Best Shadowverse Rotation Decks 2024

Shadowverse meta continues to evolve as the game progresses. Although there’s a new Shadowverse: Worlds Beyond coming out in summer 2024, players continue to enjoy and play the current Shadowverse.

In this article, we’ll explore the top meta decks that have been performing well on the ranked ladder and tournament scene.

1- Buff Dragons

Code: 8dkx

This deck is all about buffing your Dragons and creating a threatening board, too difficult for the opponent to deal with. Early cards like Militant Mermaid, Lucky Mermaid, and Megalorca Rider will buff the health of all Dragoncraft followers in your deck, setting up a more powerful late game.

Dragon Oracle offers the early empty play point orb, helping you set up higher-cost plays on the upcoming turns.

Drazael, Ravening Enforcer is the late-game carry, restoring 5 defense to your Leader and giving -5/-5 to all enemy followers.

2- Castelle Forest

Code: 8dl0

Catelle Forest is one of the top performers in tournaments and rivaling Buffed Dragons deck in Tier 1. This is an aggressive deck that aims to end the game as fast as possible.

Castelle, Budding Mage’s Fanfare will put a Verdant Prayer in hand if at least 10 allied Forestcraft followers have left play this match. Verdant Prayer will later buff up all 1-cost followers. Those 1-cost followers want to strike down the Leader, creating a threat that can be challenging for most players to deal with.

The list runs a lot of cards that let you return other cards to your hand, making it easy for you to fulfill the requirement for your win condition.

3- Transmute Shadow

Code: 8dlk

This deck uses Soul’s Light to Transmute it into Heart’s Radiance. You want to play Heart’s Radiance by turn 7, which will summon 5 different allied Shadowcraft followers fused in this match that originally cost at least 3 play points. The cards you’ll want to resurrect are Abyssal Colonel, Cursed King, Resurrected Malice, and Grave Void Knight. Each one of those followers has unique abilities that help you take over the game and set up for the win condition.

4- Mid-range Shadow

Code: 8dm3

This deck wants to dominate the board’s presence until it gets to drop Zebet, Spreading Corruption. You’re able to create a better board development with Underworld Lieutenant, which can be a challenge for the opponent to keep up with.

Zebet, Spreading Corruption is a board swinger, letting you summon two other allies. Evolving Zebet lets you resummon two other allies, effectively dominating the board and setting up a powerful attack.

5- Heal Haven

Code: 8dml

This deck focuses on winning through attrition by controlling the board and utilizing powerful late-game cards like Jeanne, Worldwalker and Regretful Apostle as win conditions.

Elluvia, Graceful Lady is an important part of this deck’s mid-game, allowing you to restore defense at the end of every turn. You want to evolve Elluvia, giving you access +1/+1 to all allied followers whenever defense is restored to your leader.

The list runs a lot of cards to restore defense to your leader, allowing you to prolong the game until your bigger followers start dropping.

6- Megachiyo Forest

Code: 8dn6

This is a difficult deck to pilot, revolving around an OTK win condition where you need to find the key pieces to set up your play. You want to try and play at least 4 cards each turn after turn 4 to get value out of some of your cards.

It also runs defensive cards like Lily, Crystalian Brilliance to help prolong the game until you have all the right pieces.

With the help of Magachiyo, Barbed Convict you’re able to flood the board with low-cost followers that have Storm, capable of striking down the opponent’s Leader and closing out the game in one turn.