Green Jinbe OP11 Deck Guide – One Piece Card Game

Green Jinbe is rallying the fishmen pirates, planning to take on the top decks in OP11 meta! This deck uses the fishmen's ability to rest Characters to keep opposing players from taking over the field. You fishmen can defy the rules of the game, attacking your opponent's Characters on the turn they're played and expending their Counter resources.

Green Jinbe is rallying the fishmen pirates, planning to take on the top decks in OP11 meta! This deck uses the fishmen’s ability to rest Characters to keep opposing players from taking over the field. You fishmen can defy the rules of the game, attacking your opponent’s Characters on the turn they’re played and expending their Counter resources.

This Fishmen type deck can be tricky to get the hang of, as often you’ll need to have 6 or less cards in your hand and most of your attacks will focus on controlling the field. However, you’ll come to a stage in the game where shifting your strategy to an aggressive one, focused on the opponent’s Leader will be the best option, setting you up to win the game on the upcoming turns.



Green Jinbe is a 5 Life card Leader, with an effect that keeps one of your Characters safe from attackers. At the end of your turn, you can set one of your {Fish-Man} or {Merfolk} type Characters and up to 1 of your rested Don as Active, preventing the opposing player from attacking that Character and giving you an Active Don to play a Counter event.

This will force the opposing player to focus your attacks on your Leader, and since we’re a 5 Life card Leader, we’re not too worried about getting aggroed down. Additionally, if your opponent wants to remove a Character, they’ll have to rely on effects to KO your attackers, which can put them in a tough spot depending on the deck you’re up against.

Green Jinbe Decklist

Cards: 51

How to Play

Early Searcher


Camie looks at the top 4 cards in your deck and lets you add 1 {Fish-Man} or {Merfolk} type card to your hand. This lets you plan your upcoming turns and find the cards you need to ensure a mid-game and keep pressuring your opponents with your Fish-Man type Characters.

Mid-game Resting


The Green Jinbe deck has two Fisher Tiger Characters that can rest a Character to help remove a key Character on the other side of the field.

The 5-cost Fisher Tiger is the stronger version in the early game, resting an opponent’s Character with a cost of 6 or less, making it vulnerable to your attacks. The 5-cost Fisher Tiger can attack a Character on the turn he’s played, so you can target the Character you just rested, trying to KO it with Fisher Tiger and your Leader’s attack.

As for the 6-cost Fisher Tiger, he can rest 1 of the opponent’s Character through its On Play effect, you can then attack it with your Leader or any of your other Characters to try and remove it. If your opponent tries to KO 6-cost Fisher Tiger through an effect, you may rest a Don to play a 4-cost 1 {Fish-Man} or {Merfolk} type Character, such as 4-cost Arlong.


6-cost Jinbe is your strongest play in the mid-game, resting a 5-cost Character on the turn he’s played. Jinbe can then activate his effect to allow 1 of your {Fish-Man} or {Merfolk} type Characters to attack Characters on the turn in which it is played. This effect can be used on 6-cost Jinbe himself, putting the 8,000 Power to use immediately, making sure you can KO the 5-cost Character you just rested.

If 6-cost Jinbe sticks in play for future turns, you can continue to activate his effect to give other Characters you play the ability to attack, perfect for Characters like 4-cost Arlong, 6-cost Fisher Tiger, 6-cost Arlong.

KO Control


Vander Decken IX can KO a rested Character regardless of its cost, however, you have to trash 1 {Fish-Man} type card from your hand to activate its effect. We’ll usually play Vander Decken IX to KO high power Characters that we can’t afford to waste our attacks trying to remove it. If the Character we want to KO is Active, we can use Characters with a rest effect like a 6-cost Fisher Tiger to set up the Vander Decken IX play.

Arlong Multiple Developments

The 7-cost Arlong wants your Leader to fall to 3 Life cards, then, if your opponent has 5 or more rested cards on their field, Arlong becomes a 4-cost Character. Playing a 7,000 Power Character for 4 Don can create an opportunity for added aggression on the later turns, and if we have 6-cost Jinbe in play, we can attack with Arlong immediately.

Being a 4-cost Character means we want to develop two Characters in one turn. We’ll likely be at 10 Don when going for the 7-cost Arlong play, so we can play a second Character alongside him, like 6-cost Jinbe or Fisher Tiger.

