Green Jewelry Bonney Deck Guide OP07 – One Piece Card Game

Jewelry Bonney is a top-tier Green Leader in the OP07 meta, making her a strong pick for competitive play. This deck is one of my favorites because it lets you slow down your opponent’s attacks, giving you time to set up your Fortress or Zoro plays.

The deck can be frustrating to play against, and opponents will be forced to attack with their bigger threats first before you activate your Leader ability.



Bonney‘s effect is simple: during your opponent’s turn, you can rest one of their characters for 1 Don. You’ll need to wait for your opponent to commit to an attack before activating this, effectively shutting down one of their characters or leader from attacking. This works best when your opponent has more than one attack, as it won’t stop the first attack.

The goal of the Green Bonney deck is to drag the game into the late stages and bring out your high-cost threats. Bonney‘s effect, combined with multiple defensive cards, helps slow down your opponent’s aggression, giving you time to play your win conditions.

The Fortress is our strongest wall of defense, and opponents will have to commit resources to break through. From the backline, our Leader and other Characters control the board and even strike their Leader.

1-cost Draws

Jewelry Bonney and Baby 5 are your early-game searchers. They look at the top 5 cards of your deck to find the right cards for upcoming turns.

  • Jewelry Bonney can draw a {Supernova} card, like Uroge, Cavendish, Basil Hawkins, or Eustas “Captain” Kid. You’re usually aiming to find Eustas “Captain” Kid since you only run two copies of him.
  • Baby 5 can draw a {Donquixote Pirates} card, such as Donquixote Rosinante, Donquixote Doflamingo, or Because The Side of Justice Will Be Which Ever Side Wins.

Both searchers use up 1 Don to activate their effect, but your opponent will need to attack and KO them to stop your card draw generation.

Don Value

Bonney‘s ability needs 1 Don to activate during your defensive turns. Uroge and Cavendish help by setting rested Don to active, letting you develop the board and keep Don for Bonney‘s ability.

These characters can reactivate their abilities, giving you multiple chances to keep Don active, ensuring Bonney‘s effect is available each turn to slow your opponent down.

Blocker Protection

Blockers are key to the Fortress strategy, protecting Eustass “Captain” Kid and your leader. Since we already mentioned Uroge, let’s highlight some others:

  • Donquixote Rosinante is a low-cost blocker that can protect your characters/leader, even against non-attack KO attempts.
  • Basil Hawkins is your strongest defensive card, which we want on the board as early as possible. If your opponent tries to remove him, he’ll rest one of their characters, forcing them to try again. This wastes their resources and protects your other cards.

The Fortress Plan

With blockers set up, it’s time for Eustass “Captain” Kid to create a wall. Make sure you have at least one blocker when playing Kid to prevent a big swing from KO’ing him.

Usually, you play Kid on 9 Don, rest him, and attach 1 Don to him. Opponents can only attack your 8,000 Power Kid, making it easier to counter their attacks while they still have to go through your blockers.

Donquixote Doflamingo can be a follow-up if your opponent has multiple threats capable of KO’ing Kid. Keeping 3 attackers rested can shut down their turn, buying you more time to set up a winning play.

Key Aggressors

Hody Jones is your aggressive attacker, resting two of your opponent’s characters and attacking immediately. This does damage your leader, but resting two blockers opens up a direct strike on their leader.

Roronoa Zoro is for tough games. With Kid providing a defensive wall, it’s easier to set up Zoro. If he stays on the board until your attack turn, you can attack three times with Zoro, each with 9,000 Power, which can be game-winning.


We’re only using one event: Because The Side of Justice Will Be Whichever Side Wins!! It’s a 0-cost +3000 Power Counter that forces you to trash a card from your hand. This is usually to protect your leader or keep the Fortress up.

+2000 Counter

These cards are mainly used as +2000 Counters. We’re likely never playing them, but they are searchable, increasing our chances of not whiffing with Jewelry Bonney and Baby 5.