Green Yellow Trafalgar Law OP10 Deck Guide – One Piece Card Game

Green Yellow Trafalgar Law is an aggressive type deck in OP10 meta, using Supernova type character to cheat out through Leader effect and activate their effects for added value.

Green Yellow Trafalgar Law is an OP10 Leader that can play aggressively, swarming the field, and creating mid-game threats that go for multiple attacks.

We’re used to decks like Red Purple Law and Green Red Law playing aggressively, and this Leader is no different. The {Supernova} type Characters are a centerpiece of this deck’s game plan as your Leader effect is tied to them, so you’ll add as many as you can to the list to make use of the Leader effect.

This deck performed well in many East tournaments and there are different ways to build it. I’ll share the popular list, using Eustass”Captain”Kid as a defensive late-game card to buy you more turns.



Green Yellow Trafalgar Law is a 4 health Leader who self-damages to enable an aggressive game plan. You have to attach 1 Don to Leader Law and have Characters in play with a total cost of 5 or more to activate his effect. You can then return 1 of your Characters to your hand and reveal the top Life card. If that Life card is a {Supernova} type Character with a cost of 5 or less, you may play it on the field.

This list is heavy with {Supernova} type Characters so you have high odds of having one at the top of the Life card. However, this list has cards like Capone “Gang” Bege and 3-cost Jewelry Bonney that let you place a card from your hand to the top of your Life area, eliminating the luck factor and guaranteeing a strong play from your Leader.

This adds to the aggressive strategy of the deck, putting back a less threatening card into your hand and replacing it with a higher-cost Character that poses offensive pressure. All your {Supernova} type Characters have powerful effects, so by playing them for 1 Don only, you’re gaining a lot of value that makes it a challenge for opponents to catch up. The card we return to our hand can be replayed on the field to activate its effect or used for its Counter effect.

Whenever we activate Leader effect, we’re losing a Life card, so we need to be mindful of our defensive turns and what our opponents are capable of so we don’t end up losing due to low Life cards.

Green Yellow Law Decklist

Cards: 51

How to Play

Early 1-costs


1-cost Jewelry Bonney and 1-cost Monkey D. Luffy are searcher cards to find {Supernova} type Characters. We’re looking for the 5-cost {Supernova} Characters that we can play on upcoming turns. If we already have what we need, 7-cost Trafalgar Law is a great pick for the late-game or we can choose a +2,000 Counter Character for defensive turns.

To search with Jewelry Bonney, you have to rest her and use 1 Don. You can reactivate her effect on the upcoming turn, so opponents will prioritize KOing her to prevent the value generation.

Leader Combo Synergy


1-cost Capone “Gang” Bege and 3-cost Jewelry Bonney can add 1 card from the top or bottom of your Life cards to your hand and then add a {Supernova} type Character from your hand to the top of your Life cards. This synergizes with your Leader effect, allowing you to cheat out the 5-cost {Supernova} Character you want in play.

Capone “Gang” Bege has a +2,000 Counter effect, so if you decide to play him, you can return him to your hand through Leader effect to use defensively to protect your Leader or Characters from attackers.

As for 3-cost Jewelry Bonney, she’s a 4,000 Power blocker, which can come to use to protect your Leader, especially in the late-game when you’re at the threat of losing the game. Attaching 1 Don to Jewelry Bonney can turn her into a 5,000 Power attach to force Counter resources from the opponent, but the decision to use her aggressively will depend on the state of the game.

5-cost Super Nova

The 5-cost Supernova Characters play a key role in this deck’s strategy, all having powerful effects that find use in different stages of the game.


5-cost Cavendish is your strongest play in the early game, especially on turn 3 if you’re going first. Playing Cavendish turns 2 of your Don cards as active, allowing you to use those Don to activate Leader effect, play more Characters, or attach them to your attackers for added offensive power. Cavendish activates its effect again when attacking, so make sure to use up Don first before attacking to set up 2 of your Don cards as Active.

If you’re going first, you’ll have 5 Don to work with, so playing Cavendish will give you 2 Active Don, allowing you to activate Leader effect and potentially play another 5-cost Character. We want to protect Cavendish whenever possible and keep it on the field for the extra Don it offers.

As for 5-cost Blocker Trafalgar Law, the 6,000 Power can be used defensively, but in many cases, you’ll use him offensively to take Life cards from the opponent. 5-cost Law’s On Play effect lets you return 1 Character to your hand and play another character in its place with a cost of 3 or less from your hand. 3-cost Roronoa Zoro is the usual play if you want to be aggressive. However, you can also play a 1-cost searcher like Monkey D. Luffy to draw a card you need or play 3-cost Jewelry Bonney for another blocker.


5-cost Jewelry Bonney‘s On Play effect prevents 1 of your opponents or Don from becoming Active on their upcoming turn. This removes one of the opponent’s attackers from the equation for a turn, making it more difficult for them to control the field. Choosing to keep 1 of the opponent’s Don rested means we can prevent them from making certain plays on their upcoming turn, slowing down their strategy.

