The North American Last Chance Qualifier and Championship tournaments are drawing near, and top players are practicing hard for the event to make sure they make it into the World Championship tournament. The event will take place from January 10th to 12th, so we’re pretty close to one of the biggest events in Disney Lorcana!
The Last Chance Qualifier is for players who didn’t manage to qualify for the NA Championship, giving them a last shot at making it to Worlds! 160 players will participate in the LCQ and only 5 players will make it to the NA Championship! As for the NA Championship, players are aiming for a top 8 finish, securing a spot for the World Championship!
Main Event Info
Disney Lorcana North American Championship
Core Constructed
2 Game-Match
7 Rounds of Swiss
Sunday | Top 16
Core Constructed
Best of 3
Single Elimination
Core Constructed
Best of 5
- Participation
- Top 32
- Top 16
- Foil Alternate Extended-Art Kuzco – Temperamental Emperor
- Foil Playmat: Baymax Armored Companion
- 4 Booster Boxes: Azurite Sea
- Top 8
- Foil Alternate Extended-Art Baymax – Armored Companion
- Invitation to Disney Lorcana Worlds Championship
- Top 4
- Finalist
- Full Set: Azurite Sea
- Champion
- 4x Full Set: Azurite Sea
- Disney Lorcana North American Championship Trophy
Last Chance Qualifier
Friday, January 10th
Illumineers who have not yet qualified for the North American Championship will have another chance to qualify!*
There are 32 Championship Slots available from the Last Chance Qualifier (LCQ).
*Illumineers already qualified for the North American Championship will not be permitted to play in the Last Chance Qualifier Series
Core Constructed
Single Elimination
Best of 3
Each 32-Player tournament will feature 5 Rounds, with 1 player advancing to the North American Championship.
LCQ Competitors in Round 1 and 2 who do not advance to Round 3 will automatically enroll in special Side Events!
Each Player entering a Last Chance Qualifier will receive a Dragon Fire Promo Card.
LCQ Competitors in Round 1 and 2 who do not advance to Round 3 will automatically enroll in special Side Events!
- Round 1 Participants Exiting (16 Players per LCQ) – Automatically Enrolled in Side Event 1
- Round 2 Participants Exiting (8 Players per LCQ) – Automatically Enrolled in Side Event 2
- Round 3 Participants (8 Players per LCQ) – Receive 3 Turbo Zone Vouchers
- Round 5 Champion – Qualifies for the Disney Lorcana North American Championship
Post-LCQ Side Event 1
Participants Exiting An LCQ After Round 1
This event begins at the start of the LCQ Round 2.
All participants who did not progress beyond Round 1 of the LCQ are automatically enrolled.
2 Rounds
Core Constructed
2-Game Matches
3 Booster Packs Per Game Win
Awarded with Set 6 Azurite Sea
Post-LCQ Side Event 2
Participants Exiting An LCQ After Round 2
This event begins at the start of the LCQ Round 3.
All participants who did not progress beyond Round 2 of the LCQ are automatically enrolled.
1 Round
Core Constructed
2-Game Matches
6 Booster Packs Per Game Win
Awarded with Set 6 Azurite Sea
Turbo Zone
Turbo Zone vouchers are your ticket to the weekend as an Attendee!
Redeem your voucher with a Turbo Zone judge and make your game choice.
How to Enter
Redeem your Turbo Zone Voucher in our Turbo Zone to be seated for a quick match.
Each event is played as 1 Round, Best of 3
Pack Rush – Receive 2 Boosters to play with
Core Constructed – Bring your Core Constructed legal deck
4-Player Multiplayer – Bring your Core Constructed legal deck
Participation per game
Non-Foil – Kuzco Temperamental Emperor
Non-Foil Baymax – Armored Companion
2 Booster Packs
Each match winner will receive 2 additional Booster Packs *(Multiplayer winners will receive 4 Booster Packs)
Decks to Expect in NA Championship and LCQ
Ruby Sapphire

1 A Pirate's Life
2 Be Prepared
4 Brawl
1 Develop Your Brain
3 Gramma Tala - Keeper of Ancient Stories
1 Great Stone Dragon
4 Hiram Flaversham - Toymaker
3 How Far I'll Go
2 Ice Block
1 Lucky Dime
2 Madame Medusa - The Boss
4 Maleficent - Monstrous Dragon
3 Maui - Half-Shark
2 Maui - Hero to All
4 Pawpsicle
4 Sail the Azurite Sea
2 Sisu - Daring Visitor
3 Sisu - Empowered Sibling
4 Tamatoa - So Shiny!
4 Tipo - Growing Son
4 Vision of the Future
2 Vitalisphere
Ruby Sapphire will be one of the most played decks in the LCQ and NA Championship, being a confident pick for many top players. This is a ramp deck that uses Tipo – Growing Son, Sail the Azurite Sea, and How Far I’ll Go to get more cards in your Inkwell and speed up your game plan.
This makes it easier for you to make more plays on future turns and play higher-cost Characters on earlier turns. Since we’re playing for the late game, we need a draw engine, and Hiram Flaversham – Toymaker is perfect for the job.
The list has control cards to keep opponents from taking over the game. Be Prepared, Brawl, Madame Medusa – The Boss, and Sisu – Empowered Sibling can help you keep opponents from winning the board and slowing them down until you get to win the game.
Lucky Dime + Tamatoa – So Shiny! is how you generate a lot of Lore, setting you up to win the game in one or two turns.
Amber Steel Steelsong

