Pikachu ex is the newest Pokemon in the Surging Sparks meta, which can dish out a lot of damage but needs supporting cards to get its attacks going. The list I’ll cover today has Blissey ex as the supporting Pokemon, working hard to make sure Pikachu goes for those heavy attacks to get knockouts!
Blissey ex can join the battle and clean up weaker Pokemon if Pikachu ex needs a break or time to recharge and get back out there.
Pikachu ex Blissey Decklist

Pokémon: 13
4 Chansey PGO 51
3 Blissey ex TWM 134
3 Pikachu ex SSP 57
1 Radiant Greninja ASR 46
1 Iron Bundle PAR 56
1 Mew ex MEW 151
Trainer: 37
4 Arven OBF 186
3 Iono PAL 185
2 Boss's Orders PAL 172
2 Professor's Research PAF 87
1 Professor Turo's Scenario PAR 171
4 Glass Trumpet SCR 135
3 Nest Ball SVI 181
3 Earthen Vessel PAR 163
3 Pokégear 3.0 SVI 186
3 Ultra Ball PAF 91
2 Night Stretcher SFA 61
2 Switch SVI 194
1 Counter Catcher PAR 160
1 Precious Trolley SSP 185
1 Hisuian Heavy Ball ASR 146
1 Technical Machine: Turbo Energize PAR 179
1 Gravity Mountain SSP 177
Energy: 10
3 Grass Energy SVE 9
3 Lightning Energy SVE 12
2 Metal Energy SVE 8
2 Water Energy SVE 3
How to Play

Pikachu ex is a 200 HP Pokemon that deals a high Power attack of 300 damage with Topaz Bolt. Although 200 HP might make him vulnerable, opponents can’t simply one-shot him thanks to his Resolute Heart ability. For Resolute Heart to activate, Pikachu ex needs to have full HP when Knocked Out from an attack. Instead of getting Knocked Out, Pikachu ex‘s HP becomes 10, sticks in the Active Spot for another attack or retreats to the safety of the Bench.
Pikachu ex needs three different Energy cards to activate Topaz Bolt, Grass, Lightning, and Meta Energy cards. This might not seem too tough to set up, especially when dealing 300 damage, which will knock out most Pokemon in your path. However, Topaz Bolt will discard three Energy cards on Pikachu ex. This puts you in an awkward situation, you’ll need cards to draw more Energy cards or get them back from the Discard pile and you’ll need an accelerator.
So the list has multiple cards to draw Energy cards and Blissey as an accelerator to attach more Energy to Pikachu ex.
The list has 4 types of Energy. Grass, Lightning, and Metal Energy are for Pikachu ex‘s Topaz Bolt. As for the Water Energy, it doesn’t find use with Pikachu ex but it can be attached to Blissey ex to activate Return attack, Mew ex‘s Genome Hacking, or Radiant Greninja‘s Moonlight Shuriken.
Blissey ex Combo
You’ll need Chansey early into the game to evolve her into Blissey ex. This deck uses Blissey ex‘s Happy Switch ability to move a Basic Energy from one Pokemon to another of your Pokemon. Why is this useful? Because it synergizes with Glass Trumpet.
There needs to be a Tera Pokemon in play for you to activate Glass Trumpet, so you’ll need Pikachu ex in play. Then you can choose up to 2 of your colorless Pokemon on the Bench and attach a Basic Energy card from your discard pile.
Since Blissey ex and Chansey are colorless Pokemon, you can attach Basic Energy cards to them. Blissey ex then uses Happy Switch to move that Energy card to Pikachu ex so it can go for an attack with Topaz Bolt.
The ideal scenario is to have two Blissey ex in play and move two Energy to Pikachu ex + the Energy you’ll attach on him, allowing you to attack twice in a row with Topaz Bolt.
Blissey ex can be an attacker herself, dealing 180 damage with Return and drawing you cards until you have 6 left. With this deck, you’ll often be using up your hand, so the extra draw can be of great use to keep the engine running.
