader and dropping them low on Life cards. ST01 Trafalgar Law to attack twice with Cavendish can create stronger turns.

Other Cards to Include

  • Nico Robin can KO a 1,000 Power or less Character, great answer for Characters like Rebecca or Mr 2 Bon Clay.
  • 9-cost Roronoa Zoro for slow matchups where you’re confident your opponents can’t easily remove him from play. Three attacks with Roronoa Zoro can single-handedly win you the game.