Best Lorcana Decks to Play – Set 3

Chest out the current best Lorcana card game Decks!

More and more players have been picking up Lorcana, not just physical cards but also digital thanks to the Pixleborn client.

This helped accelerate the meta stabilization, giving players an easier way to play against each other with access to all cards, the community has been figuring out the meta faster.

Emerald Steel

One of the best decks right now that takes advantage of Bucky – Squirrel Squeak Tutor to discard cards from the opponent’s hand. This can force them to lose on crucial cards that will make it challenging for them to Ink every turn.

Morph – Space Goo synergizes with cards like Tinker Bell – Giant Fairy, Robin Hood – Champion of Sherwood, and Beast – Tragic Hero.

Ursula – Deceiver of All also works with cards like Let the Storm Rage On and Strength of a Raging Fire.

Steel Saphire

The Steel Saphire deck is one of the best performers on the ranked ladder with an all-around solid matchup table.

The list includes Cogsworth – Grandfather Clock, giving it an edge against Steel decks, Rise of the Titans, to banish locations, and McDuck Manor – Scrooge’s Mansion can be bothersome to remove as it Lores and accelerates your win condition.

Ruby Amethyst

This is a flexible deck that can deal with Emerald decks with the help of Pinocchio – Talkative Puppet exerting the opponent’s Ursula. Cards like Rafiki – Mystical Fighter or Madam Mim – Fox to deal with her. The list runs Maui – Hero to All and Maui’s Fish Hook to deal with locations.

However, with Bucky gaining popularity, this deck might face struggles in those decks.


This deck by Zephyr pairs Steel and Ameythst that doesn’t just go all out on the Jafar strategy but runs powerful card inclusions. Steel offers board control cards, whereas Amethyst gives you access to card draw to ensure the engine keeps running.

There are other versions that go all out on the Jafar win condition, but this one opts for a more midrange playstyle.

Amber Steel Songs

This is a mid-range deck that aims to dominate the board’s presence. Amber Steel Song has card draw power with cards like Rapunzel – Gifted with Healing, Beast – Tragic Hero, and Stitch – Rock Star that keeps different options available for future turns.