Pokemon Draw Engines
Radiant Greninja‘s Concealed Cards lets you discard an Energy card to draw 2 cards. Radiant Greninja wants to stay on the Bench and continuously activate Concealed Cards to you more resources. Since the list has Glass Trumpet, you can get access to those discarded Energy cards later in the game. Radiant Greninja‘s attack doesn’t pose much threat, but it can damage the opponent’s Bench to get knockouts or will be useful against Stall type decks.
As for Mew ex‘s Restart ability, it acts as a draw engine, drawing you cards until you have 3 cards in your hand. So if you have a Mew ex on your Bench, you can use up the cards in your hand, drop them below 3 cards, and then draw extra cards to find what you need. Mew ex can also become an attacker with Genome Hacking, copying the opponent’s Active Pokemon’s attack. So this will be dependent on what the Pokemon has in the Active spot, but copying a high-damage attack can knock them out.
Energy Draw
Earthen Vessel draws 2 Basic Energy cards so you can attach them to Pikachu ex and get your attacks going. As for Night Stretcher, it puts a Pokemon or a Basic Energy card from your discard pile into your hand. So if you’re missing an Energy or a Pokemon you’ve discarded to get your strategy rolling, Night Stretcher is a lifesaver.
Technical Machine: Turbo Energize is another card that synergizes with Blissey’s Happy Switch. You want to attach Technical Machine: Turbo Energize to an Active Pokemon with at least 1 Basic Energy, you then can activate Turbo Energize to search your deck for 2 Basic Energy cards and attach them to your Benched Pokemon in any way you like. Blissey‘s Happy Switch then does the rest, moving Energy cards to the Pokemon you need to attack with.
Supporter Value
Arven is a great resource card cause it allows you to search and draw an Item and a Pokemon tool card. So cards like Previous Trolley, Glass Trumpet, Earthen Vessel, and Technical Machine: Turbo Energize are options to draw.
As for Iono, both players will shuffle their hand and draw cards equal to the number of Prize cards they have left. So you could ruin the opponent’s plans if you shuffle important cards back into their deck. You’re also replenishing your hand, ideally, you want to play as many cards as possible before you use Iono.
Professor’s Research can discard your hand to draw 7 cards. After you’ve played the valuable cards, you can go for Professor’s Research to replinish your hand.
Draw your Pokemon
Nest Ball and Precious Trolly draw you Basic Pokemon, so Pikachu ex, Chansey, Mew ex, and Greninja are all Pokemon you can draw.
As for Ultra Ball, you need to discard 2 cards from your hand to search for any Pokemon in your deck and add it to your hand. It’s best used if you’re missing a Blissey, but can still be useful for any other Pokemon you need for your strategy.
Combat Cards
Blissey ex‘s retreat cost is at 4 Energy, so it’s not realistic to attach and discard 4 Energy from Blissey ex. Instead, you have Switch or Professor Turo’s Scenario to help out here. Switch is straightforward, switching your Active Pokemon with one of your Benched Pokemon. So if you have a Pokemon stuck in the Active spot and isn’t finding much use, you can switch it with a Benched Pokemon that can attack immediately and get a Knock Out.
Professor Turo’s Scenario removes one of your Pokemon from play and puts it in your hand. So you can remove an Active Pokemon and replace it with one of your Benched Pokemon. This can also be useful to remove a damaged or low HP Pokemon from play so your opponent doesn’t get a Knock Out.
You can use Boss’s Order or Counter Catcher to move a low-health Pokemon to the Active spot, making it easier for you to get a Knock Out over a high-Pokemon or you can knock out a win condition hiding on the Bench.
Also, these cards can move a Pokemon with a high retreat cost to the Active spot, which doesn’t pose much of an offensive threat. This will slow down the opponent’s game plan and buys you enough time to have your win conditions ready.