Red Green Smoker is an OP10 Leader that wants to have either {Navy} or {Punk Hazard} type Characters alongside him, giving them +1,000 Power during your defensive turns. This makes it a challenge for opponents to KO your Characters, increasing the odds of keeping Characters in play and getting more value out of them.
Combining Red and Green in one deck gives you different ways to build this deck. This version uses the Fortress strategy with Eustass”Captain”Kid, and with Leader Smoker giving extra Don, you have the resources to play Kid as early as possible.
Since Red and Green have different win condition cards to add to the list, I’ll add other cards you can include at the end of this guide!

Red Green Smoker is a 4 health Leader with two effects. Smoker‘s first effect activates during your opponent’s turn, giving your {Navy} or {Punk Hazard} type Characters +1,000 Power. This makes it harder for your opponent to attack and KO your {Navy} and {Punk Hazard} type Characters.
Smoker‘s second effect can be activated once during your turn, setting 2 Don as Active only if you have a Character with 7,000 or more in play. This is your strongest effect, allowing you to make more plays in one turn or use the extra Don to increase the Power of your attacks.
Red Green Smoker Decklist

How to Play
Early Characters

Vergo are your early-game searchers, his On Play effect looks at the top 5 cards of your deck and lets you pick 1 {Punk Hazard} type card. You can draw Characters like 3-cost Sanji, 5-cost Smoker, and 3-cost Tashigi.
You have to rest Monet to activate her effect, giving your Leader or one of your Characters 2 rested Don, then giving one of your opponent’s Characters -1,000 Power. So we’re setting up a stronger attack while weakening an opponent’s Character. We can either attack that Character or use a control effect like Gum-Gum Mole Pistol or Benn.Beckman to remove a higher Power Character.
Punk Hazard Characters to Play

3-cost Sanji is a 3,000 Power Character but gains +3,000 Power during your turn, becoming a 6,000 Power attack. He acts as an aggressive Character, but during your defensive turns, he’s pretty weak to the opponent’s attacks. Being a 6,000 Power Character, you can attach 1 Don on 3-cost Sanji to get him up to 7,000 Power and activate Leader effect to stand 2 Don as Active.
Since 3-cost Sanji is a {Punk Hazard} type Character, he’ll gain +1,000 Power from Leader Smoker, making it easier for you to protect him at 4,000 Power.
5-cost Smoker adds to your aggressive strategy. Using the 7,000 Power and Banish keyword, you usually want to target the opponent’s leader to try to trash one of their life cards. This will usually force opponents to counter your attack since they don’t want one of their cards trashed, but at times, countering a high-power Smoker attack might not be worth it or possible for them.
5-cost Smoker‘s Activate: Main sets 1 of your Don as Active, which you can use to attach on a Character for added aggression or help develop more Characters. However, you need to activate the Leader’s effect first, set 2 Active Don, and then activate the 5-cost Smoker’s effect for the extra 1 Don.
You’re gaining 3 Active Dons in one turn, enabling you to develop more on the field or use that Don aggressively.
Control Cards

Gum-Gum Mole Pistol reduces the Power of one of the opponent’s Characters by 5,000 and if you have a 6,000 Power or more Character in play, you can KO a 2,000 Power Character. So with Gum-Gum Mole Pistol, you can KO a Character with up to 7,000 Power.
Benn.Beckman can trash a 6,000 Power Character, removing a key Character for your opponent and shifting the field presence in your favor.
Aggressive Hody Jones

Hody Jones‘ Rush attack + ability to rest two Characters enables an aggressive turn, stopping opponents from using their blockers to tank hits targeted toward the leader. However, you can use Hody Jones‘ rest effect to attack the rested Characters, potentially KOing them and weakening opponents’ board.
Fortress Strategy

Eustass”Captain”Kid enables your Fortress strategy also known as “Bird Cage”. On Don 8+, we can play Eustass”Captain”Kid rest him, and cheat out a low-cost blocker, Donquixote Rosinante. Using Leader effect, we can stand 2 Don as Active (so you can play Kid on Don8) and attach 1 Don to Eustass”Captain”Kid to activate his effect, preventing the opposing player from attacking any card other than Eustass”Captain”Kid. An 8,000 Power Character isn’t easy to KO through attacks, especially with blockers in play that can protect him from high-power attacks.
This could shut down the opponent’s aggressive turn and force them to attach more Don to their attackers instead of playing Characters on the field. Donquixote Rosinante is the better choice to accompany Eustass”Captain”Kid since he can keep him safe from KO effects.
You can play Eustass”Captain”Kid on Don 8 thanks to Leader Smoker‘s effect, gaining 2 extra Don, which you can attach one of them to Eustass”Captain”Kid and rest him, forcing opponents to deal with him if they wish to target your Leader or other Characters.

