The Blue Purple Vinsmoke Reiju is making her comeback in OP11 meta, after gaining a couple of new Vinsmoke cards to add to her team, she’s going full force, fighting the top meta decks! This a difficult deck to play correctly, as you’ll have to keep your eyes on your hand size and trash, while also managing your Don for the upcoming turns.
The list has changed over the month, moving away from Vinsmoke Niji and Yonji to go for an aggressive playstyle with Porche, trying to go wide on the field as early as possible to threaten multiple attacks and overwhelm your opponent.

Vinsmoke Reiju is a 4 Life card Leader with a draw engine effect that activates once per turn. If you return a Don during your turn, you get to draw a card. This synergizes with what this deck is trying to do, having multiple Characters that return Don to activate their effects. So you’re activating powerful effects by returning Don and drawing cards through your Leader’s effect, maximizing the value you get.
Blue Purple Reiju Decklist

How to Play
Searcher Cards

The Kingdom of Germa stage is the most important card in this deck and having it early into the game makes it extremely easy to set up your game plan. Once per turn, you can trash 1 card from hand to draw a {GERMA} card, helping us find the right pieces for our combo plays. We want to trash cards we can bring back from the trash, so 4c Vinsmoke Reiju or 7c Vinsmoke Ichiji are great targets for the Kingdom of Germa.
Vinsmoke Sanji looks at the top 5 cards and lets you choose 1 card with the {GERMA} type to add to your hand.
Early Aggro

Porche looks at the top 5 cards in your deck and lets you add 1 {Foxy Pirates} Character and add it to your hand, so you can draw another Porche or a {Foxy Pirates} type Character like Tony Tony Chopper as extra resources.
However, Porche is on the list for her secondary effect, allowing you to cheat out 1 Purple Character with 4,000 Power or less from your hand. This means we can play any low-cost Vinsmoke Characters (Reiju or Ichiji) and activate their effects to play their higher-cost versions. Porche is more suited for the early/mid game, to put us ahead of the opposing players by going for aggressive plays.
Cheating out Ichiji early in the game can be difficult for most decks to keep up with and lets you go for aggressive attacks to put you ahead of the opponent. Remember, that you are returning Don, so you will be slower on your upcoming turns.
Ramp Maria

Since we’re returning Don we have two ramp cards that could come in handy at keeping pace with the opponent’s Don on our upcoming turns, and making sure we play Vinsmoke Judge as early as possible.
Tony Tony. Chopper is a {Foxy Pirates} type Character, so he can be searched by Porche. When played, if we have equal to or less Don cards than your opponent, you can ramp 1 Don. He’ll also stick on the field as a Blocker, protecting us from one of the opponent’s attacks.
Black Maria is a +2,000 Counter which can be used for her ramp effect. Even in the late-game, when we aren’t in need of her ramp effect, she’s not the worst card to have in your hand thanks to her Counter effect.
If you’ve deramped multiple times, Black Maria can ensure you aren’t behind your opponent on Don, giving you 5 extra Don and then returning Don until you have equal Don cards to your opponent. This lets us activate more Porche alongside a Vinsmoke Character and still ramp up Don, later on, to make stronger plays in the future turns.
Porche can also cheat out Black Maria from your hand, so if you’re planning to return a lot of Don on your upcoming turns, you can play Black Maria and force the opposing player to find answers.
Vinsmoke Combo

The smaller Vinsmoke characters are needed in our hand so we can play them, return 1 Don, and play their higher-cost versions. It’s important to play their higher-cost version from the trash to maximize the value we get from the deck, but we might find ourselves in scenarios where we must play their higher-cost version from hand.
You could use the higher-cost versions as Counter cards or trash fodder to pull them from the trash later in the game.