As for 5-cost Trafalgar Law, he’s a great option for an aggressive turn. His On Play effect sets up 1 of your rested {Supernova} or {Heart Pirates} type Characters with a cost of 5 or less as Active. This means we get to attack twice with one of our Characters, creating an aggressive turn that can win you the game or get you close enough to win on the upcoming turn. You can attach Don to one of your Characters for a heavy attack and then restand them with Trafalgar Law for another heavy attack.

You can combo 5-cost Trafalgar Law with 5-cost Cavendish, letting you attack with it a second time for the extra 2 Don. This sets you up for an extremely aggressive turn if you decide to use the Don aggressively and attach them to your attackers.

7-cost Law


7-cost Trafalgar Law works perfectly with your Leader, allowing you to place a {Supernova} type Character from your hand to the top of your Life card and then attach 1 of your rested Don to your Leader. This lets you activate Leader effect and cheat out that Character you just placed in your Life area. The 9,000 Power Law is a strong upcoming attacker who can be difficult to Counter his attack.

In some cases, you’ll avoid playing out the Character you placed in your Life area if you need that Life card to survive the upcoming turn.

Fortress Strategy


Eustass”Captain”Kid enables your Fortress strategy also known as “Bird Cage”. On Don 8+, we can play Eustass”Captain”Kid rest him, and cheat out a low-cost blocker, Donquixote Rosinante. Using Leader effect, we can stand 2 Don as Active (so you can play Kid on Don8) and attach 1 Don to Eustass”Captain”Kid to activate his effect, preventing the opposing player from attacking any card other than Eustass”Captain”Kid. An 8,000 Power Character isn’t easy to KO through attacks, especially with blockers in play that can protect him from high-power attacks.

This could shut down the opponent’s aggressive turn and force them to attach more Don to their attackers instead of playing Characters on the field. Donquixote Rosinante is the better choice to accompany Eustass”Captain”Kid since he can keep him safe from KO effects.

You can play Eustass”Captain”Kid on Don 8 thanks to Leader Smoker‘s effect, gaining 2 extra Don, which you can attach one of them to Eustass”Captain”Kid and rest him, forcing opponents to deal with him if they wish to target your Leader or other Characters.


Donquixote Rosinante is a 2-cost blockers that add to your defensive game plan. Donquixote Rosinante is a key card in this list since when one of your rested Characters is KO’d, Donquixote Rosinante activates his effect to sacrifice himself and keep that Character in play.

3-cost Tashigi is a +2,000 Counter card which we might find ourselves playing through Eustass”Captain”Kid to protect our Fortress strategy. If we’re worried the opponent might remove Eustass”Captain”Kid though an effect and 2-cost Donquixote Rosinante is nowhere to be seen, Tashigi can fill its place. Tashigi‘s effect activates when one of your Green Characters would be removed due to the opponent’s effect, instead, you can rest Tashigi and keep that Character in play.

Keep in mind that 2-cost Donquixote Rosinante is limited to KO effected/attacks, whereas the 3-cost Tashigi protects Eustass”Captain”Kid from any type of removal effects (effects that place your Character in your hand or deck).

Turn-Based Gameplay

Going First

  • Turn 1 (1 Don): 1-cost Monkey D. Luffy or Jewelry Bonney.
  • Turn 2 (3 Don): 2-cost Carmel or 3-cost Jewelry Bonney (if you go, Bonney, protect your Life card as you’ll want to cheat it out on the upcoming turn)
  • Turn 3 (5 Don): Cavendish + Leader effect.
  • Turn 4 (7 Don): 7-cost Trafalgar Law + Leader effect.
  • Turn 5 (9 Don): Continue developing with 5-cost Blocker Law or 5-cost Bonney. Or 7-cost Trafalgar Law + Leader effect Or Eustass”Captain”Kid.
  • Turn 6 (10 Don): Continue developing with 5-cost Blocker Law or 5-cost Bonney. Or you can go for more aggression with the extra attack from ST02 Trafalgar Law.

Going Second

  • Turn 1 (2 Don): 1-cost Monkey D. Luffy, Jewelry Bonney, or 2-cost Carmel.
  • Turn 2 (4 Don): 3-cost Jewelry Bonney + Leader effect if you have Characters with a total cost of 5.
  • Turn 3 (6 Don): Cavendish + Leader effect. If you already have Cavendish from the previous turn, play Blocker Law.
  • Turn 4 (8 Don): 7-cost Trafalgar Law + Leader effect. If you have Cavendish in play, you can play Eustass”Captain”Kid and activate his effect.
  • Turn 5 (10 Don): 7-cost Trafalgar Law. Or continue developing with 5-cost Blocker Law or 5-cost Bonney. Or you can go for more aggression with the extra attack from ST02 Trafalgar Law.

Other Cards to Include

  • More Pizza!! is a searcher card to find the {Supernovas} type card you need.
  • 2-cost Killer is a low-cost Blocker that can draw you a card if you attach a Don to it and have 3 or more Characters when it blocks, ensuring you don’t lose on resources when KO’d.
  • Hody Jones‘ Rush attack + ability to rest two Characters enables an aggressive turn, stopping opponents from using their blockers to tank hits targeted toward the leader. However, you can use Hody Jones‘ rest effect to attack the rested Characters, potentially KOing them and weakening opponents’ board.