The Red-Green Tony Tony Chopper deck got a boost in EB02/OP10, introducing new cards that give players even more reason to pick up the adorable reindeer in the One Piece card game.
This aggressive deck focuses on flooding the field with multiple Characters. It synergizes with {Animal}, {Drum Kingdom}, and {Straw Hat Crew} cards, so most of the deck will revolve around these types.
There’s no room for playing defensively or protecting your Leader. Your primary strategy is to go on the offensive, aiming to deal damage to your opponent’s Life early and often. The goal is to push them into the danger zone and close out the game with Rush attackers.

Red Green Tony Tony Chopper is a 4 Life card with an effect that allows you to give 3 of your {Animal} or {Drum Kingdom} type Characters 1 rested Don card each.
This increases the power of your attacks, going for more aggressive turns to force resources from your opponent’s hand. To get the most out of this effect, we need to have multiple Characters that can make use of Leader Chopper‘s effect. The Don we attach through our Leader makes it easier for us to activate certain Character effects.
Red Green Tony Tony Chopper Decklist

How to Play
1-cost Searchers

We have two 1-cost Namis that act as early searchers to find us {Straw Hat Crew} type Characters. This ensures we can have a strong early game to mid-game by finding the Tony Tony Choppers that let us cheat out Characters in play.
Multiple Characters

All three of these Choppers are an important part of our strategy, letting us play an additional Character, creating a wider field that threatens multiple attacks on your upcoming turn. This will force the opposing player to find answers, attempting to control your side of the field before they have to deal with a barrage of attacks.
OP08 3-cost Red Tony Tony Chopper is our strongest play, which we’ll want on the field as early as possible. On Play, Chopper will look at the top 5 cards in your deck and let you choose 1 {Animal} type Character with 4,000 Power or less to play rested. So we can play one of our 3-cost Tony Tony Choppers with 4,000 Power or Hiking Bear.
What makes this Chopper stronger than the other two is that it plays the Characters from your deck rather than your hand, giving you more resources and its ability can be reactivated once every turn. When you attack with Chopper, you can reactivate its effect to play a Character on the field, which means your opponent will do their best to remove it from play as early as possible.
As for OP04 3-cost Tony Tony Chopper, it can play an {Animal} type Character with 3,000 Power or less, which means we’ll likely play Hiking Bear or 2-cost Tony Tony Chopper.
Lastly, 5-cost Tony Tony Chopper can play an {Animal} type Character with a cost of 3 or less from your hand, so you can play one of our 3-cost Tony Tony Choppers with 4,000 Power or Hiking Bear.

Just Shut Up and Come with Us!!!! is a Counter Event that allows us to develop an additional Character on the field only during your opponent’s turn. You can look at the top 5 cards in your deck and play 1 {Animal} type Character with a cost of 3 or less.
Rush Attackers

3-cost Roronoa Zoro is a low-cost Rush attacker, perfect to add pressure, especially when your opponent is low on Life cards. The Rush attack + attaching Don can damage your opponent’s Leader, either winning you the game or getting you closer to closing out the game.
7-cost Hody Jones is the strongest play in this deck, resting two of your opponent’s Characters and using Rush to go for an attack on the turn he’s played. Depending on the game, you’ll decide whether you prefer attacking the opponent’s Leader and rushing your opponent down or focusing your attacks on the rested Characters to control the field.
Alternatively, Hody Jones can rest one of the opponent’s Don instead of 2 Characters, which can be beneficial against decks like Green Bonney or Blue Nami that rely on Don during defensive turns.
+2,000 Counters

When attacking, 2-cost Tony Tony Chopper can rest one of the opponent’s Characters with a cost of 2 or less. It’s an extremely situational play, but can be useful to rest a low-cost Blocker and get your attacks through.
2-cost Sanji can prevent your opponent from blocking one of your Characters with 6,000 Power or more.
3-cost Dr.Hiriluk can be played for his Activate:Main event, giving all your Tony Tony Choppers +2,000 Power, creating an awfully strong turn if you have multiple of them in play.
Other Events

1-cost Guard Point is a counter defensive event, giving your Leader or one of your Characters +3,000 Power, preventing your opponent from KOing it.
3-cost Gum Gum Giant Pistol is great when you’re trying to close out the game, giving one of your Characters +6,000 Power to go for a heavy attack.
1-cost Nami is great for the early game to find the cards you need. You’ll want to have Characters that let you develop more on the field, so 3-cost OP08 Tony Tony Chopper is the best card to have in your hand.
Turn-Based Gameplay
Going First
- Turn 1 (1 Don): 1-cost Nami.
- Turn 2 (3 Don): 3-cost OP08 Tony Tony Chopper and cheat out a Character.
- Turn 3 (5 Don): 5-cost Tony Tony Chopper and cheat out a Character.
- Turn 4 (7 Don): Hody Jones or continue developing Characters + 1-cost Just Shut Up and Come with Us!!!!
- Turn 5 (9 Don): Hody Jones or continue developing Characters, Roronoa Zoro for the Rush attack.
- Turn 6 (10 Don): Hody Jones or continue developing Characters, Roronoa Zoro for the Rush attack.
Going Second
- Turn 1 (2 Don): 1-cost Nami.
- Turn 2 (4 Don): 3-cost OP08 Tony Tony Chopper and cheat out a Character + 1-cost Just Shut Up and Come with Us!!!!
- Turn 3 (6 Don): 5-cost Tony Tony Chopper and cheat out a Character.
- Turn 4 (8 Don): Hody Jones or continue developing Characters + 1-cost Just Shut Up and Come with Us!!!!
- Turn 5 (10 Don): Hody Jones or continue developing Characters, Roronoa Zoro for the Rush attack.