The higher-cost Vinsmoke Characters are the carries in this deck. Cheating them out through their lower-cost versions creates a stronger field presence for less Don commitment. Each turn we play one of the Vinsmoke Characters our Leader will draw us a card, creating resource value generation.
Purple 4-cost Vinsmoke Reiju is another resource value card, drawing us two cards on the turn she’s played. You will though have to have 5 cards or less in your hand for Purple Vinsmoke Reiju to activate her effect.
As for Vinsmoke Ichiji, he’s our strongest Vinsmoke, capable of reducing the Power of one of the opponent’s Characters by -2,000 and gaining Rush. So we’re making one of their Characters vulnerable to our attackers and immediately presenting a 7,000 Power attacker on the field.

The OP11 Blue Vinsmoke Reiju is a +2,000 Counter, which we’ll often use to protect our Leader or a Character. However, she also adds more consistency to our game plan, having an extra option to cheat out through 2-cost Vinsmoke Reiju. Blue Vinsmoke Reiju is a searcher card, looking at the top 5 cards in our deck and lets us add 1 {GERMA} type Character to our hand. The rest of the cards will go into the trash, so it can be useful in finding other Vinsmoke Characters later in the game.
The OP11 Blue Vinsmoke Ichiji is more of a defensive play thanks to his Blocker keyword. He is giving one of your Characters or your Leader +1,000 Power to go for a stronger attack, but we’ll often have him in play for the Blocker keyword to protect us.
Judge Carry

Vinsmoke Judge is our deck’s strongest play, letting us play 4 {Germa 66} type Characters with different names and 4,000 Power or less from the Trash. This means we can play the low-cost Vinsmoke Characters Reiji and Ichiji and then activate their effects to play their higher-cost versions. In one turn, we’re developing 3 Characters to switch the game in our favor.
We’re planning to play Vinsmoke Judge as early as possible, so turn 5 or 6 is usually the sweet spot. This means we need to be mindful of the number of Don we’re returning.
- Kingdom of Germa or Vinsmoke Sanji.
- Porche for early aggression.
Turn-Based Gameplay
Each game can be completely different in Blue Purple Vinsmoke Reiju, so I’m giving you the best case scenario here, but each game will look different and the more you play and understand the deck, you’ll figure out better lines.
Going First
- Turn 1 (1 Don): Kingdom of Germa or Vinsmoke Sanji
- Turn 2 (3 Don): Porche + Vinsmoke low-cost version. Activate to cheat out the higher-cost version or Black Maria.
- Turn 3 (5 Don 3 Don): Black Maria Ramp or Tony Tony Chopper.
- Turn 4 (7 Don 6 Don): Vinsmoke Reiju + Vinsmoke Ichiji. If you didn’t ramp with Maria or Tony Tony Chopper you’ll be at 5 Don, so play Vinsmoke Ichiji. Ramp with Black Maria.
- Turn 5 (9 Don 8 Don): Vinsmoke Judge + Vinsmoke Ichiji and Vinsmoke Reiju.
- Turn 6 (10 Don): Vinsmoke Judge + Vinsmoke Ichiji and Vinsmoke Reiju.
Going Second
- Turn 1 (2 Don): Kingdom of Germa and Vinsmoke Sanji.
- Turn 2 (4 Don): Porche + Vinsmoke low-cost version. Activate to cheat out the higher-cost version or Black Maria.
- Turn 3 (6 Don 4 Don): Black Maria Ramp or Tony Tony Chopper.
- Turn 4 (8 Don 7 Don): You should be at 7 Don if you ramped with Black Maria or Tony Tony Chopper. If you have Black Maria in play, you can return as many Don as you like to activate your effects, but if you only played Tony Tony Chopper, then return only 1 Don so you can play Vinsmoke Judge next turn.
- Turn 5 (10 Don 8 Don): Vinsmoke Judge + Vinsmoke Ichiji and Vinsmoke Reiju.
Other Cards to Include

- Gamma Knife reduces the Power of one of the opponent’s Characters by 5,000, making it vulnerable to your attackers.
- The Vinsmoke Niji is a strong mid-game control option, allowing you to KO a 2-cost or less Character or return a 4-cost or less Character to the opponent’s hand.