Top 8 Decks From Lorcana Challenge Las Vegas Set 5 – Disney Lorcana

The first Lorcana Challenge for Set 5 took place in Birmingham, UK, and Las Vegas, US. As the pinnacle of Disney Lorcana’s competitive scene, these events draw players looking to compete with their best decks, pushing to go as far as possible to get their hands on the tournament rewards.

Players usually fight tooth and nail to reach the top 8, securing the golden Mickey Mouse. They can let out a sigh of relief, but things aren’t over just yet, three more wins and one of those top 8 players can cement their name as the winner of the Lorcana Challenge.

Lorcana Birmingham meta (1,904 Players):

Deck NameMeta PresenceDeck NameMeta Presence
Ruby Sapphire22% (416) Amber Emerald6% (107)
Amber Steel20% (374) Amber Amethyst5% (94)
Ruby Amethyst18% (346) Sapphire Steel3% (66)
Amethyst Emerald7% (138) Amethyst Steel3% (56)
Emerald Steel6% (108)Others10% (184)

First Place

Emerald Steel – Zan Syed

Emerald Steel surprises everyone at the Lorcana Challenge in Las Vegas, beating another Emerald Steel player in the finals to claim first place. After the Bucky Errata, the archetype dropped significantly in popularity, and many thought we’d seen the end of the Emerald Steel discard deck. However, Zan had other plans for this Lorcana Challenge, proving the deck is still strong in the Set 5 meta.

Emerald Steel is heavily focused on outvaluing opponents, using the discard package with cards like Ursula – Deceiver, Sudden Chill, and Lucifer – Cunning Cat to bleed opponents out of resources, forcing them to rely on their top decks. Additionally, the Emerald Steel deck relies on Diablo – Devoted Herald, Prince John – Greediest of All, and Beast – Tragic Hero to draw more cards, increasing the resource gap between players.

Once you’ve run your opponent out of resources, it can be difficult for them to keep up with your developments, especially with the multiple damage cards you have in your arsenal. Lyle Tiberius Rourke – Cunning Mercenary has been an interesting addition to the list, shutting opponent down from Questing with a specific Character and forcing it to Challenge, works great if you’re trying to slow down the opponent’s Lore generation or want to Banish a pesky Character.

Second Place Emerald Steel – Chris Louie “veryhungry”

Second place had another Emerald Steel player, proving that the archetype is still strong in Set 5 meta. It took players a couple of weeks to revamp the list after the Bucky errata, and after testing, they’ve landed on a list capable of beating the top meta decks like Ruby Sapphire and Amber Steel.

This list isn’t running The Muses – Proclaimers of Heroes like the other two lists, but has more copies of Anna – Diplomatic Queen and Tinker Bell – Giant Fairy.

Third Place

Ruby Amethyst – Christian Pelayo

Ruby Amethyst finished in 3rd place, the third most-represented deck in this tournament. This deck is one of the oldest decks in Lorcana and has proven to be a powerful contender Set after Set.

It uses the bounce mechanic to gain more value from cards Merlin – Crab, Merlin – Goat, and Merlin – Rabbit and has the control power to keep your opponent from taking over the board. Cards like Be Prepared, Madame Medusa – The Boss, and Lady Tremaine – Imperious Queen can banish Characters and weaken the opponent’s presence.

Be Prepared is an extremely strong play that forces the other player to hold off from fully committing to the board to avoid losing all their resources. It’s also great when combined with The Queen’s Castle – Mirror Chamber, leaving a Location in play to generate Lore with no opposing Characters to Challenge.

Fourth Place

Emerald Steel – Taylor Bjelka “TayB4”

Emerald Steel was on a roll in Las Vegas, with three players making it into the top 4! This deck is crushing it and will likely see more play in the upcoming tournaments after a great showing.

Top 8

5th Place Sapphire Steel – Jonathan Lam “LamChopss”

Sapphire Steel had one of the lowest meta representations in this Lorcana Challenge, but still, we saw one player manage to make it into 5th place!

This is a ramp deck that heavily relies on A Whole New World to replenish its hand after it uses Fishbone Quill to ramp up. The list is heavy on the board control cards, using Ba-Boom!, Fire The Cannons!, Grab Your Sword, and Let It Go to make sure opponents don’t take over the game.

Interestingly. the list is running cards we don’t see much of in Set 5 like Arges – The Cyclops, Ariel – Treasure Collector, and Chien-Po – Imperial Soldier.

Similar to the Ruby Sapphire deck, Sapphire Steel uses Lucky Dime as a Lore generation win con, comboing it with cards like Tamatoa – So Shiny! or Ariel – Treasure Collector.

6th Place Amber Emerald – Kevin Anctil

Amber Emerald is a different version of a discard deck, focusing way more on board control than the Emerald Steel version. This deck uses Sudden Chill, The Bare Necessities, and Ursula – Deceiver to bleed opponents out of resources.

The strategy also involves banishing opponents’ Characters with cards like The Muses – Proclaimers of Heroes and Under the Sea slows their Lore generation and weakens their board presence. Combined with the discard mechanic, it can be difficult for them to make a come back on the board and keep up with the Amber Emerald player.

7th Place Ruby Sapphire – Jonathan Williams

Ruby Sapphire has the highest representation in the meta, and we’ve expected it to perform in the tournament seeing its outstanding results in community tournaments, however, this was the only list that managed to make it into the top 8.

This is a ramp deck that uses cards like One Jump Ahead, Tipo – Growing Son, and Fishbone Quill to gain more Ink, accelerating its game plan and allowing it to make bigger plays on upcoming turns.

Ruby is known for its removal capabilities, having cards like Be Prepared, Brawl, Sisu – Empowered Sibling, and Maleficent – Monstrous Dragon to show its dominance over the board, banishing win conditions the opponent is relying on to win the game. As you banish the opposing player’s Characters, you’re slowing down their Lore generation and prolonging the game until your win conditions are online.

The main game finisher this deck is looking to set up is the Lucky Dime item, allowing you to choose one of your Characters in play and gain its Lore, quickly accelerating your win condition. You’ll want to use it with Characters who have the highest Lore, so Tamatoa – So Shiny! works best with Lucky Dime.

8th Place Amethyst Emerald- Ryаn Low

Emerald Amethyst was the 4th most brought deck to this tournament and has been showing results in community tournaments.

This deck combines the bounce and discard mechanics as part of its game plan. Madam Mim – Fox and Madam Mim – Snake can return Characters like Merlin – Goat and Merlin – Rabbit to activate their abilities. You’re not tied to those two Characters, but can also return Ursula – Deceiver for another discard activation. Kit Cloudkicker – Tough Guy can return one of the opponent’s Characters, slowing down their Lore generation.

Ursula – Sea Witch Queen can be a game changer, preventing opponents from singing Songs, which proves useful against the popular Amber Steel deck.

To check out all the decks from Las Vegas, you can find them on Ink Decks.