How to Remove Wanted Mark in Palworld

Palworld is one of the most popular games on Steam. It’s an Open World game where you can battle and collect Pokemons… erm I meant Pals.

The game pretty much lets you do whatever you want! From enslaving Pals to do your bidding and working on your base to outright slaughtering them if you felt they were not keeping up with the loads of work you’re forcing them to do.

No one really bats an eye in Palworld when you battle Pals and kill them. However, there are things where that although you can do, will get repercussions for doing. Trespassing in a Sanctuary, assaulting PIDF officers, or friendly NPCs will immediately put a Wanted mark on you, spawning PIDF officers to chase you down and ensure justice runs its course.

There are a couple of ways to shake off those PIDF Officers, here they are!

Let Them Kill You

The easiest way is just to raise your hands and accept surrender. However, this doesn’t mean you’ll be taken to a cell in handcuffs. Instead, the PIDF will do everything in its power to ensure you’re dead.

Letting the PIDF kill you will get that Wanted mark off of you but this will also mean you’ll drop all the loot. Make sure to pick a safe spot to die in so it’s easier to travel there and pick up your loot.

Fight Back

If you have the Pal strength and weapons to fight back, then don’t back down! It’s to show the PIDF really owns the Pal World!

This won’t be an easy task by no means, the PIDF can be quite strong and difficult to deal with. One trick to advantage of is to lure the PIDF to your base and get all your Pals to fight along with you, overpowering the PIDF and killing all of them. This should remove the Wanted mark since you’ve dealt with those enforcing it.

Make A Run for It

Running away from PIDF is one way to shake off the Wanted mark. You’ll need a fast-moving Pal that can be difficult for them to keep up with, or a flying Pal to climb up those mountains.

The PIDF are persistent though, so it’ll take a while before they give up on serving justice.

Kill the Witnesses

This is an easy way to immediately remove the Wanted mark. Kill anyone that could snitch to the PIDF about what you’ve done. Obviously, you’ll have to kill any witness before the PIDF shows up and they get the chance to spill everything to the law enforcers.

Restart the Game

Funnily enough, you can remove the Wanted mark by simply existing the game and rejoining the World you’re in. This is the easiest method without having to wage war against the PIDF.