Best Madame Web Decks – Marvel Snap

Players quickly rushed into the kitchen, cooking up new Madame Web decks to find the next meta-breaking recipe. We’re still early into the new patch, so the meta is all over the place, but let’s take a look at the best-performing Madame Web decks so far!

Ongoing: You can move one of your other cards away from here each turn.

With Madame Web’s Ongoing ability, we want her to play as fast as possible and start playing cards in the location she’s on and move them to a different location. The cards we play with Madame Web need to synergize with her move ability.

Madame Move Deck

The move deck is a popular archetype in Marvel Snap and players quickly added Madame Web to it. This list is the most popular so far, and it seems to be holding up well.

Human Torch and Vulture gain Power every time they move, so having Madame Web in play and moving them to another location will serve as a Power gain tool.

On Reveal: Move your highest-Power card(s) to this location.
On Reveal: Next turn, both players can move cards to this location.
The first time another card moves here each turn, move it to another location.

Doctor Strange, Cloak, and Hercules are other ways to move around our cards, increasing their power and turning them into a win condition.

Ongoing: Split your total Power evenly among all locations.

The main problem for this deck is that it ends up winning one Location but struggling to win a second one. This is why The Living Tribunal is a game changer, allowing you to take advantage of the Power boost on Human Torch or Vulture and share it with your other Locations.

Other lists are running Heimdall as a late-game winning play, but The Living Tribunal seems to be performing better so far.

Lockjaw Web

After you play a card here, swap it with a card in your deck.

The Lockjaw deck wants to swap the card you play with another card in your deck, so you’re usually trying to cheat out high-cost cards. However, sometimes, you’ll end up with low-cost cards like Wasp or Pixie. This is where Madame Web comes to use with her move ability. We want to play Lockjaw on the location where Madame Web is on, and then whenever we cheat out a card, we can decide on whether we want it to stay in that specific location or move it to another location to increase the Power there.

On Reveal: Shuffle Mjolnir into your deck.
On Reveal: Draw all cards that cost 0 from your deck.

Thor and Jane Foster Mighty Thor work well together, letting you get the Mjölnir in hand, which will act as another win condition. With Lockjaw in the deck, we could cheat out a Jane Foster Mighty Thor from the deck.

Location Lock

This Madam Web takes a different approach than the Move decks we’re seeing all over the ranked game mode. We’re more focused on preventing opponents from playing cards on certain Locations, making it difficult for them to contest.

Ongoing: Nobody can play cards that cost 4, 5, or 6 here.
On Reveal: Flood this location. Next turn is the last turn cards can be played here.
Ongoing: Moving is the only way to add or remove a card from here.

Goose, Storm, and Professor X are cards we use to lock certain locations. Goose is more limited with his ability, shutting down 4. 5. or 6 cost plays on the locations it’s on.

We have multiple cards in the deck that can bypass the locked location and gain Power on them. Madame Web can move cards to locked Locations, becoming a win condition. Jeff and Captain Marvel are two other cards that can move to locked locations, helping you shift the Power on a certain location in your favor.

Since we’re somewhat controlling where opponents will be playing their cards, Camora can be a huge play, gaining +4 Power if the opponent plays on the Location she’s played on.