Rush Jones


7-cost Hody Jones is the strongest play in this deck if you’re going for an aggressive turn. He can rest two of your opponent’s Characters and uses Rush to go for an attack on the turn he’s played. Depending on the game, you’ll decide whether you prefer attacking the opponent’s Leader and rushing them down or focusing your attacks on the rested Characters to control the field. If you’re at 9 Don, you can play Vander Decken IX as a follow up play to KO a rested Character.

Alternatively, Hody Jones can rest one of the opponent’s Don instead of 2 Characters, which can be beneficial against decks like Green Bonney or Blue Nami that rely on Don during defensive turns.

Late-Game Control


9-cost Shanks is a strong option in the late game, joining the battle and KOing a rested Character. This finds most use against high-power rested Characters that you can’t afford to use your resources to KO it through sheer attacks.

The 11,000 Power can be tough to KO through attacks, so your opponents will likely ignore him or resort to one of their removal effects.

Slow Down Your Opponent


3-cost Arlong gives 1 rested Don to your Leader to add more power to your attack, but its main role is to prevent 5-cost or less Character from becoming rested unless the end of the opponent’s upcoming turn. This effect prevents your opponent from using the targeted Character as a blocker or an attack, rendering it useless until the end of their turn.

As for 4-cost Arlong, he trashes a card from your hand to activate his effect, preventing your opponent’s rested Leader from attacking on the upcoming turn, saving you from dealing with an attack and it can potentially shut down your opponent’s Leader effect if it relies on their Leader attacking (for example, Blue Doflamingo).

The 3-cost and 4-cost Arlongs could save you from losing the game by shutting down one attacker, giving you the extra turn you need for the finishing attack.

+2,000 Counters


{Fish-Man} type Characters that will mainly be used for their +2,000 Counter effects, you might want to play Jinbe at times to develop a 5,000 Power Character that can rest a 1 cost or less Character.



Gum-Gum Elephant Gatling can be played during your turn to rest a 5-cost or less Character, great if you aim to attack that Character and KO it or remove a blocker from the equation. Gum-Gum Elephant Gatling also synergizes with 2-cost Vander Decken IX or 9-cost Shanks.

You can also play Gum-Gum Elephant Gatling during your opponent’s turn as a Counter event, giving your leader +3,000 Power to block an attack.

Vagabond Drill gives to 1 of your {Fish-Man} or {Merfolk} type Leader or Character cards gains +3000 power during this battle. Then, rest up to 1 of your opponent’s Characters with a cost of 3 or less. The resting effect won’t be of use in most cases, but it has a trigger effect to rest a 4-cost or less Character, potentially halting a Character from attacking you.


  • Camie as an early searcher to find the cards you need.
  • 5-cost Fisher Tiger if you’re going first. But if you’re going second, you want your 6-cost Characters, Jinbe or Figher Tiger.

Turn-Based Gameplay

Going First

  • Turn 1 (1 Don): Camie.
  • Turn 2 (3 Don): Camie.
  • Turn 3 (5 Don): 5-cost Fisher Tiger.
  • Turn 4 (7 Don): 7-cost Hody Jones, 6-cost Jinbe, or 6-cost Fisher Tiger.
  • Turn 5 (9 Don): 9-cost Shanks or develop other Characters + KO with Vander Decken IX. If you’re at 3 Life cards, you can play 7-cost Arlong.
  • Turn 6 (10 Don): 9-cost Shanks or develop other Characters + KO with Vander Decken IX. If you’re at 3 Life cards, you can play 7-cost Arlong.

Going Second

  • Turn 1 (2 Don): Camie.
  • Turn 2 (4 Don): 4-cost Arlong without the effect if it’s not worth it.
  • Turn 3 (6 Don): 6-cost Jinbe or Fisher Tiger.
  • Turn 4 (8 Don): 7-cost Hody Jones, 6-cost Jinbe, or 6-cost Fisher Tiger.
  • Turn 5 (10 Don): 9-cost Shanks or develop other Characters + KO with Vander Decken IX. If you’re at 3 Life cards, you can play 7-cost Arlong.

Other Cards to Include

  • 9-cost Roronoa Zoro can single-handedly win you games. You want to develop him on the field as early as possible and force the opposing player to remove him, if he sticks in play, you’re lining up a 3 attack turn with Roronoa Zoro to help win you the game.
  • Eustass”Captain”Kid and Donquixote Rosinante enable the Fortress Strategy, creating a wall that forces your opponent to expend their resources to break through it.