The Lockdown Marvel Snap deck takes advantage of the “Cards here are not revealed until the game ends” Dark Dimension location to get insane value out of Alioth. This deck has the tools to force opponents into playing on a certain location or make them give up on one and focus on the other two.
Game Plan

Early Power Buff

Rocket Raccoon gains +4 Power if the opponent plays a card in the same location that Rocket Raccoon was played on. In the early stages of the game, you want to predict where your opponent wants to play their card, but later on, you can force them to play a card on a specific location, making Rocket Raccoon a great 5-power card for 1 Energy.
Nebula forces opponents to play cards on the location she’s in to shut down her +2 Power. This can be bothersome for them and might end up weakening their other locations unless they decide to give up on the location Nebula is on.
Similar to Rocket Raccoon, you’ll want to play Star Lord in the same location your opponent will develop on to get that sweet +4 Power. The deck runs tools that can make the opponent’s favor developing on a certain location, which you’ll want to take advantage of.
The Movers

Jeff and Vision are important parts of your game plan to shift your win play to another location. It can leave the opponent questioning which location you’ll commit to.
With Storm locking a certain location, Jeff and Vision are still able to move to that location, ensuring you get to win it.
Location Lock

Storm forces opponents to commit to the location she’s played on before it’s locked. This is where cards like Rocket Raccoon and Star Lord can be played, knowing you’ll have higher odds of activating their effects.
Energy Reduction

Zabu allows you to play your 4 cost cards a turn earlier and enables you to play cards like Rocket Raccoon and Star Lord along with them on turns 4 and 5.
The ongoing effect can be a game swinger on turns 4 and 5, putting you ahead of the opponent’s development

All cards in the deck have unique effects, meaning you’ll likely find use with Iron Lad copying a card’s text.
Ms Marvel is crucial to give a boost to adjacent locations. You have to make sure not to have cards with the same costs on the adjacent locations to ensure they get the +5 Power.
Ms. Marvel is best played in the middle, making sure you get the most value out of her and can keep the threat of winning any of the three locations.
Shang Chi is more of a meta call. He’s a 4 drop that synergizes with Zabu and can shift the winning side on a specific Location with his ability to destroy all enemy cards with 10 or more Power.
Late Game Winners

You’ll want to have priority when playing Alioth to get to wipe out the opponent’s unrevealed cards. It also synergizes with Dark Dimension location which won’t reveal cards until the end of the game.
Doctor Doom is another winning play to threaten a Power shift in all three locations. He can also add a DoomBot in a location that has been locked by Storm, giving you an advantage over the opponent.