Green Jewelry Bonney OP10 Deck Guide – One Piece Card Game

Green Jewelry Bonney is still a strong deck in OP10 meta and has new cards to improve its strategy against the top meta decks.

Green Jewelry Bonney remains a popular deck in the OP10 tournament scene, using its stall tactics to prolong the game as it starts dropping high-cost Characters.

If you like playing defensively, controlling the field, and slowly shifting the game in your favor, then this deck is for you! Bonney has proven herself as one of the strongest Leaders and with multiple support cards, this deck isn’t going away anytime soon.


How to Play


Bonney‘s effect is simple: you can rest one of their characters for 1 Don during your opponent’s turn. You’ll need to wait for your opponent to commit to an attack before activating this, effectively shutting down one of their characters or leader from attacking. This works best when your opponent has multiple attacks, as it won’t stop the first attack.

The goal of the Green Bonney deck is to drag the game into the late stages and bring out your high-cost threats. Bonney‘s effect, combined with multiple defensive cards, helps slow down your opponent’s aggression, giving you time to play your win conditions.

The Fortress is your strongest wall of defense, and opponents will have to commit resources to break through. From the backline, your Leader and other Characters control the board and even strike their Leader.

1-cost Draws

Jewelry Bonney is your early-game searcher. She can look at the top 5 cards of your deck to find the right cards for upcoming turns. Jewelry Bonney can draw a {Supernovas} card, like CavendishBasil Hawkins, or Eustas “Captain” Kid. While rested, your opponent will have to attack Jewelry Bonney and KO her to prevent you from reactivating her effect.

Low-cost Blockers

Donquixote Rosinante and Killer are 2-cost blockers that add to your defensive game plan. Donquixote Rosinante is a key card in this list since when one of your rested Characters is KO’d, Donquixote Rosinante activates his effect to sacrifice himself and keep that Character in play.

As for Killer, if it blocks an opponent’s attack while having a Don attached to it, it’ll draw you a card. However, you only draw a card if you have 3 or more Characters in play.

We usually want to play Donquixote Rosinante and Killer on turn 2 or cheat them out through Eustass”Captain”Kid‘s effect to protect him from attackers.

5 Don Characters

Bonney‘s ability needs 1 Don to activate during your defensive turns. Cavendish and Smoker help by setting rested Don to active, letting you develop the board and keep Don for Bonney‘s ability.

These characters can reactivate their abilities, giving you multiple chances to keep Don active, ensuring Bonney‘s effect is available each turn to slow your opponent down. Your opponent will go above and beyond to remove them from play, so when possible, protect them to keep using the extra Don they provide.

Cavendish has to attack to reactivate his effect. As for Smoker, he’s great for the offense, the 7,000 Power + Banish keyword will force opponents to use up Counter cards when you target their Leader. We must attack their Leader with Smoker to force out Counter cards or trash one of their Life cards.

5-cost Carrot stalls out the game by keeping one of the opponent’s Characters with a cost of 7 or less rested, stopping them from attacking you on the upcoming turn. This is an On Play effect, but you can reactivate it when attacking with Carrot, making life miserable for the opposing player if they don’t KO her.

Going Wide

8-cost Donquixote Rosinante is your best play on Don 8, allowing you to rest him and play a 5-cost Green Character from your hand. So you can go wide with Characters like Carrot, Smoker, or Cavendish. The Character you choose to play will depend on the effect you need. Carrot to keep an opponent’s Character rest, whereas Smoker or Cavendish for the extra Don.

As long as 8-cost Donquixote Rosinante is on the field rested, he prevents opponents from KOing your 5-cost Characters through effects, forcing opponents to remove Donquixote Rosinante if they have a KO effect to deal with your 5-costs.

Fortress Strategy

Eustass”Captain”Kid enables your Fortress strategy also known as “Bird Cage”. On Don 9, we can play Eustass”Captain”Kid rest him, and cheat out one of our low-cost blockers, Donquixote Rosinante or Bartolomeo. We also want to attach 1 Don to Eustass”Captain”Kid to activate his effect, preventing the opposing player from attacking any card other than Eustass”Captain”Kid. An 8,000 Power Character isn’t easy to KO through attacks, especially with blockers in play that can protect him from high-power attacks.

