Best New OP09 Leaders/Decks to Play – One Piece Card Game

Players in the East are finally getting their hands on the OP09 cards, and some lists have been shared around for the new Leaders! We have 6 new Leaders joining the game, each with a different playstyle! We’ll share early builds of those Leaders to get you started in OP09 meta!

Red Shanks

Shanks effect lets you lower the Power of the opponent’s Leader or one of their Characters when they go for the attack. This weakens their attacks and helps you stall out games. So the list has late-game cards like 8-cost Monkey D.Dragon, 8c Silver Raylieh, and 10c Shanks. 5-cost Yasopp also helps with the defensive game plan, giving your Leader +1,000 Power until the end of the opponent’s next turn. Attacking with Yasopp allows you to reduce the Power of one of the opponent’s Characters making it easier for you to attack and KO it, or use Ben Beckman to KO it.

7-cost Ben Beckman can KO one of the opponent’s Characters with a Power of 6,000 or less though it’s On Play effect, but has to trash one of your hands.

10-cost Shanks lower all of the opponent’s Characters by -1,000 for as long as he’s on the field, making it easier for you to KO them or survive their attacks.

Blue Buggy

Leader Buggy’s effect lets you rest 5 Don and trash a card from hand to play 1 “Cross Guild” type Character from your hand. So to make it worth activating, we want to play a high-cost “Cross Guild” type Character like 6-cost Dracule Mihawk, 7-cost Crocodile, or 10-cost Buggy.

7-cost Crocodile can play a 5-cost {Baroque Works} Character for free! So Bon Clay, Mr. 1, and Crocodile are some of the Characters we can play and go wide on the field.

10-cost Buggy is this deck’s strongest play, capable of placing one of the opponent’s Characters at the bottom of their deck. However, you have to have a 5-cost or more Character on the field to bypass Buggy’s second effect so it doesn’t remove itself afterward from the field.

Green Purple Lim

Purple Green Lim changes the rules, forcing you to rest the Characters you play. This is a downside, but her effect lets you rest 3 Don and does two things: Ramp 1 rested Don and play a 5-cost or less {Odyssey} type Character.

So Lim is creating a strong mid-game as she ramps up for the stronger plays. 5-cost Doflamingo, Ace, and Luffy are strong plays that activate their effects if they see two rested Characters. So they’re synergizing with Leader Lim’s Character rest effect.

This deck plans to play Roronoa Zoro as fast as possible before the opponent can play an answer to remove it. The triple attack in one turn can completely destroy the opposing player.

Black Marshal D.Teach

Marshall D. Teach changes the rules, stopping your On Play effects from activating. So it’s important when building this Black deck not to include any Characters with an On Play effect. Leader Marshall D. Teach’s Activate: Main effect lets you trash 1 card to shut down any On Play effect your opponent plays on the upcoming turn. If times correctly, this can be a massive game disruption for the opponent, stopping them from executing your strategy and even keeping your field safe.

Since Jack isn’t an On Play effect, he works great in this deck to KO Characters. You have to rest him to activate the effect, but it’s worth it if you’re removing the opponent’s Characters.

9-cost Kaido can trash one of the opponent’s 7-cost or less Characters and force them to trash a card from hand. A massive play especially when backed with a cost-reduction card to remove even higher-cost Characters.

10-cost Marshall D.Teach can nullify the effects of the opponent’s Leader and one of their Characters. This can be massive if they have a strong Leader effect or their Character has a pesky ongoing effect you want to remove for the turn. He also remains on the field as a big body that can block one of the opponent’s attacks.

Purple Yellow Nico Robin

Nico Robin with her Banish keyword can be scary when she goes for the attack. Losing a Life card is never good, so opponents will be forced to Counter the attack. If you trash a trigger card before you attack, Nico Robin will give you an extra Don, making it easier for you to play those big cards quickly.

Purple Black Monkey D. Luffy

Purple Black Luffy removes the punishment of deramping. If you deramp two Dons in one turn, Luffy will activate his effect, giving you back those two Dons and one of them will be Active.

So naturally, we’ll include multiple cards with strong effects that force you to deramp. Roronoa Zoro, Franky, and Sanji are the mid-game cards with effects that require you to deramp. We’re then moving to Gecko Moria, developing multiple Characters on the field.

9-cost Luffy has Rush, so he’s going for the attack the turn he’s played and on top of it, drawing you a card. Whereas Kaido and Linlin can change the game entirely if it sticks on the field. Attacking with Kaido and Linlin KO’s all other Characters and gives you a Life card, an insane value that’s too difficult for any deck to come back from. The downside? You return 10 Don to your Don deck, but with Leader effect, you’ll gain back two Don.