The Purple Leader, Foxy, never really took off, and we rarely saw it played. However, in the East meta, a player won their local tournament with this list, so we’ll break it down and understand what’s going on with this deck.

How to Play
The Purple Foxy deck tries to develop multiple Characters on the field, control the opponent’s side, and slowly deal damage to their Leader until you put them low enough to close out the game. This list has blockers and defensive Characters/Events to preserve Life cards and buy you more time so you can set up more attacks on their Leader.

Purple Foxy is a 5-health Leader, with a defensive effect that lets you prevent the opponent’s rested Leader and one rested Character from becoming active on their upcoming turn. This slows down your opponent aggression, buying more turns to get more attacks through and eventually win the game.
However, to activate Foxy’s effect, a condition needs to be met. Before attacking with Foxy, you must have 3 {Foxy Pirates} Characters in play and return 3 Don. So it’s a difficult effect to activate, and you’ll only want to use it in the late-game, once you’re at 10 Don, so you don’t fall too behind.
The list also has multiple low-cost {Foxy Pirates} Characters to ensure you can activate Leader effect in the late-game.
Wide Plan

Porche is the best Characters in this deck, offering value and field development. She’s a {Foxy Pirates} Character that searches for {Foxy Pirates} cards to draw. Additionally, she returns 1 Don, to play out a 4,000 Power or less Character. Porche playing a Character without having to spend Don is useful to your Leader’s “3 {Foxy Pirates} Characters in play” condition to be met.
This list has multiple Characters to play through Porche, so let’s go through them.
Foxy Pirates
Tony Tony. Chopper and Itomimizu are two {Foxy Pirates} Characters you can play through Porche‘s effect. They are ramp cards, so when Porche returns Don, you can gain it back to keep up with the opposing play. Tony Tony. Chopper gives you a Don only when you have less or equal Don to the opponent, so with Porche, you’ll drop a Don to be equal to the opponent’s Don and then gain it back with Tony Tony. Chopper. He also acts as a blocker to take a hit for you.
As for Itomimizu, he ramps up regardless of the number of Don on your field, so even if you don’t have Porche early in the game, you want to play him and start ramping up to play your higher-cost cards on earlier turns.
Gina acts similarly to Tony Tony. Chopper, ramping up 1 Don if you have equal or less Don than the opponent, but has no Blocker keyword, so she doesn’t offer much on the field. We’ll only play her if we need a 3rd {Foxy Pirates} Character in play to activate the Leader effect.

Pickles is another {Foxy Pirates} Character that synergizes with the deck’s game plan. While he’s on the field, your other {Foxy Pirates} type Characters other than Pickles cannot be KO’d through your opponent’s effects. So you might avoid attaking with it in specific matchups to help protect your other Characters.
Kalifa and Miss Double Finger (Zala) are +2,000 Counter cards that can be played through Porche. You usually don’t want to play them on the field unless you’re forced to, to keep your field development. Kalifa returns a Don when attacking to draw 2 cards and trashes 1, filtering your hand and giving you more resources.
As for Miss Doublefinger, she’s a ramp card but forces you to trash a card from your hand.
Eustass”Captain”Kid and Queen are 6,000 Power blockers to block an incoming attack more easily and force less Counter cards from you. Both have powerful effects, Eustass”Captain”Kid will give you an Active Don if he sees you’ve returned Don. So if you return Don through Leader effect or Porche, you’ll get back Active Don, making sure you are not falling behind.
As for Queen, he returns 1 Don to draw two cards and trash one, similar to Kalifa‘s effect. He’s more valuable on the field though thanks to the 6,000 Power and blocker keyword.
Eustass”Captain”Kid is an extremely important card on the field, and you’ll want to avoid sacrificing it for as long as possible to get that Active Don value.
Taking Control
Sanji is a 7,000 Power Character that returns Don to activate his effect, allowing you to rest one of the opponent’s 6-cost or less Characters and gains Rush, which means you can attack it immediately with Sanji to potentially KO it. He works best if there’s a troublesome Character on the opponent’s side of the field you want to get rid of.
On the other hand, 7-cost Foxy is a ramp card, which can come in useful if you’re deramping a lot in the late-game through Leader effect and other cards, but he also lowers the opponent’s aggression, lowering the Power of all of the opponent’s Characters by -1,000 during their turn. This means for as long as 7-cost Foxy is in play, you’ll need less Counter cards to protect your Leader or rested Characters, making it easier to slow down the pace of the game and run the opponent out of resources.
Having two of those 7-cost Foxy Characters in play can be devastating for the opponent, a -2,000 will effectively shut down any aggression, especially if they’re relying on low-cost multiple attackers to chip down on your Leader. This will force them to attach more Don to get their attacks to damage you, weakening their development if they decide to go for it.
More control cards. Conquerer of Thee Worlds Ragnaraku is a 5-cost Event that returns 1 Don to KO an 8-cost or less Character. So you can remove a high-cost Character with it, weakening the opponent’s upcoming turn.
As for Charlotte Linlin, she’s doing multiple things when playing. She has to return a Don and trash a card from hand to activate her effect, giving you an extra Life card while removing one of the opponent’s 6-cost or less Characters from play and placing it back in the top or bottom of their Life Area.
Although you’re giving your opponent an extra Life card, you’re weakening their presence on the field, giving you more room to take control.
Gum-Gum Jet Gatling trashes 1 card from hand to give +3,000 Power. A great defensive Event that can catch opponents off guard.
As for Slow-Slow Beam Sword, it’s your strongest defensive Event, returning 1 Don to give your Leader or one of your Characters +2,000 Power and rest a Character, preventing it from attacking. Save 2 Don on the turns you expect you’ll need to play it.
Turn-Based Gameplay
Going First
- Turn 1 (1 Don):
- Turn 2 (3 Don): Porche + Tony Tony. Chopper, Itomimizu, or Pickles.
- Turn 3 (5 Don): Eustass”Captain”Kid.
- Turn 4 (7 Don): 7-cost Foxy or Sanji if you need to KO a Character.
- Turn 5 (9 Don): 9-cost Charlotte Linlin or a 7-cost Character or Queen + Go wide.
- Turn 6 (10 Don): 9-cost Charlotte Linlin or a 7-cost Character or Queen + Go wide.
Going Second
- Turn 1 (2 Don):
- Turn 2 (4 Don): Porche + Tony Tony. Chopper, Itomimizu, or Pickles.
- Turn 3 (6 Don): If you played Itomimizu and ramped, you can play a 7-cost Character this turn, if not you can play Eustass”Captain”Kid.
- Turn 4 (8 Don): 7-cost Foxy or Sanji if you need to KO a Character. You can play 9-cost Charlotte Linlin if you ramped. Queen + Go wide.
- Turn 5 (10 Don): 9-cost Charlotte Linlin or a 7-cost Character or Queen + Go wide.