4 A Whole New World
3 And Then Along Came Zeus
4 Ariel - Spectacular Singer
4 Cinderella - Ballroom Sensation
2 Cinderella - Stouthearted
1 Grab Your Sword
4 Lawrence - Jealous Manservant
4 Let the Storm Rage On
4 Mr. Smee - Bumbling Mate
4 Pete - Games Referee
2 Piglet - Pooh Pirate Captain
3 Prince Naveen - Ukulele Player
4 Rapunzel - Gifted with Healing
4 Robin Hood - Beloved Outlaw
4 Robin Hood - Champion of Sherwood
4 Strength of a Raging Fire
3 Ursula - Vanessa
2 World's Greatest Criminal Mind
Amber Steel Steelsong remains a popular deck in the Set 6 meta, relying on singing Songs to generate value and win the mid-game.
Ursula – Vanessa, Ariel – Spectacular Singer, and Prince Naveen – Ukulele Player are great to use as Singers, allowing you to play Songs to control the board and Banish opponent’s Characters. The plan is to also play as many cards as possible and then Sing A Whole New World, replenishing your hand with more cards and potentially ruining your opponent’s hand.
You can shift Robin Hood – Champion of Sherwood and Cinderella – Stouthearted on their 1-cost versions, letting you get value from them on earlier turns. Cinderella – Stouthearted specifically can go for attacks whenever you play a Song, making it easier to banish your opponent’s Exerted Characters.
Ruby Amethyst

3 Be Prepared
2 Belle - Accomplished Mystic
4 Brawl
4 Chernabog's Followers - Creatures of Evil
4 Elsa - The Fifth Spirit
4 Flynn Rider - Frenemy
4 Friends On The Other Side
4 Genie - Wish Fulfilled
2 Lady Tremaine - Imperious Queen
4 Madam Mim - Fox
4 Madam Mim - Snake
2 Madame Medusa - The Boss
4 Magic Broom - Illuminary Keeper
3 Maui - Hero to All
4 Merlin - Goat
3 Merlin - Rabbit
4 Sisu - Emboldened Warrior
1 Sisu - Empowered Sibling
Ruby Amethyst saw a lot of success in big tournaments and its ability to adapt to different matchups makes it a solid consideration among players for these competitive tournaments.
This is a Bounce deck that uses Madam Mim – Fox and Madam Mim – Snake to return Characters like Merlin – Goat and Merlin – Rabbit and gain value out of them.
This list is heavy on control cards, having Be Prepared, Brawl, Lady Tremaine – Imperious Queen, Madame Medusa – The Boss, and Sisu – Empowered Sibling to Banish opponent’s Characters and weaken their board presence. This makes it harder for them to deal with your Exerted Characters and even match your Lore generation.
Emerald Amethyst

1 Banzai - Gluttonous Predator
1 Belle - Accomplished Mystic
4 Chernabog's Followers - Creatures of Evil
4 Cursed Merfolk - Ursula's Handiwork
4 Diablo - Obedient Raven
4 Elsa - The Fifth Spirit
4 Genie - Wish Fulfilled
4 Go Go Tomago - Darting Dynamo
4 Kit Cloudkicker - Tough Guy
4 Madam Mim - Fox
3 Madam Mim - Snake
3 Magic Broom - Illuminary Keeper
4 Merlin - Crab
4 Merlin - Goat
3 Merlin - Rabbit
1 Peter Pan - Shadow Finder
3 The White Rose - Jewel of the Garden
4 Ursula - Deceiver
1 Ursula - Sea Witch Queen
Emerald Amethyst has been crushing it in tournaments, the new Set 6 cards gave the deck valuable tools that synergize with its strategy. This list has Madam Mim – Fox, Madam Mim – Snake, and Kit Cloudkicker – Tough Guy to bounce cards. Kit Cloudkicker – Tough Guy can be used to return one of the opponent’s Characters back to their hand, putting them behind on the board.
This deck can play aggressively, generating a lot of Lore and forcing opponents to take a defensive play pattern, focusing on clearing your Characters to slow you down. Merlin – Goat, Go Go Tomago – Darting Dynamo, and The White Rose – Jewel of the Garden give you extra Lore, helping you get closer to the 20 Lore mark to win the game.
Emerald Steel