Donquixote Rosinante is a 2-cost blockers that add to your defensive game plan. Donquixote Rosinante is a key card in this list since when one of your rested Characters is KO’d, Donquixote Rosinante activates his effect to sacrifice himself and keep that Character in play.
Baccarat is another Blocker we can have on the field early in the game or cheat out through Eustass”Captain”Kid. Baccarat’s ability allows you to trash a card from your hand to give +2,000 Power to your Leader or a Character. So you can trash the least important card in your hand to gain the +2,000 Power to protect your Character or Leader.

3-cost Tashigi is a +2,000 Counter card which we might find ourselves playing through Eustass”Captain”Kid to protect our Fortress strategy. If we’re worried the opponent might remove Eustass”Captain”Kid though an effect and 2-cost Donquixote Rosinante is nowhere to be seen, Tashigi can fill its place. Tashigi‘s effect activates when one of your Green Characters would be removed due to the opponent’s effect, instead, you can rest Tashigi and keep that Character in play.
Keep in mind that 2-cost Donquixote Rosinante is limited to KO effects/attacks, whereas 3-cost Tashigi protects Eustass”Captain”Kid from any type of removal effects (effects that place your Character in your hand or deck).
Counter Events

Radical Beam!! is a 1-cost Counter Event to shut down one of the opponent’s attacks. You need to anticipate when you want to play Radical Beam and save 1 Don for the defensive turn. Having 2 Life cards or less bumps Radical Beam‘s Power gain from +2,000 to +4,000.
Since Leader Smoker gives you 2 Active Dons, we can afford to have Ten-Layer Igloo on the list as a Counter event. Ten-Layer Igloo gives your Leader or a Character +3,000 Power and then one of your opponent’s Leader or Characters gets -2,000 Power. This is perfect for countering 2 attackers or 1 high-power attacker.
- 1-cost Vergo to find the cards you need.
- 5-cost Smoker is always a good keep, playing him on turn 3 to start getting an extra Don every turn.
- We want to mulligan for Eustass”Captain”Kid to make sure
Turn-Based Gameplay
Going First
- Turn 1 (1 Don): 1-cost Vergo.
- Turn 2 (3 Don): 3-cost Sanji.
- Turn 3 (5 Don): 5-cost Smoker.
- Turn 4 (7 Don): Hody Jones, Benn.Beckman, or 5-cost Smoker more development from the extra Don.
- Turn 5 (9 Don): Eustass”Captain”Kid + Donquixote Rosinante. If you want to play aggressively, you can go for Hody Jones.
- Turn 6 (10 Don): Eustass”Captain”Kid + Donquixote Rosinante.
Going Second
- Turn 1 (2 Don): 1-cost Vergo or 2-cost Monet.
- Turn 2 (4 Don): 3-cost Sanji, attach 1 Don to Sanji, and gain 2 Active Don. Play Vergo, 2-cost Monet, or attack with Leader 7,000 Power.
- Turn 3 (6 Don): 5-cost Smoker gain 2 Don and play a Sanji or Baccarat.
- Turn 4 (8 Don): Eustass”Captain”Kid + Donquixote Rosinante. If you want to play aggressively, you can go for Hody Jones.
- Turn 5 (10 Don): Eustass”Captain”Kid + Donquixote Rosinante.
Other Cards to Include

- Because The Side of Justice Will Be Whichever Side Wins!! is a 0-cost +3000 Power Counter that forces you to trash a card from your hand. This is usually to protect your leader or keep the Fortress up. The list has a lot of Characters with no Counter effect, so Because The Side of Justice Will Be Whichever Side Wins!! can be used to trash dead cards we won’t need.
- 9-cost Shanks is a strong option in the late game, joining the battle and KOing a rested Character.
- 10-cost Donquixote Doflamingo is best played to slow down the opposing player, keeping three rested Leader and Character cards from becoming active on the upcoming turn.