Lorcana Shimmering Skies Decks to Test Out – Disney Lorcana

Howdy! Players have been cooking with the new cards as the Lorcana Set 5 Shimmering Skies release approaches on Friday, August 9th. Some are improving on the old meta decks, while others are building new decks to shake up the meta.

I’ll share interesting decks that the community has built here that could be great to test around with once the new cards are released!

Emerald Sapphire

The Emerald Sapphire is a ramp deck that uses Mama Odie – Mystical Maven, One Jump Ahead, and How Far I’ll Go to accelerate its game plan. This deck needs a lot of Ink to operate its game plan, so the ramping in the early and mid-game is a must.

The list has a discard mechanic with cards like Ursula – Deceiver and Anna – Diplomatic Queen to cut opponent’s resources. The carries of the deck are Gramma Tala – Spirit of the Ocean and Mufasa – Ruler of Pride Rock, ensuring you can generate a lot of Lore to win the game.

Many cards in this list have abilities that require you to spend Ink, so ramping up is essential to activating those effects.

Blue Fasa

The Blue Fasa deck combines Sapphire Ramp cards with Amber’s board pressure. This deck can build up multiple characters in the late game thanks to its Ramp cards, giving you more Ink to use.

The true strength of this deck lies in its many Characters that are capable of Questing for a lot of Lore. Cards like Anna – True-Hearted, Hans – Noble Scoundrel, Piglet – Pooh Pirate Captain, and Ludwig Von Drake – Self-Proclaimed Genius offer Lore generation that gets you to that 20 Lore mark faster, forcing opposing players to remove your Characters immediately.

Mufasa – Betrayed Leader is problematic on the board since: he quests for two Lore, meaning the opponent can’t simply ignore him, but if he’s Banished, then you get to develop the top Character in your deck on the field, keeping the threat of Lore generation going.

Ruby Amethyst

The Ruby Amethyst is a well-known meta deck, relying on Bounce cards Madam Mim – Fox and Madam Mim – Snake to get the most out of your Characters. Madam Mim – Elephant joins the Bounce mechanic cards. but can also move two damage counters from one of your Characters and onto the opponent’s. This is healing your Character, keeping it out of range from a specific threat, and can potentially Banish one of the opponent’s Characters.

The Ruby Chrimson Item enables your low Will Power Character to present a threat when Challenging, getting more use out of them other than Questing.

Lastly, Elsa – The Fifth Spirit joins the battle and exerts one of the opponent’s Characters. This is only useful if you have a follow-up Challenger to Banish the exerted Character. Luckily, Elsa – The Fifth Spirit has Rush, so you can attack that exerted Character with her.

Amethyst Sapphire

Amethyst Sapphire is a ramp deck that accelerates its game plan using One Jump Ahead, Tipo – Growing Son, and Friends On The Other Side. The Amethyst Sapphire deck never established itself in the Set 4 meta, so we’ll see how it fairs in Set 5 with the new cards it’s running.

Madam Mim – Elephant is a 3|7 Character that can move 2 damage counters from her to chosen opposing Characters, potentially banishing low-health characters or dropping them low enough for your attackers to banish them.

Anna – Mystical Majesty is a new late-game Character, letting you exert all opponent’s Characters, which makes them vulnerable to your attackers.

As for Genie – Main Attraction, while exerted, he shuts opponents down from readying their Characters at the start of their turn, preventing them from Questing and leaving them vulnerable to your attackers.

Amber Amethyst

This is an old archetype that good a lot of new cards in Set 5 to test around with. The Amber Amethyst is an aggro deck that wants to quest and gain Lore quickly, threatening to win the game as fast as possible. Opposing players are usually playing defensively, trying to slow down your Lore generation until you run out of steam.

The list has the new Amethyst Chromicon item that offers draw value, which should help the Amber Amethyst deck not run out of steam too quickly. Both players are drawing a card, but since your list runs low-cost cards, you’ll get to use and take advantage of the draw cards faster than the opponent.

Gale – Wind Spirit is problematic since it just remains in the game even when Banished by a Challenge. Returning this card to your hand when banished by a Challenge means you still get to use it in future turns or might force opponents to find other ways to Banish it.

Emerald Amber

A unique Emerald Amber list that has a couple of new Set 5 cards to test out! This deck has the discard power to cut the opponent’s resources.

The list has a lot of Songs to enable the Alan-a-dale – Rockin Rooster Lore generation. Your opponent won’t be able to sit around and watch you gain Lore everytime you play a Song, so they’ll have to remove Alan-a-dale – Rockin Rooster the first chance they get.

Kristoff – Reindeer Keeper drops in Ink cost for each card you have in the discard, so you can play him for low-cost in the late game, catching your opponent off guard.