3 And Then Along Came Zeus
4 Beast - Tragic Hero
2 Chief Bogo - Respected Officer
4 Clarabelle - Clumsy Guest
4 Clarabelle - Light on Her Hooves
4 Diablo - Devoted Herald
4 Diablo - Maleficent's Spy
3 Go Go Tomago - Darting Dynamo
2 Grab Your Sword
2 Hidden Cove - Tranquil Haven
3 Let the Storm Rage On
4 Morph - Space Goo
3 Pete - Games Referee
3 Robin Hood - Champion of Sherwood
4 Strength of a Raging Fire
4 Tinker Bell - Giant Fairy
4 Ursula - Deceiver
3 You're Welcome
Emerald Steel lost a lot of popularity but remains a good deck for players to bring. Instead of mainly focusing on discarding the opponent’s hand, most Emerald Steel lists have evolved to add more draw options to win the late-game.
The list still has Ursula – Deceiver to discard a valuable Song from the opponent’s hand. Played early, Morph – Space Goo helps you shift Characters like Tinker Bell – Giant Fairy, Robin Hood – Champion of Sherwood, Beast – Tragic Hero, or Clarabelle – Light on Her Hooves on earlier turns, presenting a win condition for opponents to answer.
Clarabelle – Light on Her Hooves and Beast – Tragic Hero are key cards for extra draw value, ensuring you keep up with most decks you face and eventually outvalue them.
Amber Steel Dwarf’s Mine

4 Calhoun - Marine Sergeant
4 Cinderella - Ballroom Sensation
4 Daisy Duck - Donald's Date
4 Doc - Bold Knight
3 Happy - Lively Knight
2 Kida - Protector of Atlantis
4 Lawrence - Jealous Manservant
4 Let the Storm Rage On
4 Lilo - Escape Artist
4 Mr. Smee - Bumbling Mate
4 Pete - Games Referee
3 Piglet - Pooh Pirate Captain
4 Pluto - Guard Dog
4 Rapunzel - Gifted with Healing
4 Seven Dwarfs' Mine - Secure Fortress
4 Strength of a Raging Fire
Popularized by Brandon, Amber Steel Drawf’s Mine managed to perform in multiple tournaments, going far and even winning it all. This deck plays way more aggressively than Amber Steel Steelsong, focusing on playing low-cost Characters, generating Lore, and forcing the opposing players to slow down your pace.
You can go wide with this deck, developing multiple Characters in one turn and threatening a lot of Lore generation. Unlike other aggro decks, this one can slow down opponents on the board through damage cards. You have Let the Storm Rage On and Strength of a Raging Fire to Banish the opponent’s low Willpower Characters that could attack your rested Characters.
Seven Dwarf’s Mine is where things get messy for the opponent. You can develop Characters and start moving them to the Seven Dwarf’s Mine, which activates its effect, letting you deal 1 damage to one of the opponent’s Characters. However, if the Character moved is a Knight, you get to deal 2 damage, perfect for Banishing low-cost Characters. Doc – Bold Knight and Happy – Lively Knight are low-cost Characters to give that 2 damage.
Rapunzel – Gifted with Healing is great for extra draw value and synergizes with cards like Mr. Smee – Bumbling Mate, Lawrence – Jealous Manservant, and Pluto – Guard Dog.
Amethyst Steel

1 And Then Along Came Zeus
2 Belle - Accomplished Mystic
3 Calhoun - Marine Sergeant
3 Chernabog's Followers - Creatures of Evil
4 Diablo - Obedient Raven
4 Elsa - The Fifth Spirit
3 Fire The Cannons!
4 Friends On The Other Side
4 Genie - Wish Fulfilled
1 Grab Your Sword
1 Hades - Lord of the Dead
3 Lawrence - Jealous Manservant
3 Madam Mim - Fox
3 Magic Broom - Illuminary Keeper
2 Merlin - Crab
4 Merlin - Goat
4 Mr. Smee - Bumbling Mate
3 Pete - Games Referee
1 Peter Pan - Shadow Finder
2 Pluto - Guard Dog
2 Smash
3 The Library - A Gift for Belle
This list is heavy on the mid-game Characters, using Mr. Smee – Bumbling Mate, Calhoun – Marine Sergeant, and Lawrence – Jealous Manservant to present a threat on the board. Since we have multiple Characters opponents will need to Banish, The Library – A Gift for Belle makes sense in this list to draw you more cards as your Characters get banished.
Belle – Accomplished Mystic and Elsa – The Fifth Spirit are two Characters to help control the board. Belle – Accomplished Mystic can Quest for 2 Lore so opponents can’t leave her in play for too long.
1 copy of Hades – Lord of the Dead to generate extra Lore and potentially win you the game. As long as Hades – Lord of the Dead is in play, whenever any of your other Characters are banished, you gain 2 Lore.