This could shut down the opponent’s aggressive turn and force them to attach more Don to their attackers instead of playing Characters on the field. Donquixote Rosinante is the better choice to accompany Eustass”Captain”Kid since he can keep him safe from KO effects.

You can play Eustass”Captain”Kid on Don 8 if you have Cavendish or Smoker from the previous turn, gaining the extra Don to attach to Eustass”Captain”Kid and rest him, forcing opponents to deal with him if they wish to target your Leader or other Characters.

3-cost Tashigi is a +2,000 Counter card which we might find ourselves playing through Eustass”Captain”Kid to protect our Fortress strategy. If we’re worried the opponent might remove Eustass”Captain”Kid though an effect and 2-cost Donquixote Rosinante is nowhere to be seen, Tashigi can fill its place. Tashigi‘s effect activates when one of your Green Characters would be removed due to the opponent’s effect, instead, you can rest Tashigi and keep that Character in play.

Keep in mind that 2-cost Donquixote Rosinante is limited to KO effects, whereas 3-cost Tashigi protects Eustass”Captain”Kid from any type of removal effects (effects that place your Character in your hand or deck).

Rush Aggro

Hody Jones‘ Rush attack + ability to rest two Characters enables an aggressive turn, stopping opponents from using their blockers to tank hits targeted toward the leader. However, you can use Hody Jones‘ rest effect to attack the rested Characters, potentially KOing them and weakening opponents’ board.

Control Option

9-cost Shanks is a strong option in the late game, joining the battle and KOing a rested Character. We can consistently find value with Shanks since Leader Bonney will rest one of the opponent’s Characters during your defensive turn.

The 11,000 Power can be tough to KO through attacks, so your opponents will likely ignore him or resort to one of their removal effects.

Protection Events

We’re only using one event: Because The Side of Justice Will Be Whichever Side Wins!! It’s a 0-cost +3000 Power Counter that forces you to trash a card from your hand. This is usually to protect your leader or keep the Fortress up. The list has a lot of Characters with no Counter effect, so Because The Side of Justice Will Be Whichever Side Wins!! can be used to trash dead cards we won’t need.

Turn-Based Gameplay

Going First

  • Turn 1 (1 Don): 1-cost Jewelry Bonney.
  • Turn 2 (3 Don): Activate Jewelry Bonney and play a 2-cost Blocker.
  • Turn 3 (5 Don): 5-cost Smoker and activate effect for 1 Active Don or 5-cost Cavendish gain 2 Active Don, attack 6,000 Power with Leader and save 1 Don for defense.
  • Turn 4 (7 Don): Carrot, Basil Hawkins, or Hody Jones.
  • Turn 5 (9 Don): Donquixote Doflamingo or Eustass”Captain”Kid or Shanks.
  • Turn 6 (10 Don): Donquixote Doflamingo or Eustass”Captain”Kid or Shanks.

Going Second

  • Turn 1 (2 Don): 1-cost Jewelry Bonney
  • Turn 2 (4 Don): 2-cost Blocker.
  • Turn 3 (6 Don): 5-cost Smoker and activate effect for 1 Active Don or 5-cost Cavendish gain 2 Active Don. Or Basil Hawkins.
  • Turn 4 (8 Don): Donquixote Doflamingo or Eustass”Captain”Kid (If Smoker or Cavendish are still in play) or Hody Jones.
  • Turn 5 (10 Don): Donquixote Doflamingo or Eustass”Captain”Kid or Shanks.

Other Cards to Include

  • 10-cost Donquixote Doflamingo is best played to slow down the opposing player, keeping three rested Leader and Character cards from becoming active on the upcoming turn.
  • Roronoa Zoro is for tough games. If he stays on the board until your attack turn, you can attack three times with Zoro, each with 9,000 Power, which can be game-winning.
  • Jewelry Bonney can keep one of the opponent’s Characters rested, stopping it from attacking you.
  • Bartolomeo is a low-cost blocker that can be played through Eustass”Captain”Kid‘s effect. Bartolomeo can filter your hand by drawing a card and trashing another.
  • 5-cost Donquixote Doflamingo is a blocker that can be used offensively. Donquixote Doflamingo‘s effect to set himself as Active at the end of your turn allows you to use Doflamingo as an aggressor and still have him as a reliable blocker.