Best Lorcana Decks Shimmering Skies – Disney Lorcana

Howdy! With the Set 5 Shimmering Skies finally out, players are quickly trying to get their hands on the new cards! We have 200+ new cards that will improve old archetypes and potentially bring new meta decks. The early new meta is usually the most enjoyable, everyone is busy building decks and finding the best way to use the new cards.

Amber Steel

Amber Steel is a popular deck in the Lorcana meta, a consistent performer in the competitive scene. This deck wants to sing Songs through cards like Ariel – Spectacular Singer, giving you an edge over opponents. It runs control tools like And Then Along Came Zeus and Grab Your Sword to banish opponent’s Characters.

A Whole New World puts you ahead of the opposing player in terms of value. Singing it with one of your characters lets you continue the development game plan so you matchup the opponent’s board.

Daisy Duck – Donald’s Date is a consideration to replace Golden Harp – Enchanter of the Land.

Prince Naveen – Ukulele Player will be a popular card in Amber decks. His ability to play a 6-cost Song for free makes him a must-inclusion in most lists, setting up a powerful turn 4 play.

If times correctly, Pete – Games Referee can completely shut down the opponent’s plans by preventing them from playing any of their Actions.

Amber Amethyst

Get ready for aggro players to come out of the woodwork. Amber Amethyst is gaining new cards that enable a powerful aggressive game plan. This deck fully focuses on generating Lore over controlling the opponent’s side of the board. The plan is to play low-cost cards and turbo-generate Lore, forcing players to play defensively and try to shut you down from winning the game.

Daisy Duck – Donald’s Date, a 1-cost with a 1|4 stat line, that can quest for 2 Lore. Just looking at those stats and Lore, she’s perfect for aggro decks, difficult for opponents to remove before she generates at least 4 maybe 6 Lore!

The Amethyst Chromicon item allows each player to draw a card. This is great for the Amber Amethyst deck to not run out of steam. The opponent drawing a card is a drawback, but if they’re unable to match the number of cards you’re playing, they might not find much use of the extra cards in hand.

Emerald Amber

The Emerald Steel deck uses Cursed Merfolk – Ursula’s Handiwork and Flynn Rider – Charming Rogue to generate early Lore and discard opponents’ resources. Prince John – Greediest of All draws you a card whenever you discard a card from the opponent’s hand, ensuring you have future plays.

Since the list runs multiple Daisy Duck cards, you can use Blast From Your Past to get those cards from the discard to your hand, giving you an even stronger late game. Prince Naveen – Ukulele Player is great for playing Blast From Your Past for free.

Ruby Amethyst

Ruby Amethyst is one of the most consistent decks in Lorcana meta, and will likely continue to be a powerful deck in the upcoming Shimmering Skies Set 5 meta.

This deck uses Madam Mim – Fox and Madam Mim – Snake to bounce Characters back to your hand, synergizing with cards like Merlin – Goat and Merlin – Rabbit. The Ruby Amethyst deck includes control tools to keep the opponent’s board in check.

Amethyst Sapphire

Amethyst Sapphire is a ramp deck that accelerates its game plan using One Jump Ahead, Tipo – Growing Son, and Friends On The Other Side. The Amethyst Sapphire deck never established itself in the Set 4 meta, so we’ll see how it fairs in Set 5 with the new cards it’s running.

Madam Mim – Elephant is a 3|7 Character that can move 2 damage counters from her to chosen opposing Characters, potentially banishing low-health characters or dropping them low enough for your attackers to banish them.

Anna – Mystical Majesty is a new late-game Character, letting you exert all opponent’s Characters, which makes them vulnerable to your attackers.

As for Genie – Main Attraction, while exerted, he shuts opponents down from readying their Characters at the start of their turn, preventing them from Questing and leaving them vulnerable to your attackers.